How much of your expectations this year....

I just see some issues with this team, that I don't think are going away. You say we shouldn't judge the team based on two games, yet you want to claim Fitz is better than expected based on one.

What is really funny is that they dont want us to base things on what we have actually seen, but rather things they think will happen in the future.

We need Tiny to dominate teams that don't have anybody that can guard him, not score 6 points, or whatever he had. Because if he is doing that now, what is he going to be doing in two weeks when he starts facing good bigs?


We didn't look great in some of the early games last year either.

I agree, but I didnt sound the panic alarm last year because I knew OU had Blake Griffin, Taylor Griffin, Austin Johnson, and Willie Warren. They had some seasoned veterans like Taylor and AJ to rely on, and the best player in the country.

This years team is a much different situation, and any comparisons to games last year shouldnt even be looked at because the situation is different.

Sure, OU struggled against Gardner-Webb but Blake Griffin had 35 points and 21 rebounds, lol. Tiny Gallon had 3 points against a team he should have dominated, if he is indeed going to be our player to rely on in the post for 15 points a game.

I am going to start a thread as two where OU will finish.

I look forward to it....
We need Tiny to dominate teams that don't have anybody that can guard him, not score 6 points, or whatever he had. Because if he is doing that now, what is he going to be doing in two weeks when he starts facing good bigs?

Blakes first two games:

San Francisco: 29 minutes
18 points
13 rebounds(4-o, 9-d)
Denver: 19 minutes
15 points
3 rebounds(2-o, 1-d)

avg: 24 minutes
16.5 points
8 rebounds(3-o, 5-d)

Tiny's first two games:

MSM: 22 minutes
18 points
15 rebounds(5-o, 10-d)
ULM: 27 minutes
3 points
10 rebounds(1-o, 9-d)

avg: 24.5 minutes
10.5 points
12.5 rebounds(3-o, 9.5-d)

So basically, BG scored more consistently his first 2 games but didn't rebound consistently, while TG rebounded more consistently his first 2 games but didn't score consistently, averaging 6 points less a game than BG but 4.5 more rebounds than did BG. I think we'd all agree that BG went on to play well against quality bigs.

What does it show us? Not a thing other than 2 games is way too early to project how any player or any team will do in a season or career.
SoonerfanTU;126095[B said:

I just find it funny that some of the regulars, some of the "pumpers" as they were once labeled, are now complaining about the same things I am.[/B]

I just see some issues with this team, that I don't think are going away. You say we shouldn't judge the team based on two games, yet you want to claim Fitz is better than expected based on one.

I don't get it.

Nobody is saying the sky is falling. All I'm saying is that with our somewhat difficult OOC schedule that is upcoming, we can't sleep walk through THESE easy games. We need Tiny to dominate teams that don't have anybody that can guard him, not score 6 points, or whatever he had. Because if he is doing that now, what is he going to be doing in two weeks when he starts facing good bigs?

It was just a joke, big dog. Easy. I agree with a lot of what most folks are complaining about, but I just think some of it is a bit premature to say something like "No way I am picking them above 5th now".

Bottom line is that the team needs to play better. I think they will as the year goes on. I would be a lot more concerned if we were a veteran team like KU and were struggling. I like this team's potential.
Taking an average of two games is ridiculous. That shows/proves NOTHING.

But it does show what I'm trying to see. We don't need Tiny to go off one night, and not show up the next. We need some kind of consistency from him, b/c we likely won't get it from any other big man. He can't have games of 3 points.

And maybe going forward he won't. I just worry about a guy that isn't particularly skilled around the hoop, and would rather be floating outside, I'm sure, I worry about him getting consistent production. Time will tell.
Can't win without a bench. The bench guys don't have to be great, but at least a couple of them have to be good.

What is OU's bench? I would say Davis, Pledger, Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald is averaging 7 a game, Pledger is at 15 a game and Cade is at 5 a game. That is 27 points a game. Plus OU has Allen and Willis if they need to go realy deep. I don't know about you but I am going to be really happy if those averages continue (although I would like to see a little more from Cade Davis).

Its two games into the season and you and thebigabd seem to be losing faith. Two wins is exactly where this team needed to be.
Taking an average of two games is ridiculous. That shows/proves NOTHING.

But it does show what I'm trying to see. We don't need Tiny to go off one night, and not show up the next. We need some kind of consistency from him, b/c we likely won't get it from any other big man. He can't have games of 3 points.

And maybe going forward he won't. I just worry about a guy that isn't particularly skilled around the hoop, and would rather be floating outside, I'm sure, I worry about him getting consistent production. Time will tell.

I agree. I look forward to seeing how this team handles it's first road game. VCU seems to be solid again this season. How do you guys see this one shaking out?
We are just wasting our "breath" on these guys. They are "glass half empty" kind of guys and most of the rest of us a "glass half full" kind of guys. NO ONE on our side is claiming this team will win the Big XII or even go to the final four, so I'm not sure why ONE of the posters has to start 4-5 negative posts about our team. Oh well.
We are just wasting our "breath" on these guys. They are "glass half empty" kind of guys and most of the rest of us a "glass half full" kind of guys. NO ONE on our side is claiming this team will win the Big XII or even go to the final four, so I'm not sure why ONE of the posters has to start 4-5 negative posts about our team. Oh well.


NO ONE from our side is claiming we're going to suck, or not make the Dance this season. We, or I at least, am simply saying that I see some issues that MAY not resolve themselves this year. They might though.

If it makes you feel like a better fan to NEVER say a bad word about the team, go for it. That isn't how I am though. I love OU football, and love Bob Stoops. On some issues, I'll criticize the heck out of him. On others, I'll defend him vehemently. Same with OU hoops. I've said plenty of positive things since Capel arrived. Doesn't mean I can't see areas for improvement. Maybe if you weren't so insecure (about what, I'm not sure), we could have this discussion without you resorting to questioning my motives.
none of my expectations were based on those 3 guys...

Allen has never proven he can play at any level, he barely produced in JUCO so why would i think he could do that here...He is the definition of a project...

Willis has gotten better but watching his game last year i didnt think he would improve that much to where he could step in and play a major role this year...

Wright was someone i had big expectations on last year, but after seeing his play i knew his ceiling wasnt very high...he is pretty much doing what i thought...

The guys i based my expectations on were WWIII, Tiny and TMG...those 3 guys are the key, the rest are going to play their roles and contribute more on some nights but these 3 have to be consistent in all they do...WWIII in scoring and leading this team, TMG in protecting the ball and distributing and Tiny holding down the paint and giving us an inside presence...
On others, I'll defend him vehemently.

I'm not sure I've EVER seen this. I don't mind criticizing the team when it's warranted, but sheesh. It just becomes so predictable EVERY year. The same rant EVERY year.

I'd LOVE to dig up the old "Capel is not a good coach" threads and get some of those goodies (that you posted BTW). Of course you (and those like you) will say, "well, he has finally learned how to coach..".

But, again, what ever makes you happy. Just don't expect everyone else to put much stock in your opinion (since we've heard the same thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER)...
I really don't see anyone predicting the demise of OU basketball, some are just more optimistic than others looking toward conference. Personally, I feel this season is going to be two-in-one. We're going to struggle during the non-conference on some nights, especially if we are not hitting our jumpers.

Our defense isn't where it needs to be on the perimeter with such a soft interior, we can't afford to let opposing backcourts settle in and execute their gameplan without significant pressure from our guards.

TMG looks great, really excited about his development as a PG with range. WW is what he is...badass. Crocker and Cade are there more for their presence, and either one can get you double figures (or more) on certain nights. Pledger has been a great surprise. Willis...well is probably on the way out unless he never wants to play and just loves being on the Sooner bench.

Fitz had a great first game, last night didn't get much PT...we'll see how he does going forward. I will add though, stating Fitz's impact off one game and then shunning others who are being "negative" over our play during the same length is pretty hypocritical.

Gallon is a load, however, he just doesn't seem comfortable with his back to the basket, which probably isn't going to change much this year. Going to have to find a way to get him touches facing up and keep him out of foul trouble.

Wright is better than he played in the first game, think we saw a bit of that last night. Now, there are definitely going to be some nights I question him, but I think he will help us more than hurt in the long run.

I will say I do have higher expectations of Capel this year due to past results and recruiting...that doesn't necessarily mean I expect more wins or a top 3 conference finish, but I do expect to see these pups playing above "freshmen" level by January. I am very disappointed that Capel decided to give Hardrick and Allen schollies when the post depth is so thin, I just feel we could have gotten SOMEBODY who could contribute 10 minutes a game. I say that with all due respect to both of them, but they just can't play at this level. But recruiting is a crap-shoot, sometimes you strike out.

With all that said, I feel it is always unfair to compare a team to what they did the previous year; whether it be OU, KU, or whomever. Too many things change from year to year. We're going to lose and win some games we shouldn't along the way, which I think everyone expects. No one is jumping ship, they're just talking basketball, don't take everything as a personal attack because someone said "Gallon isn't contributing enough underneath" or "our perimeter D is terrible". Guaranteed Capel is saying the same thing behind closed doors.

Oh yeah, and donors.....go to the effing game.
I am very disappointed that Capel decided to give Hardrick and Allen schollies when the post depth is so thin,

I won't disagree with you completely. All I will say about HARDRICK is he committed to us a long time ago and JC honored the OU offer. I'm not sure I would've done the same, but I'm not sure it will hurt us that much either.
I'm not sure I've EVER seen this. I don't mind criticizing the team when it's warranted, but sheesh. It just becomes so predictable EVERY year. The same rant EVERY year.

I'd LOVE to dig up the old "Capel is not a good coach" threads and get some of those goodies (that you posted BTW). Of course you (and those like you) will say, "well, he has finally learned how to coach..".

But, again, what ever makes you happy. Just don't expect everyone else to put much stock in your opinion (since we've heard the same thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER)...

You don't have ANY idea what I've said. You read ONE comment, and carry it with you for 4 seasons. It is lame, and tiresome.
I really don't see anyone predicting the demise of OU basketball, some are just more optimistic than others looking toward conference. Personally, I feel this season is going to be two-in-one. We're going to struggle during the non-conference on some nights, especially if we are not hitting our jumpers.

Our defense isn't where it needs to be on the perimeter with such a soft interior, we can't afford to let opposing backcourts settle in and execute their gameplan without significant pressure from our guards.

TMG looks great, really excited about his development as a PG with range. WW is what he is...badass. Crocker and Cade are there more for their presence, and either one can get you double figures (or more) on certain nights. Pledger has been a great surprise. Willis...well is probably on the way out unless he never wants to play and just loves being on the Sooner bench.

Fitz had a great first game, last night didn't get much PT...we'll see how he does going forward. I will add though, stating Fitz's impact off one game and then shunning others who are being "negative" over our play during the same length is pretty hypocritical.

Gallon is a load, however, he just doesn't seem comfortable with his back to the basket, which probably isn't going to change much this year. Going to have to find a way to get him touches facing up and keep him out of foul trouble.

Wright is better than he played in the first game, think we saw a bit of that last night. Now, there are definitely going to be some nights I question him, but I think he will help us more than hurt in the long run.

I will say I do have higher expectations of Capel this year due to past results and recruiting...that doesn't necessarily mean I expect more wins or a top 3 conference finish, but I do expect to see these pups playing above "freshmen" level by January. I am very disappointed that Capel decided to give Hardrick and Allen schollies when the post depth is so thin, I just feel we could have gotten SOMEBODY who could contribute 10 minutes a game. I say that with all due respect to both of them, but they just can't play at this level. But recruiting is a crap-shoot, sometimes you strike out.

With all that said, I feel it is always unfair to compare a team to what they did the previous year; whether it be OU, KU, or whomever. Too many things change from year to year. We're going to lose and win some games we shouldn't along the way, which I think everyone expects. No one is jumping ship, they're just talking basketball, don't take everything as a personal attack because someone said "Gallon isn't contributing enough underneath" or "our perimeter D is terrible". Guaranteed Capel is saying the same thing behind closed doors.

Oh yeah, and donors.....go to the effing game.

Good post. I am basing my Fitz predictions on more than just one game. I am basing them on how he has performed in practice. But yeah, other than that, you make some good observations.

I probably have been unfair with a few things that I have said. The vast majority of our fanbase (on and off of the this board) will be patient with this group and understand that it will take time for things to gel.

There will be a few on here that go nuts when we drop a game, but there isn't much you can do about that.
You don't have ANY idea what I've said. You read ONE comment, and carry it with you for 4 seasons. It is lame, and tiresome.

Just remember that it was you that got me look at me, TU.

ONE comment. Beyond hilarious. Some of us never will forget....I won't.
I don't think any of my expectations had them in mind. I remember saying after the season ended that OU is going to live and die by how good Willie Warren is. I think I said he needed to score at least 18 points per game for OU to be at least an NCAA type team. That's where this teams expectations lie. Willie, Wright and Allen have proven one thing. They are all inconsistent role players at best right now. Our freshmen are probably a little better than I thought. Especially Pledger and Fitzgerald however all you can't rely on freshmen to be a great team. They'll have their down games as a young team they'll beat some good teams too. However you can't expect guys that haven't done much to suddenly do a lot like Wright and Allen especially. Willis has shown some scoring ability but he's just not consistent in other parts of his game.
I like this team, but let's be realistic. They could make a fine team and still not be competition for Kansas or Texas. Tech, Baylor, OSU, Missouri, KSU, we are going to have our hands full beating any of them.

We don't have enough depth at the 4 and 5. I've never thought Wright was an answer, but he played well against LA Monroe. Maybe we can shoot our way to success with the guards, who do seem really special. We shall see.
It is lame, and tiresome.

Which is EXACTLY how MOST on this board feel about the continued, baseless negativity being spewed on this board EVERY season by the same old posters.

Look, it's nothing personal, but I just HAVE to believe you just post some of this stuff to get a rise out of guys like me. NO ONE could truly be this negative.