How many times have we seen this movie?

Re: Once again

like he is good and all but in my opinion all he does is fill up the statsheet but we will see this playoffs

What the heck does that even MEAN!?
All he does is fill up the stat sheet?
Isn't that the object of the game?

He "just filled up the stat sheet" with 36 points, 13 rebounds, and 8 assists tonight. What the hell else is he supposed to do?
Re: Once again

What the heck does that even MEAN!?
All he does is fill up the stat sheet?
Isn't that the object of the game?

He "just filled up the stat sheet" with 36 points, 13 rebounds, and 8 assists tonight. What the hell else is he supposed to do?

Kinda what I was thinking? Guy lacked 2 assists for a triple double tonight as well as 2 steals and a blocked shot. He had 25 points, 11 rebounds and nine assists in Game 3, almost back to back triple doubles along with 3 steals and 2 blocked shots.
Boca bashing Kobe, this guy calling LJ just a stat filler, none of it makes any sense.

We are witnessing 3 great players competing at the same time, and some people can't see past their biases and hatred to enjoy the show. I am a lifelong Lakers fan who NEVER cheered for Jordan, Bird, etc., but I never make ignorant statements which downplay their abilities. These 3 young players are 3 of the all-time best, PERIOD.
Nobody needs to trash on Chris Paul, he isn't in my top 3. He would be 4th though, one of my favorites to watch. He is good at 3 facets of the game, something the 3 I have in my top 3 aren't. Paul is a great passer, scorer, and defender.
either way you want to spin the deal .. it comes down to this .. the NBA players know who the best is .. .and to a man they all say KOBE ...

look at last summer .. when the chips were down .. KOBE shut the door to win the gold
tim duncan is EASILY one of the biggest whiners and flops in the league. also your "cornerstone of the league" spurs are old as hell and soon will need to do some serious overhauling soon. the spurs aren't that great this year even though they won a lot of games in the regular season. without manu they are mediocre.
either way you want to spin the deal .. it comes down to this .. the NBA players know who the best is .. .and to a man they all say KOBE ...

look at last summer .. when the chips were down .. KOBE shut the door to win the gold
Where did you see that?

Any NBA player I've spoken to (yes I know a few) would say Lebron. I imagine that is pretty split as well.
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Where did you see that?

Any NBA player I've spoken to (yes I know a few) would say Lebron. I imagine that is pretty split as well.

Most of the guys on the Olympic team gave the nod to Kobe but I think that had to do more with him being the elder statesman on the team and guys showing him respect.

I think most feel that Lebron is the most dominant player in the game but Kobe is the best basketball player.

I've always said that Lebron is the Shaq of the perimeter.
why complain,thats all the league has right now...the playoffs has KOBE to talk about and thats it...they dont talk about how CP3 is trying to carry his to team..i'm glad that they are not talking about sorry Lebron(the wannabe king)James...:clap:clap:ez-roll:
D-Wade 9 for 26 shooting tonight, 1 for 8 from three point range. You cannot judge a player based on an off shooting night.
I'd say that Bryant and James are neck and neck for the best player in the league...overall. With Wade just a small step behind.

But I will say this...Bryant has the worst friggin nickname in all of sports. "Black Mamba"....WTF is that?
I'd say that Bryant and James are neck and neck for the best player in the league...overall. With Wade just a small step behind.

But I will say this...Bryant has the worst friggin nickname in all of sports. "Black Mamba"....WTF is that?

A very deadly snake. I believe from the viper family......
D-Wade 9 for 26 shooting tonight, 1 for 8 from three point range. You cannot judge a player based on an off shooting night.

I think that everyone understands that EXCEPT Boca. :p:p

He doesn't hold anyone else to the standard that he holds Kobe... He is lurking just waiting on Kobe to have another bad game so that he can start a new thread.
We shall see about Kobe. I haven't seen him step up on a big stage and completely take over like Paul Pierce and Dwyane Wade have. Wade was A-MAZING in the 2006 finals. Seriously, He had 22 points in the 4th quarter in game 3 to help save the Heat from going down 3-0 to the Mavs. He averaged like 37 in the Finals, that is very Jordan-Esque.
A very deadly snake. I believe from the viper family......

Yea, I know its a snake....but its also a bad nickname....

"King" James, "Air" Jordan, "Diesel" for Shaq...those are all good nicknames.

Black Mamba...not so much. But doesn't change the fact that he's a great player, he just doesn't have a name that would lend itself to a nick very easily...
We shall see about Kobe. I haven't seen him step up on a big stage and completely take over like Paul Pierce and Dwyane Wade have. Wade was A-MAZING in the 2006 finals. Seriously, He had 22 points in the 4th quarter in game 3 to help save the Heat from going down 3-0 to the Mavs. He averaged like 37 in the Finals, that is very Jordan-Esque.

Wade I will give you, but Pierce?????? Did you not notice KG and Ray Ray on that championship team? Pierce played well just as he has for most of his career, but lets not act like KG was not the reason for the title....

It is funny how Pierce gets credit for stepping up even though KG was the difference maker on D. With no Bynum he had his way in the paint.....

Kobe stepped up big time in the lakers 3 title runs w/ Shaq and the guys. Because Shaq was so dominant, people forget that Kobe averaged over 20 pts during those title runs, and he STEPPED UP big time when it was needed, mainly in the 4th quarter when Shaq was not an option because of fear of him going to the line. Kobe was responsible for the titles just like Shaq was, though Shaq was option #1.