Mike scored more than Kobe and did it in less games,Mike was a MUCH BETTER DEFENDER its not close. Mike had a year where he avg almost 4 steals a game!! Kobe has never avg more than 2. The most important thing is Mike got his points much easier than Kobe does. He shoots a much better percentage because he didnt take stupid fadeway jumpers with three defenders with a hand in his face. In Mikes Prime he never missed the Playoffs, Kobe did.
I think KB has been on the all defensive team more at a younger age, but I could be wrong.
Once again, for people who have reading comprehension problems, NO ONE said KB was as good as MJ.
Some kid on this thread implied that the only people who would think it was close wouldn't have a clue about basketball. Well, I go get the links to show guys ON RECORD as saying it IS close and you guys fire back with essentially, "well, what do you expect them to say..."