Dr. Ben Carson


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2008
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Is it better to have a Carson/Trump ticket or a Trump/Carson ticket?
Okay, I'll bite.

My preference would be a Carson/Trump ticket, but that is not going to happen. "The Donald" would never play second fiddle to anyone.
My gut tells me Carson is a flavor of the month that eventually fades. He's super smart and articulate and the people supporting him are doing so for good reason. He's a stud.

The Donald won't go away because let's face it, the guy is the most charismatic and best salesman. He also has the most energy. He is relentless. A ball of fire 24/7.

But my gut also tells me that the establishment support is going to solidify behind Rubio and when push comes to shove he beats Trump.

We shall see. At this point no matter what happens Trump has done the country a great service by exposing the Bush clan for what they really are, low intelligence puppets. Especially the republican party. If the GOP ever wants to move forward they have to admit their failings, all of which the Bush family represent.
We shall see. At this point no matter what happens Trump has done the country a great service by exposing the Bush clan for what they really are, low intelligence puppets. .

this might be my favorite post of yours of all time.

Trump supporters are more white trash than bush supporters. this is hilarious
you know what trump thinks of obama too right?
The polls show consistently that Trump is pulling from all income, education and political demographics. He's a moderate by all measures.

Sure he throws a few barbs at Obama because he's running on the GOP ticket, but not 10% as many as he throws at the Bushes who have been complete failures. Trump is going to pull a decent amount of Obama supporters because we all know he is just playing politics. Obama record is what it is. Massive success.

Back to Carson I could see myself supporting him. For him to come from where he did and reach the pinnacle of his profession, that takes a special person. Similar to Obama.

And don't give me this nonsense that he doesn't understand policy. The dude is a world class brain surgeon, this political stuff is nothing to a man of his intelligence.
Boca supporting trump is just pure gold. pure. MArk my words, if he ends up staying in this race for the long run, Boca will hate him by the time the election comes around.
We shall see. At this point no matter what happens Trump has done the country a great service by exposing the Bush clan for what they really are, low intelligence puppets. Especially the republican party. If the GOP ever wants to move forward they have to admit their failings, all of which the Bush family represent.

this might be my favorite post of yours of all time.

Trump supporters are more white trash than bush supporters. this is hilarious
you know what trump thinks of obama too right?

You guys would do well to stop using insulting remarks like "low intelligence puppets" and "white trash" to describe someone, even as a group. Those days are over on this board!

OUHoops.com has always been an example of the way a family-oriented fan board should be. That has not changed. We just lost our way for a brief period by allowing "smack talk" to get out of control on this forum. You're perfectly capable of making your point without insulting anyone. I'm doing it, so what makes you think you're above doing the same thing?

You were given plenty of opportunities to play nice over here with a little more leeway to "talk smack," and you couldn't handle it. So, the rules that apply to the main board are the same over here now. I have no intentions of repeating that message again. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
My white trash comment was tongue in cheek....as in that is what Boca calls bush supporters. I happen to be one of those white trash people so it wasn't meant to be an insult. my apologies.
Ada. Are we allowed to directly quote Trump when he calls Jeb a low intelligence puppet? lol He says something along those lines 4 times a day.

Bounce I will have no reason to hate Trump. He's a very successful strong leader with unparalleled energy. I completely disagree with some of his policy positions but trust if he got in office he would do what's right, not what he said to get elected.
My white trash comment was tongue in cheek....as in that is what Boca calls bush supporters. I happen to be one of those white trash people so it wasn't meant to be an insult. my apologies.

No worries, Bounce. I'm just letting you guys know that it's time to stop making posts that others may see as an insult.
Ada. Are we allowed to directly quote Trump when he calls Jeb a low intelligence puppet? lol He says something along those lines 4 times a day.

Bounce I will have no reason to hate Trump. He's a very successful strong leader with unparalleled energy. I completely disagree with some of his policy positions but trust if he got in office he would do what's right, not what he said to get elected.

Boca. if you're quoting someone else, post a link to show that you're not the one who said it. The problem I had with your post is that you called the Bush family "low intelligence puppets," and followed that immediately with a reference to the Republican Party, to imply that anyone who is a member of the GOP is a low intelligence puppet. Here's the quote:

exposing the Bush clan for what they really are, low intelligence puppets. Especially the republican party. If the GOP ever wants to move forward they have to admit their failings, all of which the Bush family represent.

That may not be what you meant, but that's certainly how it came across to me. And, for the record, I'm a lifelong Democrat who is just as unhappy with what my own party has become as you seem to be with the Republicans.

Did that answer your question?
The recent batch of polls show Trump maintaining his lead in both state and national polls with Dr. Carson jumping into a strong second place position. The two of them are now combining for around 60%. I never agreed the Repiblican field was strong. Jeb, Christie, Walker, Jindal, Perry are terrible candidates.

Trump and Carson are both extraordinarily talented. What's interesting is how they compliment each other. They have completely different styles but both have an earned confidence about them.

Interesting to watch.
The recent batch of polls show Trump maintaining his lead in both state and national polls with Dr. Carson jumping into a strong second place position. The two of them are now combining for around 60%. I never agreed the Repiblican field was strong. Jeb, Christie, Walker, Jindal, Perry are terrible candidates.

Trump and Carson are both extraordinarily talented. What's interesting is how they compliment each other. They have completely different styles but both have an earned confidence about them.

Interesting to watch.

Well, what do you know! We're on the same page for a change. ;)

Walker was the only exception on your terrible candidate list I might not have agreed with early on. That's not the case now. I'm disappointed that he did not come across as a strong candidate in the debate, nor as a governor now that Wisconsin's economic woes have come to light.

I could easily get my head around a Trump/Carson ticket. As you said, they compliment each other well. The only questions I have is can Trump humble himself enough to take the advice of a brilliant guy like Carson, and can a low key guy like Carson find a way to get along with an ego-maniac like Trump?

Interesting indeed!
Trump is more humble than he lets on. When asked how he is going to accomplish his agenda he bluntly states "I'm going to hire great people".

The political charade has been you need to be a walking encyclopedia to be qualified. When the truth is a good manager and a good leader will know what he knows and what he doesn't and surround himself with the best and brightest to fill the gaps.
Trump is more humble than he lets on. When asked how he is going to accomplish his agenda he bluntly states "I'm going to hire great people".

The political charade has been you need to be a walking encyclopedia to be qualified. When the truth is a good manager and a good leader will know what he knows and what he doesn't and surround himself with the best and brightest to fill the gaps.

I don't subscribe to the theory that the ability to quote impressive stats and repeat political talking points is a prerequisite for running for president. Trump's business acumen alone makes him far more qualified than the majority of candidates in the 2016 race. If someone doesn't step up and run this country like a business, we may never get out of the hole we're in financially.
We're out of the woods financially. Obama and crew entered the treacherous waters and wreckage left by W/Cheney and got the country off life support. We're out of the ER and in stable condition.

But the US can't be satisfied with stable condition. We need the next leg of growth. We need a cheerleader and a person to toss the keys and say "build baby build". Time for huge infrastructure investments and crank this baby up.

I think Trump is the guy to toss the keys to. Just imagine when Trump starts talking up the USA the way he talks up himself. People are going to get a huge boner. lol
We're out of the woods financially. Obama and crew entered the treacherous waters and wreckage left by W/Cheney and got the country off life support. We're out of the ER and in stable condition.

But the US can't be satisfied with stable condition. We need the next leg of growth. We need a cheerleader and a person to toss the keys and say "build baby build". Time for huge infrastructure investments and crank this baby up.

I think Trump is the guy to toss the keys to. Just imagine when Trump starts talking up the USA the way he talks up himself. People are going to get a huge boner. lol

I don't call $18 trillion in debt and still climbing, "out of the woods." :)

Your idea of a nearly clean slate is not even close to how I see it. So, let's be happy we're on the same page with a Trump/Carson ticket and agree to disagree about the economy and the country's financial condition.

As for Trump being a guy who can promote the U.S. and get things done with his enthusiasm and his gift of gab. Count me in! That's one of the things I like about him.
I find it interesting that the budget has only been significant to the party not in power. A balanced budget seems to elude any party while it is achieving its goals, and it doesn't mean that we should stop spending, just that we should stop spending on the other party's agenda. I think at least a few people are figuring that out. We just had a balanced budget President put an entire war on the debtor list. Meanwhile, China isn't going to be asking us to pay anything back. Their growth is dependent upon our purchasing. They'll eat the debt themselves before they let it affect their market, without which they are nothing.

Want to balance the budget? Make the companies that left the US pay import taxes to get their products back in the US---or ban them.

Carson and Trump are such lightweights that they don't merit discussion. A lot of people are angry right now, primarily because the news media from all sides is talking about what's wrong and scandals. That's where the money is, controversy. We would be OK if it weren't for--------------blame it and name it. It is somewhat interesting that some of the original tea party, the ones that began before Armey took it over, are beginning to talk to Elizabeth Warren and Sanders. Their original objection was about Wall Street before the movement was highjacked from them. But, the country is simply dancing with the loudest voice, not the most productive. I have yet to see one poll that says that Trump or Carson could win a general election, even a Republican poll. I think that they are lightning rods for the anger. In some respects, Sanders is a lightning rod for dissatisfied progressives. But, none will be President. I suspect that it will be Hillary. I would probably fear Kasich most as an opponent. I think everyone else has too much baggage. You tube can make for interesting campaigns.
You know who the real lightweights are? People who make the ridiculous argument that Trump's support is from angry old white people when the polls all clearly show he leads in every single ideological, education, & income demographic.

You're not paying very close attention because here's the latest poll that shows him leading Hillary 44-40. link

And LOL @ Kasich. The biggest nothingburger ever. He's polling at around 2-3% and for good reason.
Ada, the $18 trillion number is the sum total of all treasury notes including $6 trillion of intergovernmental transfers.

The numbers that matter pertaining to the finances of the country are the current deficit in relation to GDP and the interest on the debt. Our financial system is designed to run a 3% of GDP deficit under normal unemployment. We are currently below running below that level and unemployment is below the 50 year average. Interest on the debt is actually lower now than before the financial crisis because interest rates are over 50% lower.

Obama has the fiscal house in order. He fixed the disaster he inherited from W. All of the additional debt issued was due to insufficient tax rates put in place by W, a war initiated by W that was unpaid for and an unemployment rate that soared to 10%. All of those structural items have been fixed by Obama. Guy has done a great job.

On to the next chapter.