Isaiah Cousins FT shooting and overall play.

Great at driving. Terrible at finishing. Often doesn't even attempt to. I think being strictly a two-foot leaper hurts him. Lacks adjustability that Woodard and Hield have. Gets lots of shots blocked.
He's average at the very best. He's done an admirable job this year, but I'm not sure anyone would categorize his handles as "really good".

We will just have to agree to disagree on that then. Do I think he makes the best decisions passing sometimes? Or picking up his dribble in bad situations? No. But we very rarely had to worry about him bringing the ball up the floor this year. I do categorize him as a "really good" ball handler.
If fouling OU late do it in this order: Lattin, Spangler, Cousins, Woodard, Hield. If someone else is on the court, I might foul them first simply because the pressure would be huge for that player.
He's average at the very best. He's done an admirable job this year, but I'm not sure anyone would categorize his handles as "really good".

The thing about Cousins' dribbling is his mistakes come from dribbling to a place where he's double teamed as opposed to just losing the ball outright when he has no pressure on him like someone else on the team.
The thing about Cousins' dribbling is his mistakes come from dribbling to a place where he's double teamed as opposed to just losing the ball outright when he has no pressure on him like someone else on the team.

Bingo. And I would go even further as to say I don't think cousins problem is "ball handling" Per se as much as it is "decision making".
If on the court, like some late game situations, I foul Dinjyl Walker, without hesitation.