Is it just me?


New member
Nov 4, 2008
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Is it just me or has the officiating in college basketball been disturbingly poor this year? It seems like year after year it gets a little worse but this year has been really bad across the board.
I don't know if it's worse or if we just notice it more when we have more close games and can't always overcome the bad calls.
It's brutal.

College ball is turning into 7th grade girls JV games with all the hacking and holding that goes on. Spacing is poor because you have to set 4 screens to get a guy open because he's being held the whole time. There's just a lot of bad basketball, especially locally, and I think a lot of it is an indirect result of the officiating.
Is it just me or has the officiating in college basketball been disturbingly poor this year? It seems like year after year it gets a little worse but this year has been really bad across the board.

It's not just you. Seemed to me like it really started getting bad last season and worse this season. I would be happy if it was consistent, but it's far from that.
People complain about the officiating at the middle school, high school, collegiate and professional levels. The only thing that has changed is 24 hour sports stations and games with 30 different TV angles.