Latest Scout update on Doron Lamb

I don't know about that line of thinking Elmo. I'm not a Calipari fan either, but I don't think that just because a kid chooses a school that he's coaching at makes him slimy or a bad kid who shares the same thoughts as Calipari. From what I understand we are still in good shape with Doron. Right now he's getting to see the flash and dash of big time programs like uk and ku. Let's see what happens. Don't think that Tiny isn't in Doron's ear. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!

Exactly. I mean Calipari is selling the same thing Jeff Capel is. He's selling kids on himself, his system, that he will get them to where they want to be which is the NBA. They are selling the exact same thing. The delivery is just different. I don't like Calipari either but I can see where he/his program is appealing.
We've all bought something from a salesperson that turned out sleazy. We didn't know at the time or wanted the product bad enough that we bought it anyways....right?
And to a 17 year old kid Calipari is probably a cool dude. Probably about as cool as a guy/coach gets to some of these kids.
Does he? Really? I mean he does interviews after each visit. Why? Because freakin' the media is calling him. I've seen nothing out of Mr. Lamb nor Doron to think anything is out of the ordinary.
What is out of the ordinary is people thinking he should hurry up and make a decision. I mean like 2-3 days after his visit to OU there were threads about when and why he hadn't committed yet. It doesn't work that way.
This is a big-time recruit who hasn't even taken all of his scheduled visits.
I mean really. Give the kid a break.

You have to have an open door policy. Not every recruit's parent does as many interviews. Some welcome the interviews, others like Tommy Griffin play it the way I like seeing it played.
I have to agree with Denver.

WHY would a parent like Calamari? The guy is so sleezy that his mom disowned him.

To that extent if a kid buys the hype then I side with Elmo and say "more power to him...we wanted someone with a little more gray matter anyway".
Exactly. I mean Calipari is selling the same thing Jeff Capel is. He's selling kids on himself, his system, that he will get them to where they want to be which is the NBA. They are selling the exact same thing. The delivery is just different. I don't like Calipari either but I can see where he/his program is appealing.
We've all bought something from a salesperson that turned out sleazy. We didn't know at the time or wanted the product bad enough that we bought it anyways....right?
And to a 17 year old kid Calipari is probably a cool dude. Probably about as cool as a guy/coach gets to some of these kids.

Great convo...I suspected there would be some well said posts that disagreed with me. Like I said, I know my feelings on it are likely in the minority. But I sincerely, 100% do not believe he is selling kids the same things Jeff Capel is. In fact, given his track record and his associations I wouldn't be surprised if he is actually buying, not selling. The guy is slime...period. If anyone disagrees with me on that, you are certainly entitled to your opinion but please don't argue with me about it. I feel very strongly about it and don't honestly care to debate it (just being honest).

And as far as his track record, how is it that good? Seriously, what has he really accomplished that is worth all the hype. If you count the vacating of wins due to major infractions, he's never been to a Final Four. He's never coached at a high major. For all the time he was at Memphis, and for all the great recruiting classes he put together, I can think of 5 guys who played for him who are in the league (Derrick Rose, Chris Douglas-Roberts, Shawne Williams, Rodney Carney and Joey Dorsey) and one from UMass (Camby). Of those guys, how many improved while they were at Memphis? I'll give him CDR (even though I think he shouldn't get credit for that. The rest of them left as pretty much the exact same player they were when they arrived. He always allows shady associations within his program (if he doesn't flat out encourage it). I honestly just don't see what there is about the guy that would be impressive to any kid that I would pull for. Its sort of like a guy choosing Drew Rosenhaus for an agent. Sure its a good decision for them personally, and I can't fault them for that, but it still kind of tells me something about that know?

And as far as UK goes, I can see the tradition and passion for hoops being appealing to just about anyone. But that place has an enormous amount of bad associations with it, both historically and recently. From Adolph Rupp's racism, to them being slow to integrate, from Sutton's "Bills for Mills" fiasco, to them a two time cheater and slime ball in Calipari, from the joke that was the entire rise and demise of Billy Clyde, to the way the classiest coach they've ever had (and a damn fine, CHAMPIONSHIP WINNING coach) was run out of town (Tubby Smith, there is a long, long line of UK displaying the ugly side of collegiate sports.

So anyway, I say all that just to say that as far as I'm concerned whether it means a kid is just a rotten kid or whether a kid just can't see through what Coach Cal is selling doesn't really matter to me. If they make the biggest decision of their life and decide to side with that guy and that program, then I don't think they are the type of kid that I really want to get behind anyway. That doesn't mean that there haven't been players at OU that I've really liked that are exactly the same as those kids. But I only have a limited number of ways to decide what I think of these kids. In fact (and I don't want to derail this too badly), the two years that we had Taj and Everett were two of the bleakest years of my OU fandom. I absolutely hated those teams and never felt good about those guys (no need to get into all of that, lets just say its my opinion), so I don't limit these things to just Cal and UK. Anyway, I don't wish kids ill just because they go to UK. But if Jones or Lamb went to UK over OU, I swear to you that I would exhale and breath a sigh of relief and think, "Man, I sure did want them but it feels like we dodged a bullet there."

We all attribute things to sports we love that make the sport more significant and legitimate, and less like a game played by teenagers. One of mine is that I don't ever want to value players just because of their talent, or coaches just because of their win-loss record, or teams just because of their tradition or profile. I know that I need to feel a degree of pride in things about the players, coaches and admin that have nothing to do with going out and winning. Its just part of my hard-wiring. I am originally from San Diego and I'm a huge Chargers fan, but I have absolutely hated them for years because they are gutless punks (most of them, that is).

Anyway, I don't blame Jones or Lamb for visiting UK and having them on their final list. But if they were to choose them, my disappointment would be in them and not in them not being Sooners.

Hope that made a tiny bit of sense.
I follow what you're saying, but it's way too early to judge their final feelings.

It's why so many people buy the first time they're at a car dealership, but if they leave and have a few days to think about it typically don't go back. A "snake-oil" salesman (Calipari) gets you hooked and hooked hard during your initial visit and it's tempting to bite right away. After getting away from him and a little thought, you change your mind.
I have to agree with Denver.

WHY would a parent like Calamari? The guy is so sleezy that his mom disowned him.

To that extent if a kid buys the hype then I side with Elmo and say "more power to him...we wanted someone with a little more gray matter anyway".

I totally agree that as a concerned parent you should be well aware of the wake that Cal has left in his past after building up then destroying programs due to unscrupulous activities. However, he is a charismatic guy and good coach who has had tremendous success in delivering players to the NBA and taking teams to Final Fours (before they are stripped by the NCAA) so I can see how some families want to overlook the negative for short term gain. I don't think it's something I would want for my kid but get why other families want to send their kid to play for him. And as mentioned above, UK sells itself.
I totally agree that as a concerned parent you should be well aware of the wake that Cal has left in his past after building up then destroying programs due to unscrupulous activities. However, he is a charismatic guy and good coach who has had tremendous success in delivering players to the NBA and taking teams to Final Fours (before they are stripped by the NCAA) so I can see how some families want to overlook the negative for short term gain. I don't think it's something I would want for my kid but get why other families want to send their kid to play for him. And as mentioned above, UK sells itself.

I forgot about Dajuan Wagner in my earlier post (even though the only reason he stayed in the league 3 years was his guaranteed rookie deal), but counting him Calipari has had a total of 7 players get to the NBA in 17 seasons as a head coach. I wouldn't call that tremendous success. And of those 7, who was ready to be successful there? Wagner was out after his rookie deal, Shawne Williams will be soon and Joey Dorsey might stick, but not as a rotation player. That leaves Marcus Camby, Rodney Carney, Chris Douglas-Roberts and Derrick Rose. I guess I just don't see the proud legacy of getting guys into the league.

I know it sounds crazy, and I don't expect any responses other than "you're crazy", but I really do think Calipari and UK are the perfect match because both are slimy, have successful and equally troubled histories, and I really do think that both are a bit overrated. Call me crazy, but I think UK is over-hyped because of the maniac hillbillies that follow them. Their legacy of greatness resides firmly in the legacies of Adolph "Racist" Rupp and Rick "Is the corner booth available?" Pitino.

Geez, I don't need to go on about this...I just think both UK and Cal are a lot more about hype then they are about substance.
I didn't say he produced NBA Hall of Famers, but simply he got his players drafted, which is a big difference. Wagner didn't pan out, but was a lottery pick with the 6th overall selection. You could argue the fact that because his players didn't make a big splash in the NBA as you noted, it actually makes him a better coach, as he was successful at the collegiate level with those terrible NBA failures on his team.

I'm not a Calipari apologist by any means, just trying to point out why players would want to be attracted to him as a coach.
Didn't Calimari have 2 players drafted off last years Memphis team?
Evans and Dozier.

I'm not taking up for him, I liked him back in the day when he took UMass to the final four, but I was also just a kid. I always pull for the underdogg and that year they were just that.

He is a pretty good coach and has had some descent players over the years, but the only blockbuster is Rose.
I didn't say he produced NBA Hall of Famers, but simply he got his players drafted, which is a big difference. Wagner didn't pan out, but was a lottery pick with the 6th overall selection. You could argue the fact that because his players didn't make a big splash in the NBA as you noted, it actually makes him a better coach, as he was successful at the collegiate level with those terrible NBA failures on his team.

I'm not a Calipari apologist by any means, just trying to point out why players would want to be attracted to him as a coach.


I wasn't taking issue with anything you said. I am just saying that I think the perception of Calipari is at least a little inflated. Sending 7 guys to the league in 17 years just isn't much of a track record. Coach Cal has this rep of being one of the very best, elite coaches in college hoops and I just don't think its accurate.

Look at a guy like Ben Howland, who doesn't have nearly the rep or profile and is considered an old school guy. He went to 3 straight Final Fours (none of which are going to get vacated) and has put 7 guys into the league in the last 4 years (Luc Richard Mbah a Moute, Darren Collison, Jrue Holiday, Russell Westbrook, Kevin Love, Aaron Afflalo and Jordan Farmer).

I mention Howland because he is kind of overlooked, but look at the guys who Calipari is supposedly in the same class with:

Roy at UNC: 9 players in the last 5 years
K at Duke: 7 players in the last 5 years (down years for them)
Donovan at Florida: 6 players in the last 5 years
Self at Kansas: 8 players in the last 5 years

Where does this rep come from?

Heck, Paul Hewitt at Georgia Tech has had 6 in the last 5 years!

I'm just think the guy is a fraud and a sleaze and hasn't earned the good parts of his reputation, while somehow dodging most of the bullets from the bad things he has been caught up in...
Good post elmo....I to am guilty of letting the hype get to me...but what you have presented makes alot of sense
Didn't Calimari have 2 players drafted off last years Memphis team?
Evans and Dozier.

I'm not taking up for him, I liked him back in the day when he took UMass to the final four, but I was also just a kid. I always pull for the underdogg and that year they were just that.

He is a pretty good coach and has had some descent players over the years, but the only blockbuster is Rose.

Crap, how did I miss Evans? 8 in 17 years. But Dozier isn't in the league. I forgot to check last year, I guess because I was thinking of him being at UK.
Too much stock is put into a COACH getting players to the next level. I used to have the same argument with a couple of my buddies "back in the day" regarding John Thompson (the elder). They would say, "look at Ewing, Morning, etc". I'd say, "I think those guys were pretty good BEFORE he got them...".

How many over-achievers has Cal put in the league??? Most of his NBA guys were NBA guys when he got em.
Elmo you bring up some great points and I don't necessarily disagree.
I can't stand Cal, Kentucky or Memphis either.
I just think it's unfare to kind of label a kid a bad kid because they go to play for him. Kids are kids. They make mistakes all the time.
Doron Lamb could say yes to Kentucky just as easy as he could say yes to OU. And he could agonize for weeks over those two schools...doesn't make him a bad kid or any less of a kid if he chooses one over the other.
Just my opinion.
Just like a kid that goes out and gets drunk and gets a DUI isn't necessarily a bad guy. He just made a poor decision. We've all been there.

I follow what you're saying, but it's way too early to judge their final feelings.
It's why so many people buy the first time they're at a car dealership, but if they leave and have a few days to think about it typically don't go back. A "snake-oil" salesman (Calipari) gets you hooked and hooked hard during your initial visit and it's tempting to bite right away. After getting away from him and a little thought, you change your mind.
This. Well said.
No problems Carp, just was trying to illustrate the perception from a high school kid and his parents of what Cal's allure may be. Most people don't seem to take into account his NCAA violations and stripped Final Fours for UMass and Memphis; they just recall the great runs those two teams had ignoring what occurred off the floor.
Crap, how did I miss Evans? 8 in 17 years. But Dozier isn't in the league. I forgot to check last year, I guess because I was thinking of him being at UK.

Well I don't know if Dozier signed a contract, but he was drafted in the 2nd round.
CDR was picked 10 in the second round by the Nets.
Elmo you bring up some great points and I don't necessarily disagree.
I can't stand Cal, Kentucky or Memphis either.
I just think it's unfare to kind of label a kid a bad kid because they go to play for him. Kids are kids. They make mistakes all the time.
Doron Lamb could say yes to Kentucky just as easy as he could say yes to OU. And he could agonize for weeks over those two schools...doesn't make him a bad kid or any less of a kid if he chooses one over the other.
Just my opinion.
Just like a kid that goes out and gets drunk and gets a DUI isn't necessarily a bad guy. He just made a poor decision. We've all been there.

This. Well said.

I haven't gone back and re-read my posts, but I'm pretty sure I never said they were bad kids. I certainly think some are, but I think most are just kids that get caught up with the glitz. All I was intending to say is that I'd rather have the kids that have their head's on straight enough to see through that stuff. That's all. I didn't mean to suggest that any kid that commits to Cal is a punk. Even Derrick Rose, a guy who obviously made some abhorrently bad decisions, is a decent enough guy when it comes down to it. I think I probably communicated a harsher stance than I bad.