Does Capel have what it takes to coach this team?


Nov 3, 2009
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First, I love what Coach Capel has done, but there are some things needing to be addressed.

Character? I realize you can't watch guys all the time, but you are responsible for recruiting these guys and it's not like football where there are 90 guys who could get in trouble. Essentially you are talking about a dozen guys. We've had WWIII troubles, Fitz and Pledger stealing, Gallon suspended, TMG late from Thanksgiving and who knows what else. This doesn't sound like a well managed team to me. Blame the players or the coach - I am not sure, but this coach choose these players - except Crocker - so some of the blame should fall on Capel.

- I hate the offense. Very few sets, too many 3's, too many one-on-one attempts. No fast breaks, even with a four-guard lineup. No consistent approach.

Defense - it's a mystery to these guys. Do they not want to play it? Are they not being coached? Is it an effort issue? I'd say all of the above.

Frankly, I believe Coach Capel is over his head with this team at this stage in his career. I think he is learning as much as some of the players.

He is the right man for the job - I believe, but he needs to recruit character as much as talent. Maybe this season will help him learn.

All that said, I'll be routing as hard as anyone in about 20 minutes.
He did last year. Next year will be the key to answering a lot of your questions in my opinion.
No. Also, you might want to wait until after today's game before you start lining up candidates to be our next coach.
He did last year. Next year will be the key to answering a lot of your questions in my opinion.

I agree that next season will provide the answers to that question.

But I'm beginning to wonder how much of last year's success was due to having a great player like Blake and a couple of solid as a rock seniors in Taylor and AJ around? It seems clear now that those three guys were the glue that held the team together. I guess the lesson here is never underestimate the value of upperclassmen leadership.
I agree that next season will provide the answers to that question.

But I'm beginning to wonder how much of last year's success was due to having a great player like Blake and a couple of solid as a rock seniors in Taylor and AJ around? It seems clear now that those three guys were the glue that held the team together. I guess the lesson here is never underestimate the value of upperclassmen leadership.

Other teams don't seem to be dependent on seniors
I don't think anyone is capable of coaching the team we have right now. Hopefully, next year will be better.
He did last year. Next year will be the key to answering a lot of your questions in my opinion.

Even before next season starts, he has to land that 7 foot african dude, and really needs to land T. Jones, too.

He has to recruit.

He does not seem to be nearly as good at the rest of it as we hoped.
He did last year. Next year will be the key to answering a lot of your questions in my opinion.

Agreed. John Wooden couldn't have coached this team much better under the circumstances that have occurred over the duration of the season.
This is the worst defensive team I've seen in almost 30 years. Atrocious.
There's just not a bunch of division 1 talent on this roster. Evidently Capel has done a bad job of recruiting. TMG, Crocker, Warren, and maybe Cade are really good the rest are either too young or just not good enough to play at this level.
its easy to coach a team with Blake Griffin on it
I think he's still learning how to coach.
I don't think anyone is capable of coaching the team we have right now. Hopefully, next year will be better.

How did we get to this point, though? Isn't Coach Capel responsible for the talent we have on hand and the behavior, attitudes, and work ethic of the young players he brought in (and the lack of depth that allows them to keep getting significant playing time, no matter how much they fall short, on the court and off)?

Sorry, but I believe that plenty of coaches would have done a better job with this bunch than Coach Capel has done. It pains me to say it, but I believe it to be true.
Sooner23, I should have said he never had this team. I have been really critical of this team and am just frustrated. Ill attend the rest of the home games and support the players but this has been the longest season ever. I am not giving up on Jeff but hope he finds more players like TMG who really care about winning and losing.
I agree with Skyvue, this team has talent. This team has more talent on that several of Sampson's teams.
This team is out of control and that has to go on the head coach.
How did we get to this point, though? Isn't Coach Capel responsible for the talent we have on hand and the behavior, attitudes, and work ethic of the young players he brought in (and the lack of depth that allows them to keep getting significant playing time, no matter how much they fall short, on the court and off)?

Sorry, but I believe that plenty of coaches would have done a better job with this bunch than Coach Capel has done. It pains me to say it, but I believe it to be true.

Fact is Capel did a bad job of putting together a team. This is the first year we basically have no Kelvin Sampson guys at all unless you could Tony Crocker and it's a horrible roster. It's not a team.