Final Four?


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Jul 29, 2009
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It was brought up in another thread, and I think it deserves further discussion.

What is everyone's expectation for this upcoming year?

Even though, I think Blake Griffin is on the very short list of "The Greatest OU Basketball Player Ever," I think we will be more successful this year than last based on the overall improvement of the team in every other position. Our record might not show it because the Big XII will be improved, but post-season I see us as a final four team.
At this point with all the unkowns we have I will be very happy with a Sweet Sixteen trip.
This team has the potential to be really good (TMG and Tiny the real deal, Crocker steps up, Pledger or Davis become consistent 3 point shooter, combo of Drew/Ryan and Big O produce down low, etc.) but I think there are way too many unknowns to realistically predict a final four trip at this time.
I also would like to see this team hit their stride by march and make a run at the sweet 16. I have a feeling that this season will have us winning some games that we might not be favored to win, but also losing some games that we should win. That is what happens when you are a young team that is run by guards. When the outside shots are look great, but when there is a lid on the basket, then you can look pretty bad.

Now that said, with a player like Willie and a good draw in the tournament, I could see this team going even further than the SS.
If I had to guess, I would say second round is likely and maybe a sweet 16.
i'd take the Sweet 16 right now, no questions asked.

i think that's a reasonable goal (note: goal, not expectation). too much inexperience to really talk plausibly about more, IMO.
A really successful season (as of right now) for me would be to make it to the second weekend of the tourney.
Being that caliber of team and getting there are two very different things. You don't have to go back any farther than last year to see that.

I think both guard play and post play are important to having a successful season and a successful tournament. I think guard play is a little more important come tournament time, however. With Willie, Crocker, and TMG, we are going to have three of the best guards in the nation.

Obviously being young we are going to lose a couple of games we shouldn't and it is never easy going to Lawrence, but I also think we are going to win a couple of games win we are the underdogs.

In almost every other year, we would say this team is a lock for the sweet sixteen. I think people are trying to hard to compare this team to last in determining expectations without realizing that we are going to play two complete different types of basketball. Without names, if I were to tell you we would have Three McDAAs on the floor, another guy who averages double digits scoring (with some massive 20+ point nights) and is a solid defender, and a lot of 3*/4* recruits filling out the line-up, most people would give their left pinky for this. Especially compared to last year with 2 McDAAs, a point guard who is actually a converted 2 guard and injury prone, and 6-7 guy playing the power forward. Just food for thought.
I would be happy if we made it past the 1st weekend. But thats always the case with every team. I say same as last year.
Make the tournament, win a first round game and be competitive in the second round. I think the expectations here may be a bit too high and I am by no means expecting a Sweet 16 run.

Hope I'm wrong, but I think we're looking at a 5-8 seed type season. Just too many questions and inexperience, especially inside, to be that solid top 4 seed type team. Like I said though, hope I'm wrong.
Being that caliber of team and getting there are two very different things. You don't have to go back any farther than last year to see that.

I think both guard play and post play are important to having a successful season and a successful tournament. I think guard play is a little more important come tournament time, however. With Willie, Crocker, and TMG, we are going to have three of the best guards in the nation.

Obviously being young we are going to lose a couple of games we shouldn't and it is never easy going to Lawrence, but I also think we are going to win a couple of games win we are the underdogs.

In almost every other year, we would say this team is a lock for the sweet sixteen. I think people are trying to hard to compare this team to last in determining expectations without realizing that we are going to play two complete different types of basketball. Without names, if I were to tell you we would have Three McDAAs on the floor, another guy who averages double digits scoring (with some massive 20+ point nights) and is a solid defender, and a lot of 3*/4* recruits filling out the line-up, most people would give their left pinky for this. Especially compared to last year with 2 McDAAs, a point guard who is actually a converted 2 guard and injury prone, and 6-7 guy playing the power forward. Just food for thought.

Willie, yes. The other two will be solid but shouldn't be considered "one of the best guards in the nation."
My goal for this team is to win one, maybe two games in the Dance, and probably finish between 3rd and 5th in the Big 12.

I just don't think the talent mix/experience mix is right for much more than that. I like our guards, ESPECIALLY if Crocker steps his game up a notch, but TMG, Pledger, and Willis are all pretty much new to D1 basketball. And Davis isn't much more than a 4th or 5th guard IMO. Not to knock the guy, I just don't think he adds much as a starter. And the bigs scare me. Not a proven guy in the bunch. I think we all know that Tiny will get his share of buckets, but I still worry about defense and rebounding, as well as having another offensive threat outside of Tiny.

I'm really anxious to see who improves, and how Capel molds this team.
I think the Final Four as an expectation for this season is completely ridiculous. But thats just me.

I think getting out of the 1st round of the NCAA tourney this year would be a good goal.
Yeah, Willie and Tiny might be good enough to carry us to a sweet 16. If that happened I would be pretty pumped.
Really chendog?
Will people want Bill Self fired or is X going to screw up team chemisrty that bad?
Really chendog?
Will people want Bill Self fired or is X going to screw up team chemisrty that bad?

We're talkin' OU dawg!
My prediction for KU is Big 12 and National champs baby!!!!!!!

We are way to young.

The "too young" excuse won't fly forever though. The way Capel is recruiting, with the one and two year guys, there is ALWAYS going to be alot of turnover, and alot of new faces. That is one reason that it is hard to stay consistent that way. You have to recruit that way EVERY year, b/c one down year, and all the sudden your talent dries up b/c none is coming in, a guy graduates, and a guy or two leave early.

Will we also be too young the following year when WW, Crocker, Wright, and possibly Tiny are gone?