Greg Swaim


New member
Nov 4, 2008
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To swtich gears i am wanting to shed some lights on a situation going on in Garber. There is a huge thread about this on the coaches aid board btw.. Greg Swaim has asked head coach to resign by 12 Friday. If he takes the deal Greg will help him get another job and if he doesn't the deal is off the table. The thread is seven pages long on coaches aid.. Just seeing what you guys thought about this
What is his issue with the coach? Not play one of his kids or something?
Well Garber is a young team they play mostly sophomores so they are not having that good of a year. Of course Swaims kid is on the team and just now worked his way into the starting rotation .. I am not sure what the issue is..
Someone please get this info to Traber ASAP!!!
i know but i cannot call.. That would be great isn't there a way to text the animal.. That would be hilarious stuff
I'm not 100% sure, but I think that Greg Swaim is probably hated more by the oSu fanbase than the OU fanbase.
This is's high school basketball, these parents need to stop taking it so damn seriously.
Just saw his website...people pay for that stuff?

lol, that's beyond comical. Think I may drop out and start my own service if there is demand for crap like that.
We do.

Does anyone know the # to text the Sports Animal?

Text to 68255

Start your message with wwls then a space then type what you want. They say they only receive about the first 120 characters or so.
Has Swaim switched careers? Is he the principal or superintendent at Garber?

(Who is the coach at Garber? If he's the dufus that was my daughter's high school coach, Swaim might be right! :confused: )
Funny stuff, anybody else catch Goodman from Foxsports ripping on Swaim on twitter last week? Goodman called him out about his McDonald All American voting, really ripped into him.
Has Swaim switched careers? Is he the principal or superintendent at Garber?

(Who is the coach at Garber? If he's the dufus that was my daughter's high school coach, Swaim might be right! :confused: )

Ms. Disgruntled High School Parent.
Please, oh please, someone give him the scoop!
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To swtich gears i am wanting to shed some lights on a situation going on in Garber. There is a huge thread about this on the coaches aid board btw.. Greg Swaim has asked head coach to resign by 12 Friday. If he takes the deal Greg will help him get another job and if he doesn't the deal is off the table. The thread is seven pages long on coaches aid.. Just seeing what you guys thought about this

Where the heck is Garber? Where is this trailer park?