How does this board stay in business?

Count me in as a future donor to this site if ever it is needed.

I truly enjoy all the content, and especially the community on these boards. Everyone here has done a good job of maintaining a friendly, civil environment for a Sooner basketball fan. It is apparent that the people who post here (for the most part) are passionate, knowledgeable Sooner basketball fans, and the discussions on these boards are more than worth any donation needed to keep this a free, relatively ad-less gathering place for OU hoops fans.

Keep up all the good work.
If I'm not being too crass I've got a new book Sports Fans are Crazy coming out this week and if any OUHoops member wants to buy it, I'll donate $ 4.00 of each book sale to OUHoops. It's a $ 10.00 book.

Do you have a link? Even if you don't donate the money, I have been intending to buy a book of yours for years, and to my great shame never have.
I've been sending them $1,000 a week. It probably doesn't go very far but maybe it helps a little.
I am happy to donate and do not mind if you put ads up, just please do not use the same ads that ouinsider does. Those are garbage. Just make sure if you use ads do not sign any contracts that bind you to use their services for any length of time.
I am happy to donate and do not mind if you put ads up, just please do not use the same ads that ouinsider does. Those are garbage. Just make sure if you use ads do not sign any contracts that bind you to use their services for any length of time.

Definitely agree with you there. If we ever do ads my plan is to put them on the home page and not the boards. That way if there ever is a problem it at least doesn't slow down the boards.

I had actually thought about toying with ads on the front page (a banner to the right of the name) before the season started, but just haven't had the time to research what would be the best option yet. I have no experience or clue about google adsense or any of that stuff, so it will take me a while to figure it out.

If anyone has any experience with that stuff please feel free to post suggestions and advice here or pm me.
I don't mind at all sharing information I get and helping the board out for free on my own time. We are all in this thing together for OU Hoops and I don't mind donating my time to get you guys info that others may not know or charge for or slow down the board with obnoxious ads. I'm glad you guys enjoy the site, its definitely the best one I've been associated with.

I do like the OU Hoops T-shirt idea! I'll let OU Hoops handle all of the donations and everything.
Do you have a link? Even if you don't donate the money, I have been intending to buy a book of yours for years, and to my great shame never have.

I haven't uploaded an advertising link to a site yet. Next week I will put the info on my Comedy Empire Press site. That site has six books shown and I will add three books next week. The three books are Silliman on Sports Book 1 and Golfreaks which was drawn by Jerry King who regularly has a cartoon in Playboy and Sports Fans are Crazy. Along with the cover, we'll have two sample chapters of Sports Fans.

You can check out Comedy Empire Press at