The reason we don't shoot well is that we don't get that many good open shots where the shot is taken from a good spot, open and in rhythm. Many shots are from well behind the arc and more often than not rushed and under pressure.
We seem to either go to the posts who get a lot of shots blocked, drive all the way to the hoop and get shots blocked or dribble around out front and have to launch a trey under pressure. We had three pretty good shot blockers this year and blocked 112 shots but we had 135 blocked in 33 games.
Other than Carter we don't look very often for a mid range shot. Payton has a nick mid range shot but I don't know how many times she drove across the land this year never looking to shoot.
I thought Maddie closed the season strong, Little was hit and miss and I think Carter was more consistent than in the past. A lost season for Ortiz. Can't understand that. Maybe she thought it would be easy after making the national team. KayKay had and improved year but still missed a ton of layups and had too many shots blocked for someone with as many good moves that she has. ViVi also had too many shots blocked but she is tough on the boards and on defense She blocked 51 of the 112 shots we blocked this year in just over 15 minutes a game played. She was still the third highest scorer on the team. She needs to develop a hook shot to go with the quick moves she has to the hoop.
We seem to have energy one game and lots of movement on offense resulting in good shots and not the next time. That has to be on the coaching staff. They are responsible to put players on the court that will play hard all the time.
The skills development is on the players. The day is long gone where you developed your skills in practice. Now to keep up with the competition a player has to work hard outside of practice to have adequate skills.
I am really impressed with Llanusa and liked what I have seen from Rich, Mulkey and Dungee but am not sure how they will fit into our system. Actually I am not sure what our system is.
Good thoughts.
I thought that we made a mistake going to Kay Kay so much. I don't know that she progressed much through the years. When she had a bad game, we tended to have problems. Even though she was having a bad game, we tended to continue to go through her. It was like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. At the end of the year, I was relieved when Vivi was on the floor. Neither could be counted on to handle the ball. Both were likely to have a pass back out intercepted. But, Vivi is still learning. Kay Kay should have known.
At the end of the year, I really wanted Vivi or Maddie to have the ball. I would rather create shots for Maddie, which we didn't do. Late, she began to go to the rim more, and she was good---until Kentucky---at hitting layups. I had more confidence in Derica than Gioya or Peyton by the end of the year. I found myself hoping that TT, LaNesia, or Gabbi would not drive into the middle yet again. We seemed to spend a lot of time making things happen rather than taking advantage of what was there.