Is Gallon a 4 year player?


New member
Nov 8, 2008
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Players make a big jump from fresh to soph but I have to say unless Gallon is spending the summer in San Fran working out with Frank like Blake he will be a 4 year player.
At times he's dominant, at times we're better off with Wright in there. He's just very frustrating.
He is still adjusting to his new body size. I don't think some of you realize how hard that is to do. He just didn't drop 10 or 15 pounds, he dropped 40 plus and its just hard to adjust no matter what sport you are playing but I imagine it to be even harder in basketball from what I've heard.
I've heard that wllie is gone after this year. I really think he will need anothr year.

What position would he be drafted to play; one or two guard. He would have to improve his handles to play the one.
Tiny will make a lot of improvements in the next 2.5 years. I bet he declares after his jr season. Guys with his size and agility don't grow on trees.

A lot of folks don't realize how hard it is to adjust to the speed of the D1 game. Not having solid team leadership around him hasn't helped this year. Next year the chemistry will be better. No one will be looking to increase their draft status.
If he keeps playing like he has and has the same issues he's had he may not even be here much longer than 1 year. He may end up leaving or getting kicked off the team.
I cant imagine Tiny

improving enough to seriously consider going pro next year from where he is now and considering his learning curve.
Should ahev been a 5 year player.

Lol... Are you serious? You don't redshirt gallon ever the beat way to get the exercise to get in shape is game experience just look at pittman.. Gallon will be a beast... Redshirt him? That's rediculous
If he keeps playing like he has and has the same issues he's had he may not even be here much longer than 1 year. He may end up leaving or getting kicked off the team.

Lol omg... You have got to be kidding me.. That's laughable
Lol omg... You have got to be kidding me.. That's laughable

What's so laughable? Not one player is bigger than the team. If WW, TG, TMG, or whoever can't buy into not being selfish and following rules, should they stay?
What's so laughable? Not one player is bigger than the team. If WW, TG, TMG, or whoever can't buy into not being selfish and following rules, should they stay?

I am getting pretty sick of you sticking it to Tiny in nearly every post. Did I miss something? How do you know that he got in trouble again?

Tiny is a true freshman trying to learn to be a big in this league. He has played like a guard all five years that he has played organized basketball.

It is not Tiny's fault that this coaching staff couldn't find a single big man to help him in the post this year.
I am getting pretty sick of you sticking it to Tiny in nearly every post. Did I miss something? How do you know that he got in trouble again?

Tiny is a true freshman trying to learn to be a big in this league. He has played like a guard all five years that he has played organized basketball.

It is not Tiny's fault that this coaching staff couldn't find a single big man to help him in the post this year.

First off, when did tolerating bad acting become ok. Here's the track record of OUr three best players talent wise. Willie Warren, Benched for most game at Texas Tech last year after having the two best games of his career for attitude issues. Willie Warren Benched for an entire game this year for attitude issues. TMG benched for the start of a game due to missing practice. TMG Benched for a half due to disciplinary issues again. Tiny Gallon benched for the start of a game due to missing practice. Tiny Gallon benched after Gonzaga game for walking off the court and insubordinance to a staff member. And according to commentators yesterday, Gallon benched again due to disciplinary issues. Now do these things happen alot? Of Course. But going forth into conference play, we shouldn't be having to deal with this. WW is in his second year, he should know better. Gallon should be progressing as an overall player not the opposite. Same goes for TMG. When these guys get on the same page with Crocker and Cade, we're a fun team to watch. When their not, it's not so fun. That's how I feel and I'm not going to be an apologist for anyone even though I do recognize how extremely talented that person is.
he's a pro. entirely up to him when he wants to get there.
I am getting pretty sick of you sticking it to Tiny in nearly every post. Did I miss something? How do you know that he got in trouble again?

He was benched to start the game due to disciplinary measures.
Yeah, I have no problems with him as a player. There are little things I think he should get better at, but their very fixable. Matter of fact, I think he should be the focal point of everything we do offensively. Yesterday, he made himself a force on the defensive end for the first time all season. Also, the body looks in excellent shape. He looks in better shape than some NBA guys. However, him not starting out in the game and him being undisciplined on times on the court really hurt us. Offensively he made two really sweet plays. Once going across the lane with an NBA style runner. Then he did it again, but got called for steps, which was OK. However, he compounds a minor mistake with more mistakes. I really feel he's letting his frustrations about his development and his opportunities offensively affect his overall play. He's a two years and done talent in my opinion, but if he gets the rap of being a malcontent, that's going to hurt him in the long run as it has hurt our other projected pro.
I just can't see Tiny running with NBA players anytime soon..
He was benched to start the game due to disciplinary measures.

My apologies to DM then. I still get tired of the constant ripping on his game though. Again, if you want to blame someone, blame this coaching staff for not having another big ready to contribute this year. That is what is killing this team.