Did Stevie Clark learn anything???

Stevie is a flake. There is no evidence to the contrary. Evidence continues to mount affirming that Stevie is a flake. Indian Hills JC won't fix that.
If Clark takes care of business and plays well at Indian Hills that's a more impressive feat and better resume than graduating from Lucas' camp.

That's a big IF, Boca. If you read the article you'll know what I mean. Add that to the numerous chances he had at OSU and the outlook is not promising.

I truly hope Stevie gets his act together before it's too late. Problem is, his track record the past year plus seems to suggest that he's bound and determined to blow every opportunity he has to make something of himself. His basketball career may be short. His life is not, or at least I hope that's the case.
Smart move. He gets to go into a top juco program & show his game immediately with highly regarded talent.

It's a better path than John Lucas basketball "labs" which gets a lot of PR but what player has come out of there to do great things? Lucas is more hype than real.

Apparently you are missing the primary focus of Lucas' camp,it isn't to groom players for the next level basketball wise,it is to help TROUBLED players learn to mature and deal with their addictions and other issues so they CAN take advantage of second or third chances without crashing and burning. I would say Clarke is clearly set on the crash and burn path.He,like you ,missed the point.
People with substance issues need to grow out of it. Going to some rehab or boot camp rarely works. They will straighten up when they want to. A change of scenery is likely the best prescription for Clark. Getting away from his dopey friends in OK. He was just as likely to meet more bad apples at Lucas camp as he was to buy in.

Indian Hills is in nowhere Iowa. The people he will be surrounded with will all have the same goal of getting a D1 scholarship. It's a smarter move.
Agreed. People get better when they want to and they make a commitment. It may be next year and it may be never.
Nino Jackson is at indian hills too.

Wow, I guess he can't keep his act together, either. I heard talk that down in Ardmore, he'd skip practice just because he felt like it, among other things, and he finally became academically ineligible just before the state tourney when he was a junior. That killed AHS' chances to do anything in 5A.
People with substance issues need to grow out of it. Going to some rehab or boot camp rarely works. They will straighten up when they want to. A change of scenery is likely the best prescription for Clark. Getting away from his dopey friends in OK. He was just as likely to meet more bad apples at Lucas camp as he was to buy in.

Indian Hills is in nowhere Iowa. The people he will be surrounded with will all have the same goal of getting a D1 scholarship. It's a smarter move.

Good point about getting away from his friends and the environment that got him started down the wrong path in the first place. That works more often than not, but only if he wants to make a change for the better. We'll know in time if Indian Hills was indeed the right move for him.
Hard to fix "stupid". Good luck Stevie you will need it.
Good point about getting away from his friends and the environment that got him started down the wrong path in the first place. That works more often than not, but only if he wants to make a change for the better. We'll know in time if Indian Hills was indeed the right move for him.
Yes. The real question is whether the problem is him, or if the problem is his crew. Everyone thought it would be good for Prentiss Elloitt to move to Stillwater to get away from his friends. As it turns out Elliott was the worst element of the crew. If you know any Tulsa PD officers you know that Elliott wasn't just some kid that got in with the wrong crowd. He was the alpha male gangster and brought his havoc with him. We'll see if Clark is just some impressionable kid who got in with the wrong crew, or if he is the rotten apple that seeks out that type of crew in the first place.
All of us that knew Elliot knew that OSU wasn't far away enough. His boys could drive to Stillwater.

His father figure, not his father, tried to get him to go to Tennessee for that reason. PE was the leader of his crew, that was well known in Tulsa. As Cobra pointed out, PE was well known with TPD and was a main suspect in several serious crimes. I have known PE since he was in elementary school and playing in AAU tournaments. He was a nice kid but I think he at times suffers from bi polar issues. He can switch him mental state with the flip of a switch. I saw it too many times.

Hopefully Clark isn't the same.
Stevie Clark has left Indian Hills to pursue other opportunities...

Leaving a school that could make him look like an all American loaded with D1 talent
Stevie Clark has left Indian Hills to pursue other opportunities...

Leaving a school that could make him look like an all American loaded with D1 talent

What a surprise?? hehehe
What a surprise?? hehehe

Only an absolute joke of a coach would have given a kid like him a scholarship. A coach with intelligence, integrity, and a real plan would have backed off at the first sign of trouble. Wait...

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Only an absolute joke of a coach would have given a kid like him a scholarship. A coach with intelligence, integrity, and a real plan would have backed off at the first sign of trouble. Wait...

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juco man. It's a different world
This is unfortunate for Stevie Clark. He seems to be too immature to take advantage of his gift.
Did he learn anything? He may be ineducable.
Learning is foreign to a kid like Stevie. He thinks he knows it all. Don't know when, but I bet he will be playing ball in prison at some point in his life??