How much of your expectations this year....

I don't see how you can make this statement after two games. Maybe Allen and Willis have improved but the freshman are that good. I just think people are way too quick to pass judgment.
Wright was a junior last year with very little skill. It is hard to just become an great offensive player just like that.
I didn't have many offensive expectations for Allen/Wright/Willis. I had hoped that Allen would give a defensive and rebounding presence, and that Wright would be a bit more comfortable on the offensive side.

On a side note, I found it interesting what Capel said in the post game interview he did. That the team played in the first half the same way they practiced the day before. It's a great lesson to the team IMO of how your practice habits translate into gametime situations.
I didn't have many offensive expectations for Allen/Wright/Willis. I had hoped that Allen would give a defensive and rebounding presence, and that Wright would be a bit more comfortable on the offensive side.

On a side note, I found it interesting what Capel said in the post game interview he did. That the team played in the first half the same way they practiced the day before. It's a great lesson to the team IMO of how your practice habits translate into gametime situations.


To paraphrase a post from the 5 page thread, as a fan I am estatic with how the game went becuase it gives CC an opportunity to coach these guys up on effort at practice and more deliberate ball-handling. Oh, and we didn't have to lose this game to get there.

As for Wright/Allen and Willis...still think that the jury is out on whether Wright or Allen will be able to help us, but with Willis, I just think that Warren, Crocker, Cade, Pledger and TMG bring more to the table, good problem to have IMHO. Willis is good at times, but not great...Alex Spaulding[?].
How much of your expectations this year were based on SOME KIND of improvement by Orlando, Wright, and Willis? I expected those guys to be better, and that would give OU some experience to rely on.

I thought Wright would be improved. And he maybe. He played better last night.
I didn't expect anything out of Allen and Willis. I was kind of stumped why some people did. Allen has never shown much and Willis as a freshmen came in with the wrong frame of mind. Until we see that change I'm not sure he'll play much. And let's be honest these freshmen aren't going to make it easy on anybody. They can flat out play.
my excitement and expectations for the year are based on Pledger, Fitz, Tiny, and warren, and TMG........we'll go as far as they go......

willis, wright, allen all decent backups role players.......didn't expect a big jump......guys are who they are..
We have four true freshmen getting significant minutes. There are going to be some bumps in the road, but I'll go out on a limb here and say, this team will be much better come January than they are now.

This team was never going to be carried by Wright/Allen/Willis. The success of this team is directly tied to the in season improvement of our freshmen, it always has been. If you truly were counting on Wright, Allen, and Willis to determine the potential of this team, you were looking in the wrong place from the beginning.

We go nine deep counting Ryan Wright. I don't know why anyone would limit the potential of this team based on the improvement of the 10th and 11th guys on the roster.
my excitement and expectations for the year are based on Pledger, Fitz, Tiny, and warren, and TMG........we'll go as far as they go......

willis, wright, allen all decent backups role players.......didn't expect a big jump......guys are who they are..

Can't win without a bench. The bench guys don't have to be great, but at least a couple of them have to be good.
willis, wright, allen all decent backups role players.......didn't expect a big jump......guys are who they are..

This is my thinking with the question from the initial post on these three players. They should give the better players a few minutes of rest here and there without a huge dropoff.

As to predictions of where this team will finish in the Big 12, I also think it's too early to tell. But if pushed, I think OU will finish third. I think the freshmen will continue to develop and that maturation, along with their talent, is enough to win a lot of games.
This team was never going to be carried by Wright/Allen/Willis. The success of this team is directly tied to the in season improvement of our freshmen, it always has been. If you truly were counting on Wright, Allen, and Willis to determine the potential of this team, you were looking in the wrong place from the beginning.

This. I don't know that I've read any articles, etc. basing expectations for the team on Wright/Allen/Willis. Most of them, as do most of the fans, understood that the expectations for this season have everything to do with the freshman and how they develop, and Willie and how he adapts to being a team leader. You could even base a bit of the expectations on the leadership Cade and Crock can provide as last night showed.
Capel should have gone after Maurice Mcneil (Houston) and Jarrid Famous (South Florida)... Both were rumored to be targets, but I dont think Capel went after them too hard.

Instead we got Kyle Hardick.

THIRD! My goodness.....

Yes, 3rd. Which is what we were predicted by nearly everybody in the country, coaches, magazines, internet etc. 3rd based on the fact we are the 3rd highest ranked team in the conference. But yeah, I am the crazy one?

This team has played 2 games. They are young and the guys that aren't young minus Crocker are inexperienced in their roles. Calm down, watch them play, enjoy the positives and watch Capel coach this team to a great season. They will get better and better as the year goes on, too much talent not to. Not great depth, but yes I do believe we will finish 3rd.
Uhhh yes. We have 3 McDonald's All Americans, it's not even close on the talent level between those teams.

That is why it'd be a bigger deal if NU was playing this way. I expect more from OU, b/c they have the 3 AA's. Right?
Can't win without a bench. The bench guys don't have to be great, but at least a couple of them have to be good.

1. TMG
2. WW
3. Crocker
4. Fitz
5. Tiny
6. Pledger
7. Davis
8. Wright

I trust these 8 guys and I think Fitz will take over for Wright sometime soon, if he doesn't it is because Wright is playing well, not because Fitz isn't.

Ray is capable if needed, but not anyone we have to rely on. Very rarely do we ever play more than 8 guys on a consistent basis so except games where foul trouble is a problem I don't know what we are worrying about so much.

I'd like to have one more quality post player, and that is where Wright and or Orlando need to step up, but I don't see O helping much but I do think Wright can still be solid.

I've stayed off the boards all summer and fall since last year but I just caught some of the worrying already by some posters and find it kinda pointless. This team has so much ability and so much room to grow. I've said this before but I will say it again, just trust Coach Capel and staff will do their job and enjoy the good things you see in this group.

They've played 2 games and yeah there are some concerns, but nothing to worry too much about until we start playing some real teams. I think you all have watched enough basketball to notice good teams quite often play their best basketball on bigger stages against better teams.
That is why it'd be a bigger deal if NU was playing this way. I expect more from OU, b/c they have the 3 AA's. Right?

What has NU done? They beat some school called South Carolina upstate???

Uhh ok.
Abd, I realize that you are just trying to stir-up conversation, and that you like the shock factor, but c'mon, this post is lame in several ways. I agreed with you last night with a lot of your knee-jerk post, but the only guy that should be singing your praises after this thread's post is SoonerFanTU (the local villain of the board).

There are several severe deficiencies present in your line of thought imo:

- Ryan Wright played well last night. He was one of four players to have a positive contribution on DMok's +/- review. He ran the floor well. He screened well. His lateral quickness on defense was as good as I have seen it (add to the fact that he was having to go against a 6-4 power foward and it makes it even more impressive). He hit 2 of 3 shots, while not forcing anything, and knocked down his two FTs. He grabbed 4 boards and blocked a shot. MOST IMPORTANTLY, he power dunked through a defender to end the first half, and was there to received a nice alley-oop in the second half. He also had a nice assist to Pledger.

If you want to knee-jerk and say that Ryan Wright has no skill, or that he hasn't improved at all based on 2 games, then I am allowed to say that he has looked better based on last night, and based on what I have heard from my sources.

- While it pains me that yet again, people ranted and raved over Orlando's summer pick-up, and yet again, he doesn't even contribute, I am ok with that right now. Why? Because Drew Fitzgerald is better than I thought he would be. None of us were sure that Big Drew would really be able to fill that 3rd post spot this year. He can. Last night was not a good match-up for Drew due to the smaller, quicker personnel that the Warhawks played with.

- As for Ray Willis, what do you want from him? He played fine in the first two games. Steven Pledger is better right now. Its not like Ray is horrible, its that Steven Pledger is better. I think it is more a testament to the talent of this team that a guy like Ray doesn't even get to play. We are really deep at the guard position.

We can't give adequate minutes to Cade, Steven, and Ray. If we did, then none of them would be able to get in a rhythm. We all knew going into this year that there were not enough minutes to go around, so why does this surprise you? Did you want Ray to beat out Cade or something? I am giddy like a school girl that Steven Pledger is as good as he has shown.

- As for Orlando's development, you should have seen him when he first got on campus. Coach Cline wanted to take a chance on a project big man, and Orlando has actually come a long way. He still has to get better to play consistently on a top program like Oklahoma. He and Ray would play a lot for most of your schools, abd.

In summation, any perceived letdown that OU fans might feel with Orlando and GammaRay should be overshadowed by the fact that Steven Pledger and Andrew Fitzgerald are both playing at a lot higher level than what nearly all of us expected.

I am going to start a thread as two where OU will finish. I am still comfortable with 3rd. OSU and KSU haven't blown me away with their play either....its early, and we are plugging in 4 new pieces, and trying to get Ryan Wright comfortable with a starting role. We didn't look great in some of the early games last year either.
but the only guy that should be singing your praises after this thread's post is SoonerFanTU (the local villain of the board).


I just find it funny that some of the regulars, some of the "pumpers" as they were once labeled, are now complaining about the same things I am.

I just see some issues with this team, that I don't think are going away. You say we shouldn't judge the team based on two games, yet you want to claim Fitz is better than expected based on one.

I don't get it.

Nobody is saying the sky is falling. All I'm saying is that with our somewhat difficult OOC schedule that is upcoming, we can't sleep walk through THESE easy games. We need Tiny to dominate teams that don't have anybody that can guard him, not score 6 points, or whatever he had. Because if he is doing that now, what is he going to be doing in two weeks when he starts facing good bigs?
i think Bigtime hit it:

its not that Wright/Allen/Willis are bad players, they are just can't crack the lineup/not seeing time since the frosh are better players

in my opinion.........

capel is recruiting better and better each year, as evident by the playing time these young guys are getting