The recruiting violation that Kim did that has so many here upset was classified as a minor violation with no major penalties. Now if you want to be upset because a coach with major recruiting violations was not fired perhaps you should look at OU who had major violation in 1956 and 1960 under Bud Wilkinson. In 1973 for violations under Chuck Fairbanks and in bout 1980 and 1988 under Barry Switzer with Barry resigning after the 1988 incidents.
By my count OU looked the other way when their coach had major violations in 1956, 1960, 1973 and 1980. When has Baylor looked the other way after one of their coaches was in charge during major violations as defined by the NCAA?
I can understand not liking Kim for her coaching style and some of her antics but trying to make her out to be without morals or ethics is nothing more than most manifesting their jealousy because she consistently kicks Sherri's butt. For certain sitting with parents of players on her daughter's team at their games is a far cry from improper transportation, extra benefits, improper recruiting inducements, improper financial aid, outside fund, lack of institutional control, improper lodging, excessive number of official visits, excessive time for official visits, academic fraud, eligibility issues, unethical conduct, improper financial aid, improper entertainment, complimentary tickets, improper employment and lack of certification of compliance.
Personally if Sherri can beat Mulkey 25% of the time over the next 10 years I will be totally surprised. Kim consistently out recruits Sherri and out coaches Sherri. Sherri's one win and thirteen losses over the last seven years confirms those facts.