Elite 14 Showcase Recap


The Red Wig
Nov 2, 2008
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Watch out for Kyan Anderson. Could be a guy that gets a look from OU...

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Elite 14 Shocase Recap

Elite 14 Showcase Recap

Five teams from the metroplex made the journey up Highway 287 to participate in the in the event hosted by Wichita Hirschi High School. Before a another word is typed, much praise is given to Donald Hedge and his staff of volunteers for putting together a first class event with the upmost professionalism being exhibited. Here’s a recap of how our local teams did:

God’s Academy: With the addition of Terrance Lafayette, the Ambassadors have become a better defensive team. K.C. Ross-Miller is without question one of the state’s top uncommitted players, and making enough noise to be considered with some of the state’s elite. Playing with a new confidence and swagger, Ross-Miller gave opposing defenders trouble with a high basketball IQ and an uncanny way of getting to the basket.

Lancaster: With an experienced point guard in J.J. Williams, and one of the most explosive shooters in the city in Tre Lynch, the Tiger will only go as far big man John Bohannon will take them. When he plays to his potential, it’s hard for anyone to play with one of the top teams in the city. Look for the Tigers to utilize rising junior Chris Chuckakalu more as he was the sparkplug Coach Douglas’s team needed for a quick change of pace.

Lincoln: Playing without LeBryan Nash, Coach Bishop’s team seems to respond as Keaton Miles showed that he too can become a go-to scorer when needed. Guards Steve Govan and Xavier Dade have come a long way and looked ready to dispel the “barbershop gossip” of guard-play being Lincoln’s handicap.

Plano Prestonwood: There was a GROWN MAN citing in Wichita ISD. Message to ALL opponents of Prestonwood, Julius Randle is as advertised!!! The versatile big man’s skill set is miles ahead of most freshmen and classmate Marquan Botley is a hard-noised floor general whose game will only get better with age. Senior Jason Pospichal could be the best shooter that no one knows about. (That may change after you have read this.)

North Crowley: Metroplex Hoops has been very adamant about the Dallas/Fort Worth class of 2011 being the best in the country. Similar to the old Jay-z line, “if I’m not better than Big, I’m the closest one.” What a fitting statement for North Crowley’s Kyan Anderson when compared to Grace Prep’s Jamal Branch. Anderson has been in the lab and his jump shot has gotten better while still dropping more dimes than a Las Vegas slot machine. The Panthers looked good on the perimeter, but will get better as the season goes along and big man Cameron Saville dominates the paint.

Official stats and scores are not allowed to be kept during scrimmages.
Re: Elite 12 Showcase Recap

Good to see his J has improved, Kyan has a good skill set and it seemed like the J was his biggest question mark.