All those great picks and still 0 championships and only 1 finals appearance. So, maybe he sucks at hiring a coach and developing said talent?
However, I would like to know who the 3 hall of famer's are he's drafted? I suspect you mean Westbrook and maybe Harden but who is the 3rd? If Westbrook played 25 years ago, he would never be in a hall of fame type discussion. His shooting is so poor, he is the worst shooter in the league for as many shots as he attempts.
Or, maybe you are talking about some guys he drafted with SA? Duncan and who else?
Wow, someone that actually wants to realistically think KD's decision was about the game of basketball with Westbrook vs the game of basketball with Curry. KD chose Curry over Westbrook, not Oakland over OKC. Fools be fooled with their talk about cities. :facepalm
Westbrook and KD aren't a championship tandem and that was proven for 8 years.
If Curry was traded to OKC along with Green and Thompson, KD would still be in OKC.
Enough of this. No one on this board deserves to be insulted to the level of comparing them to Syb. That clown is in a league of his own.
I tend to think you are on the right track to some extent. I think Nike forced his hand because his shoes in the OKC market were a huge flop. I would expect the shoe sales to prosper better in a much bigger market on the left coast. This isn't to say Nike forced him to make the decision but I think they leaned heavily on him to leave OKC. If you look at the markets he entertained, they were all big market except San Antonio which is right in the middle of a huge population center.
I don't think the politics or poor education was necessarily a factor but maybe KD is gay and was having a hard time fitting into OKC, which is not an easy place to live for a gay person. Most pro athletes have women hanging on each arm, but not him as its just he and his mother. I have no problem with him being gay if he is gay, so please don't take this wrong. I'm just pointing out something I've wondered about for a few years now.![]()
Do you actually think his economic opportunities in Cali are limited by the state's budget? By that same token do you think Oklahoma offers anything close to the myriad of things that will be available to him on the left coast from a social as well as economic standpoint?
come on guys. stop being so blind. if you think the close-minded social climate of Oklahoma had nothing to do with this then you're absolutely hiding your heads in the sand and, frankly, you're contributing to the problem.
Really? We are supposed to pay attention to the "but" in this quote ...
""California's economy is on fire, but ..."
Yet NOT pay any attention to this one ...
"The primary mandate I had for myself in making this decision was to have it based on the potential for my growth as a player — as that has always steered me in the right direction. But ..."
I guess it's consistent with all your other views. You just pick and choose what suits you.
You guys crack me up. As I said ... DENIAL. So much denial that people have even PM'd me saying thank you for speaking up when they didnt feel comfortable enough to. As I said - your demeanor is all part of the problem. When Russel takes off just as quickly you will all be left with your jaws open.
• Oakland. Plagued by high crime and lower revenue, this city on the east side of San Francisco Bay has cut police and other services while struggling to stay solvent. It has endured budget shortfalls of $318 million over the past six years and since 2008 has eliminated 16% of its workforce, or 720 jobs, while reducing pay and giving workers unpaid furloughs. Even with a recovering economy, the city is facing a $19 million shortfall in the coming year and projects a deficit of $35 million or more in 2015 as financial concessions made by public-employee unions expire and pension and retiree health benefits climb. The city has reduced its police force by 25% since 2009, to 626 officers, and the California Highway Patrol is helping police the city.
I have never been to Oakland, nor do I plan to visit anytime soon. But, if the reports below are an indication of what one might expect, I definitely would not want to live there.
Unfunded pension liabilities that were 203.3 of Oakland's total revenue as of
February, 2015 seems to suggest that the hole is getting deeper. Maybe someone in the know can enlighten me on how this city is thought to be "financially sound." :facepalm
I don't know what is going on in this thread. How are people actually discussing if Kevin Durant is secretly gay?
I don't know what is going on in this thread. How are people actually discussing if Kevin Durant is secretly gay?
I don't know what is going on in this thread. How are people actually discussing if Kevin Durant is secretly gay?
All it takes is 1 idiotic theory to run away with a thread.
actually it's called "obfuscation"
and WHAT is the deal about Oakland? Do you guys not understand that he wont be living there? Do you think the San Jose sharks all live in San Jose? The Niners all live in San Francisco?
Just because I was stationed at Alameda doesn't mean I lived there. I lived at TI and Walnut Creek.
All those great picks and still 0 championships and only 1 finals appearance. So, maybe he sucks at hiring a coach and developing said talent?
However, I would like to know who the 3 hall of famer's are he's drafted? I suspect you mean Westbrook and maybe Harden but who is the 3rd? If Westbrook played 25 years ago, he would never be in a hall of fame type discussion. His shooting is so poor, he is the worst shooter in the league for as many shots as he attempts.
Or, maybe you are talking about some guys he drafted with SA? Duncan and who else?
that was just a "like". geez ... you need to take your own advice and get over yourself.
you guys can insult me all you like and it won't change the fact that he left and he says he left for non-basketball reasons. I think he's telling the truth there and the rest of you can continue to think he's lying. that is part of the reason that he's leaving I am sure. this is not an easy place for a liberal to live - much less a minority. some of the small mindedness exhibited by a few here is a prime example of why he is gone and Westbrook will leave right behind him. probably both with a middle digit extended.