Lamb update

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I agree ,I think the Lamb family has handled the whole recruiting process very well, they say nice things about everywhere they have been and always say they are keeping their options open. Different could mean special to him. Like what a football recruit would say about OU after he just visited when his previous trips where to Baylor, Texas Tech, ect......I think Capel's ability to connect with the players gives OU a fighting chance especially for a kid like Doron.

I agree. They sound like a great family. I wish Doron luck wherever he goes...I just hope it ain't Kentucky!!!!!!!
Nope, didn't assume anything. Like I said I don't know. I said he had a good visit because Mr. Lamb said it was good and that Doron liked it.
And I said he was in awe of Late Night based on him saying he hadn't ever experienced anything like it, he was shocked by it and he couldn't believe it.
All that being said doesn't mean he commits to KU. I'm sure he'll like every visit or at least says he does.

The guys saying "it wasn't a ringing endorsement" and his comments were "mundane and had no real excitement in them" are being a little biased but hey that's expected.

Personally, I still think OU is the leader because of Doron's relationship with Tiny and the strong possibility of starting as a freshmen. At KU and Kentucky he'd have lots of competition on the perimeter.
cheno said:
Sounds to me like Late Night made a huge impression. As it did in the interviews with the other 3 recruits who've commented.
Sounds to me like they had a good visit and were in awe of the crowd.

I know you said it isn't a huge deal, but you say it made a huge impression and was awe inspiring while the OU fans are saying it was probably not a great deal. In the end, both you and everyone else are saying it probably isn't a big deal, but you are saying it made a huge impression on the one hand and that it isn't a big deal on the other hand. Even you have to admit that you interpretation of this was far cheerier than the OU fans. I am just saying that you as a KU fan are likely to be interpreting the article as a cheerier assessment than the OU fans who are similarly biased against Kansas. My whole point was that I read the article and felt like I learned very little about the outcome of the visit.
per Doron Lamb himself:

Lamb, a 6-4 senior shooting guard from Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson, Va., also was awed by the full house.
“The highlight (of visit) was when I walked out with the others (recruits) and the crowd was cheering and gave us a standing ovation. I’ve never had anything like that happen to me,” Lamb said.
“It was a cool visit. I liked meeting the players, coaches and seeing the campus. Coach Self is cool. He’s real. He tells you the truth.”
Lamb — his weekend host was Tyshawn Taylor — enjoyed the 20-minute Late Night scrimmage. “It was really good. They scored a lot of points and didn’t turn it over much,” Lamb said.
Lamb,’s No. 21-rated player will visit Kentucky next weekend. Oklahoma and Arizona are also on his list.
The writer said he was "awed" not Lamb.

Regardless, seems as though he had a good visit.
It is almost a given that recruits are going to have great visits to schools like KU, UNC, KY, etc. This isn't the first rodeo for those coaches and they know what they're doing when it comes to hosting recruits.

The bottom line is, do we have enough great things at OU as those other schools? I think the best thing we have going is Coach Capel and his relationship with recruits.
So a visit highlighted by flashy event (KU's midnight madness) or one that personal connections was the top part (family atmosphere at OU)?
Maybe I'm just being biased again but I like OU's chances based on what I've read. When you go to school it's not all fun and games 24-7 like midnight madness. It really comes down to if you're comfortable with your coaches and teammates as they're who you end up spending most of your time with not flashy crowds once a year to kick off the season. Plus it's not like fan support is horrible at OU anymore.
It is almost a given that recruits are going to have great visits to schools like KU, UNC, KY, etc. This isn't the first rodeo for those coaches and they know what they're doing when it comes to hosting recruits.
The bottom line is, do we have enough great things at OU as those other schools? I think the best thing we have going is Coach Capel and his relationship with recruits.

Exactly right Norm. And every kid is different. Some kids it's important to play in front of a packed house and at a school that is known for basketball. See Daniel Orton. See why OU football gets so many great recruits.
Some kids that's not as important and even with some a turn-off.
It all depends on the kid and what he's looking for.
Just like life some of us like working for a big company like a Microsoft and some wouldn't do it regardless of what it paid because they don't want to put up with corporate America.
So a visit highlighted by flashy event (KU's midnight madness) or one that personal connections was the top part (family atmosphere at OU)?
Maybe I'm just being biased again but I like OU's chances based on what I've read. When you go to school it's not all fun and games 24-7 like midnight madness. It really comes down to if you're comfortable with your coaches and teammates as they're who you end up spending most of your time with not flashy crowds once a year to kick off the season. Plus it's not like fan support is horrible at OU anymore.

It sounded like to me in his comments his personal connections were good at KU as well. He said he liked Coach Self and he was real. How is that not him being comfortable?
And if you think once a year at KU they have 16,300 people in Allen Fieldhouse going nuts then you've obviously not ever been to a game or seen a KU game on TV.

Again, I think OU is sitting good with Lamb and if I had to bet would say he goes to OU but everything you say above contradicts what his dad said and now he said. And I'm sure he'll have a great visit at Kentucky as well.

It's going to all come down to what school he likes the best and sees himself playing at. I don't think we can read into anything anymore than that.
This quote is from It looks pretty positive to me. :)

The bottom line is it's really hard to draw conclusions right after a visit because every visit is going to be good. Things tend to settle down once they get home and start looking at things again.

Lamb, a 6-4 senior shooting guard from Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson, Va., also was awed by the full house.

“The highlight (of visit) was when I walked out with the others (recruits) and the crowd was cheering and gave us a standing ovation. I’ve never had anything like that happen to me,” Lamb said.

“It was a cool visit. I liked meeting the players, coaches and seeing the campus. Coach Self is cool. He’s real. He tells you the truth.”

Lamb — his weekend host was Tyshawn Taylor — enjoyed the 20-minute Late Night scrimmage. “It was really good. They scored a lot of points and didn’t turn it over much,” Lamb said.
It sounded like to me in his comments his personal connections were good at KU as well. He said he liked Coach Self and he was real. How is that not him being comfortable?
And if you think once a year at KU they have 16,300 people in Allen Fieldhouse going nuts then you've obviously not ever been to a game or seen a KU game on TV.

Again, I think OU is sitting good with Lamb and if I had to bet would say he goes to OU but everything you say above contradicts what his dad said and now he said. And I'm sure he'll have a great visit at Kentucky as well.

It's going to all come down to what school he likes the best and sees himself playing at. I don't think we can read into anything anymore than that.
Comparison of personal connections.


“He was with the whole team most of the time,” he said. “Tiny, Tommy Mason-Griffin, Willie Warren, all of those guys.

“He was down there with those guys and you’d have thought that he was already enrolled at the school. He and Tiny are very good friends. It was like they were back at Oak Hill, like they had never left each other. He had a real good experience with those guys.”

“He liked the atmosphere and the family-ness of the team,” he said. “The whole team is really close to each other and he really likes that about them.”

According to Calvin, Doron, who was hosted by both Tyshawn Taylor and Sherron Collins, liked what he saw in Kansas during the visit as well.

“Well, he said the guys were nice to him and he liked everything so far,” said Lamb. “He liked it. He told the coaches he like everything about it,” added Lamb about Doron’s thoughts about the visit.

"I just hung out with the team after late night," said Lamb. "You know, we were just chillin'. "Tyshawn Taylor was my host and we spent a lot of time together. He just talked about Kansas and what it's like to play here and what type of fit it would be for me.

"Sherron Collins was my other host," he added. "Sherron and Tyshawn spent the most time with me during my visit. Those two guys were my hosts during my visit to Kansas. Sherron said a lot of the same things Tyshawn said to me. Sherron said the coaches here would make me better."

Also I never said anything about KU not selling out or having poor attendance the rest of the way I was just responding to the reaction of Late Night being the greatest thing ever vibe you have been giving off. Just saying that for all kids it's not a deal maker, sure it helps KU but there are a lot more factors than just latenight.
Comparison of personal connections.



Also I never said anything about KU not selling out or having poor attendance the rest of the way I was just responding to the reaction of Late Night being the greatest thing ever vibe you have been giving off. Just saying that for all kids it's not a deal maker, sure it helps KU but there are a lot more factors than just latenight.

I think the article I quoted showed that the kids were definitely impressed by KU's late night. But it definitely isn't a deal maker for every kid. It is definitely a recruiting advantage in terms of showing fan support but that can be countered in different ways and Capel is obviously doing that.

I think in terms of East Coast kids the fan support makes a difference because they come from places where basketball is king. They play to packed out gyms and they are the kings of their schools. In the midwest/south football is king. I think that is one of the things that Capel is working against with a top East Coast kid like Lamb.
If OU beats KU on Lamb, it will be the first time OU beat KU on a recruit, straight up, without any special circustance, in a long time.
Sam you are comparing what Doron's dad said. Read what Doron said. Sounds like his personal feelings for Coach Self are really good. He said he was cool and real and tells the truth. What did Doron say about Capel? I don't recall. I don't know if he ever said anything. My thoughts are he would have said the exact same thing because Coach Capel are those exact same things. He's cool and tells it how it is. Coach Self and Capel are the same in that way which is why I love them both as coaches.

Again, it's all just comments. I don't think you can read into it either way and make any solid conclusions.

Also I never said anything about KU not selling out or having poor attendance the rest of the way I was just responding to the reaction of Late Night being the greatest thing ever vibe you have been giving off.
The vibe that I've been giving off? I'm just telling you what the kids said. I'm just telling you what Lamb and his dad said. Nothing more, nothing less.
Read their comments and make your own judgement on the effect of Late Night on kids. It's pretty easy to see it's a huge hit.

Just saying that for all kids it's not a deal maker, sure it helps KU but there are a lot more factors than just latenight.
Totally agree 100%. That's what I've been saying.
It depends on the kid.

For Daniel Orton fan support and tradition was a deal breaker. For Blake Griffin it was not. Again, it all depends on the kid. I don't know how many different ways I can say that.
If OU beats KU on Lamb, it will be the first time OU beat KU on a recruit, straight up, without any special circustance, in a long time.

Willie Warren. Capel beat Self on that one.
But yes, I agree. And it's going to happen more. And Self will beat Capel too. And throw Barnes in the mix. It's going to be an intense rivalry between those 3 coaches and schools in recruiting. It's fantastic for the Big 12. I'm really excited to see it transpire.
Willie Warren. Capel beat Self on that one.
But yes, I agree. And it's going to happen more. And Self will beat Capel too. And throw Barnes in the mix. It's going to be an intense rivalry between those 3 coaches and schools in recruiting. It's fantastic for the Big 12. I'm really excited to see it transpire.

Warren was sole Oronde. Capel wasn't even going to recruit him until he hired Oronde. Blake had an offer and so did Bookout, but both had siblings at OU. OSU beat KU head to head on Obi and Anderson though.
I think what's more telling is what father Calvin has to say. He had notihing but nice things to say about KU, but he utterly gushed about OU. Family atmosphere as has been pointed out, how it was like he (Doron) was already enrolled the way he got along with the team, etc... There is a notable difference in the amount of enthusiam the respective "nice things to say" that Dad doled out after the respective visits. IMO

Night at the Phog is not when I would want to take my official to KU if I were in his shoes. I want to see the campus in a "normal" setting.
I think what's more telling is what father Calvin has to say. He had notihing but nice things to say about KU, but he utterly gushed about OU. Family atmosphere as has been pointed out, how it was like he (Doron) was already enrolled the way he got along with the team, etc... There is a notable difference in the amount of enthusiam the respective "nice things to say" that Dad doled out after the respective visits. IMO

Night at the Phog is not when I would want to take my official to KU if I were in his shoes. I want to see the campus in a "normal" setting.

I totally agree with you. If I were a top recruit, I would want to see a school during a "normal" time. Now, I would definitely try to take an unofficial and take in the midnight madness!
I totally agree with you. If I were a top recruit, I would want to see a school during a "normal" time. Now, I would definitely try to take an unofficial and take in the midnight madness!

It's a fans event. For players who are into that, it is a beneficial visit. For those that ain't, it aint.
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