Lamb update

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Seymore Cox

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Nov 12, 2008
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per some clown that calls himself mascott.

doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement to me. I'd be interested in others take

After making the trip to Oklahoma for an official visit a couple of weeks ago, the #33 ranked player in the ESPNU 100, Doron Lamb, and his parents made the trip to Lawrence on Friday for Lamb’s official visit to Kansas. caught up to Doron’s father, Calvin, to talk about the family’s thoughts on the trip to the University of Kansas.

“It was nice. It was good,” Calvin Lamb said. “It was different. We haven’t experienced anything like that as far as the crowd, the fans. It was different and I was surprised,” added Lamb.

Like every one of the 16,300 Kansas fans inside Allen Fieldhouse for ‘Late Night in the Phog,’ the entire Lamb family was impressed by the event and, of course, the videos that are shown shortly before the players take the court.

“Yeah, the highlights of all the previous players. The videos really got the crowd worked up and they (the fans) really support their team. I couldn’t believe how many people were there,” Lamb said of the experience of ‘Late Night.’

The Lamb’s arrived in Lawrence a little after 2:00 p.m. on Friday, it didn’t take long for them to notice the growing crowd outside Allen Fieldhouse.

“I was shocked by the crowd out front waiting to get it,” said Lamb. “And the school was closed,” added Lamb about the students being on fall break last week.

According to Calvin, Doron, who was hosted by both Tyshawn Taylor and Sherron Collins, liked what he saw in Kansas during the visit as well.

“Well, he said the guys were nice to him and he liked everything so far,” said Lamb. “He liked it. He told the coaches he like everything about it,” added Lamb about Doron’s thoughts about the visit.

The Lamb’s also liked what they saw of the Kansas campus despite the weather being in the 40’s and overcast.

“It’s better than New York’s,” said Lamb of the weather in Lawrence. “The campus is nice and the academic advisers and everyone else was nice,” added Lamb.

Seeing the Kansas coaches at work was something that the Lamb’s took notice of. Although the season is just starting for the Jayhawks, Calvin quickly noticed the intensity level in practice.

“The coaches were good. We watched practice and it was really intense, you know, for being so early,” said Lamb about watching the Jayhawks practice. ”We talked and he really thinks Doron helps the program,” added Lamb about speaking with Coach Self.

Unlike some of the other recruits that were on campus during the weekend, Lamb did not participate in any open gyms with members of the current Kansas roster.

“No, his coach didn’t want him to play,” said Lamb of Doron’s Oak Hill Academy coach, Steve Smith, not wanting Lamb to participate. “He (Doron) is going to be a big part of their team this season,” added Lamb.

Doron will be heading to Lexington, Kentucky next weekend for his official visit with the Wildcats, a trip that both Calvin and his wife, Brigitte, hope to make as well.
I think it's between OU and Kentucky. If he likes his Kentucky visit he may commit there. If not, I think he goes OU.

I've always felt good about Lamb, and having TMG and Tiny here with the Oak Hill connection has to help.
Yeah I would agree with you. The comments sounded pretty mundane to me, no real excitement in it.
I almost wonder if with the commitment of Poole (another 2 guard type) and all the PGs they're on (plus them needing a big or two with Patterson and Cousin most likely leaving) if he still has a full offer from Kentucky and it is now more of a "conditional" offer.
if we are able to pull in jones, i think lamb (for lack of a better word) would be pretty stupid not to commit to are talking about a possible linupe that goes like this


I mean I realize kentucky and kansas have tons of talent, but lamb would be a true stud for us not just a number.... he would almost be guaranteed a starting spot unlike other schools and would be a part of very young talent...
When tmg is a junior and clark/lamb are sophmores you are looking at a backcourt that would atleast be at the tops of the big12 and prob the nation all with a year under their belt....then you throw in jones who would be a sophmore along with fitz being a junior and you are talking about a team that can really make a run
I almost wonder if with the commitment of Poole (another 2 guard type) and all the PGs they're on (plus them needing a big or two with Patterson and Cousin most likely leaving) if he still has a full offer from Kentucky and it is now more of a "conditional" offer.

If Wall goes, there is a vacancy at PG. I can see this kid being offered the PG spot if Knight and Selby don't go to UK.
If Wall goes, there is a vacancy at PG. I can see this kid being offered the PG spot if Knight and Selby don't go to UK.
I can see it as well as they can offer him a chance to compete with Bledsole for it but I don't think we're going to know on Knight and Selby till spring as what little I know on their recruitment it seems they will be waiting. I really get the feeling if the KU comments are true Lamb is going to be a Sooner.
I can see it as well as they can offer him a chance to compete with Bledsole for it but I don't think we're going to know on Knight and Selby till spring as what little I know on their recruitment it seems they will be waiting. I really get the feeling if the KU comments are true Lamb is going to be a Sooner.

The article on the shiver and Jayhawkslant were almost identical.
The fact that there are quotes about Oklahoma in the Jayhawk Slant really makes me like our chances for some reason. That and I'm beginning to wonder if "different" is really good for KU and Lamb.
I wouldn't look into this too much guys. Mr Lamb says similar things in all of his interviews. I still think it is OU and Kansas. Like Sam said, I think UK will choose to go in another direction with other players.
We are all going to have to get used to Kentucky being in on every player in the country, Cal thinks he has 83 schollys available and if he already has them full he'll just get rid of a few to make room!
I don't think those comments mean much. I think Doron sits about where we thought he did. I am sure he is still considering OU and I am sure he will wait until after UK to decide.
Sounds to me like Late Night made a huge impression. As it did in the interviews with the other 3 recruits who've commented.
Sounds to me like they had a good visit and were in awe of the crowd. Like others have said...doesn't really mean much. I'm sure next week similar things will be said about Kentucky.
if we are able to pull in jones, i think lamb (for lack of a better word) would be pretty stupid not to commit to are talking about a possible linupe that goes like this
I mean I realize kentucky and kansas have tons of talent, but lamb would be a true stud for us not just a number.... he would almost be guaranteed a starting spot unlike other schools and would be a part of very young talent...

I don't think it's "stupid" for him to pick whichever school he thinks fits best for him. And in your scenario above OU is more stacked than KU or Kentucky would be so why would he just be another "number" for those schools. I think you are underestimating the talent that Capel is bringing in.
Sounds to me like Late Night made a huge impression. As it did in the interviews with the other 3 recruits who've commented.
Sounds to me like they had a good visit and were in awe of the crowd. Like others have said...doesn't really mean much. I'm sure next week similar things will be said about Kentucky.

Yeah I agree, generally. All of the things his dad said are neutral enough that people are filling in blanks. OU fans are assuming he wasn't really exicited about the visit. Cheno is assuming he was really excited about it. In the end the comments are vague enough that I assume he enjoyed the visit some, but it isn't clear whether he was blown away or just enjoyed it a little. It seems that we are all reading our biases into this a bit.
Let's hope his relationship with Coach and the team (especially his good friend Tiny) mean more to him than gaudy fan support. I feel good about where we are with both he and TJones.
Yeah I agree, generally. All of the things his dad said are neutral enough that people are filling in blanks. OU fans are assuming he wasn't really exicited about the visit. Cheno is assuming he was really excited about it. In the end the comments are vague enough that I assume he enjoyed the visit some, but it isn't clear whether he was blown away or just enjoyed it a little. It seems that we are all reading our biases into this a bit.

We really don't really know, because it was his father that gave the interview and not him.
I agree ,I think the Lamb family has handled the whole recruiting process very well, they say nice things about everywhere they have been and always say they are keeping their options open. Different could mean special to him. Like what a football recruit would say about OU after he just visited when his previous trips where to Baylor, Texas Tech, ect......I think Capel's ability to connect with the players gives OU a fighting chance especially for a kid like Doron.
I agree ,I think the Lamb family has handled the whole recruiting process very well, they say nice things about everywhere they have been and always say they are keeping their options open.

I agree they seem to be doing it the right way. Doron is taking his visits and not pulling the trigger too fast, trying to figure out where he can succeed. I think OU is a great fit for him of course. We need to replace our SG and he would be coming into a good situation. I think if he sees what we do with WW this year he will get a good idea of what he will do for us.
Cheno is assuming he was really excited about it.

Nope, didn't assume anything. Like I said I don't know. I said he had a good visit because Mr. Lamb said it was good and that Doron liked it.
And I said he was in awe of Late Night based on him saying he hadn't ever experienced anything like it, he was shocked by it and he couldn't believe it.
All that being said doesn't mean he commits to KU. I'm sure he'll like every visit or at least says he does.

The guys saying "it wasn't a ringing endorsement" and his comments were "mundane and had no real excitement in them" are being a little biased but hey that's expected.

Personally, I still think OU is the leader because of Doron's relationship with Tiny and the strong possibility of starting as a freshmen. At KU and Kentucky he'd have lots of competition on the perimeter.
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