I'd take him...

He has offers and is being hotly pursued right now by Arizona, Florida, Memphis & Maryland. Those are 4 very good programs.

are you following his recruitment? it is closer to accurate to say that he is hotly pursuing those schools than the reverse.
are you following his recruitment? it is closer to accurate to say that he is hotly pursuing those schools than the reverse.

so they have offers to him but don't really want him?
okay, whatever.
so they have offers to him but don't really want him?
okay, whatever.

what makes you think he has offers from those schools?

you're being deliberately deaf and blind if you can't see the dance schools are doing with stephenson.
Funny, I can't recall KU fans I know saying KU backed off WW. He's a top target all along.
And can't ever recall Collins, Chalmers & Shady being regarded as headcases. All 3 are pretty shy and low key.

You must not frequent phog.net. Especially when after WW didn't go to latenight, that KU cooled on him because he was too much trouble.

As for calling the other guys headcases, it might be unfair to say it about collins, because he beat his grpe and stroke case, but Shady and Chalmers have had multiple discretions from grades, to having to give dad's jobs, to weed and sex parties, to repeated NBA fines.
You must not frequent phog.net. Especially when after WW didn't go to latenight, that KU cooled on him because he was too much trouble.

Not as often as you, I guess. There lots of idiots at phog.net. To find what a few say and take it as gospel is silly. I could go and say what a few posters here say and generalize it as OU fans and it would be distorting the truth.

As for calling the other guys headcases, it might be unfair to say it about collins, because he beat his grpe and stroke case, but Shady and Chalmers have had multiple discretions from grades, to having to give dad's jobs, to weed and sex parties, to repeated NBA fines.

Chalmers and Arthur were nothing but classy at KU and never got in an ounce of trouble. The Arthur grade change from 9th grade or whatever was never validated. And that doesn't make someone a headcase. Chalmers dad being name DO makes Mario a headcase? Come on dude. Once again you are searching a looking silly. Is WW a headcase because he was said to have been in a brawl? No. There have been reports when he was switching high schools back and forth that he was selfish and had an attitude problem. He supposedly had some issues on this years team with AJ. All that and I still don't think he's a headcase. I think he's a good kid. These guys are young and make a few mistakes but all the people you mentioned have never been in any kind of serious trouble in the least bit.
Not as often as you, I guess. There lots of idiots at phog.net. To find what a few say and take it as gospel is silly. I could go and say what a few posters here say and generalize it as OU fans and it would be distorting the truth.

Chalmers and Arthur were nothing but classy at KU and never got in an ounce of trouble. The Arthur grade change from 9th grade or whatever was never validated. And that doesn't make someone a headcase. Chalmers dad being name DO makes Mario a headcase? Come on dude. Once again you are searching a looking silly. Is WW a headcase because he was said to have been in a brawl? No. There have been reports when he was switching high schools back and forth that he was selfish and had an attitude problem. He supposedly had some issues on this years team with AJ. All that and I still don't think he's a headcase. I think he's a good kid. These guys are young and make a few mistakes but all the people you mentioned have never been in any kind of serious trouble in the least bit.

Your'e aware the grade changing is official now and the SOC coach and school has been penalized for it. I guess Arthur didn't know his grades were changed!

You're right, Chalmers dad taking a job doesn't make Chalmers seem like a headcase, it makes his dad look like one. Anytime you solicit a job in exchange for your son's service is not what I would call high character. Of course you'll probably say it was legit, but if that was the case, he would still be at KU.

I don't know if WW being in a brawl makes him a headcase, but the fact that I've known him for most of his life validates to me that he's not. When he starts having sex and weed parties and being "fined repeatedely". I'll put WW character up against those two guys any day of the week.

It's sad that you'll spin anything that even fringly views KU in a negative light.
Your'e aware the grade changing is official now and the SOC coach and school has been penalized for it. I guess Arthur didn't know his grades were changed!

I didn't realize that. I guess I don't follow it as closely as you. Still doesn't make him a headcase.

You're right, Chalmers dad taking a job doesn't make Chalmers seem like a headcase,
Great we agree. So you calling him a headcase was once again just your hatred of KU shining thru...not the truth as you've admitted.

I don't know if WW being in a brawl makes him a headcase, but the fact that I've known him for most of his life validates to me that he's not. When he starts having sex and weed parties and being "fined repeatedely". I'll put WW character up against those two guys any day of the week.
I don't think WW is a headcase either. But many people have reported that. I don't believe it. But I form my own opinions. To say Chalmers and Arthur had a "sex and weed parties" is flat out silly. You don't think anyone on OU smokes weed or has sex? :ez-laugh:
So Chalmers getting fined for little team things like dress code, etc makes him a headcase but WW getting suspended from the team repeatedly in high school at North Crowley and was on the verge of it at Oak Hill makes him not a headcase? My point is I don't think WW, Chalmers, Arthur or Collins are headcases. They all seem to be very good kids. But you feel the need to run kids down you know nothing about.
I'm not going to argue this with you. We can go to the smack board and take it up on the Kansas Jayhawks thread if you like. There's lots of good stuff there.
Dirty let's just call it good. You obviously can't be taken seriously on anything KU. You just let your hatred take over. Kind of like me with Sean Sutton.
I mean anyone that truly thinks the Big 12 defensive player of the year struggles and argues he isn't even adequate on defense and that last year KU was an average team in rebuilding mode really can't be taken seriously. That's how far out those statements are. That would be like me arguing the fact that OSU's team color really isn't Orange.
I don't think WW is a headcase either. But many people have reported that. I don't believe it. But I form my own opinions. To say Chalmers and Arthur had a "sex and weed parties" is flat out silly. You don't think anyone on OU smokes weed or has sex

If they smoke weed, they definetely are a headcase. Ebi Ere was a headcase and smokin dope all day kept him from being drafted. Maybe you smoke weed, but I'm from the Nancy Reagan, say no generation. I remember going an OSU afterparty at the age of 16 when I saw Byron Houston throwing a huge hotel party with mainly OSU basketball players and females. Houston had weed, two bathtubs filled with all type of drink, and females wall to wall. At sixteen, It was quite an impressive site. I'm willing to bet Byron Houston will participate in this again. That was 1991-92, Big Country's first year . Do the math and check out who was on that staff.
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sorry but i dont consider someone a headcase if they smoke weed.

Totally agree. Especially in the context we are talking about which is about a basketball player. If your a headcase because you've smoked weed then I'm willing to bet about half of college campuses (forget about hoops players only) are headcases.
I don't see anything wrong with a coach going into a bar with friends or family for food and a beverage of their choice. Now, if they stay late, get drunk, take off their shirts, and try moon walking on the bar, that's different. For some reason, I just don't see Bill Self or Jeff Capel ever taking it that far.

Oops, I intended to post this to the other thread, oh well.
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I don't see anything wrong with a coach going into a bar with friends or family for food and a beverage of their choice. Now, if they stay late, get drunk, take off their shirts, and try moon walking on the bar, that's different. For some reason, I just don't see Bill Self or Jeff Capel ever taking it that far.

Hey Norm...I think you posted this in the wrong thread.
You must have been out too late and drinking too much in the Piano Bar last night. ;)
Yeah, I guess so. I just now edited to say I screwed up. That was easier than moving the post to where it was intended. :)
Yeah, I guess so. I just now edited to say I screwed up. That was easier than moving the post to where it was intended. :)

Yeah, I wouldn't move it either. That way you are spared from being called morally compromised. :ez-laugh:
Totally agree. Especially in the context we are talking about which is about a basketball player. If your a headcase because you've smoked weed then I'm willing to bet about half of college campuses (forget about hoops players only) are headcases.

If I had a dollar for every guy that I knew who threw it all away smokin weed all day, I'd have a hundred dollars. I know of one guy who was a high school teammate of Shea Seals that was in my opinion better than anyone in the class of 93, 94, and 95. If he smoked less and worked on his books and game more, he would have been something to see. Now I know some players smoke out and still are productive, but that's not the status quo for the majority.

Jabari Brown is prime example of a guy who could probably still be playing if he would have left the dank alone.
If I had a dollar for every guy that I knew who threw it all away smokin weed all day, I'd have a hundred dollars.

I hear ya bro but it wasn't the weed that cost those guys there futures.
It was there lack of discipline or desire. If it wasn't weed it would have been something else.
I hear ya bro but it wasn't the weed that cost those guys there futures.
It was there lack of discipline or desire. If it wasn't weed it would have been something else.

It was the weed, because they still smoke to this day, or they've upgraded.
If they smoke weed, they definetely are a headcase.
I think you are underestimating the number of people who smoke weed. I know of two of the current basketball players that do and a lot of the football players do. One of the football players smoked at the New Year's Eve party I went to this year, just a week or so before they played Florida. He played a significant amount of minutes in that game, and some of the other guys I know that smoked are in the NFL now.
The amount of weed smoked by athletes at OU was stunning, at least when I was there. About the only guy who'd stun me if I found out he was smoking the stuff would be Sam Bradford.

That stuff is epidemic these days.
Haha yeah I could never imagine Bradford smoking. I don't really know him but I have seen him at another a player's house who was having a party. Everyone was getting wasted except Sam, he was by himself leaning up against a wall texting most of the time.

When I was a freshman I was shocked that so many of the players smoked. I asked one of them how they get away with it and he said you usually know before you get a drug test. Then when you fail one, they call your mom. Only when you fail multiple ones do you get in serious trouble.
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