LNC renovations


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2008
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Looks like the LNC is getting $9.5 million updates and improvements to the men’s and women’s “Basketball Team Suites.”

Make of that what you will

Yeah, it's locker rooms, but what's the big picture?
They're spending $175 million on football-related improvements.

Does this paltry amount mean they aren't expecting the LNC to be open long-term or does it just mean that they've completely given up on basketball?
Here are the totals:

-$175M Football Operations Facilities
-$75M Student-Athlete Success Center
-$9.5M LNC renovations (locker room)
-$45M baseball improvements/expansion
-$47.9M softball improvements/expansion
Yeah, it's locker rooms, but what's the big picture?
They're spending $175 million on football-related improvements.

Does this paltry amount mean they aren't expecting the LNC to be open long-term or does it just mean that they've completely given up on basketball?

I don't think they've given up on basketball as much as the big donors are giving to football, softball, and baseball right now.

Football is a given. Softball and baseball have had recent success and are capitalizing.

And, I think as long as the city-county-OU arena in Norman is still on the table, donors aren't going to go all in on a basketball facility.

But, if OU can get nice locker rooms for the players and coaches, it's a short-term win.
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I think this is to placehold for the next serious renovations which has to be a new basketball venue somewhere. Hopefully the money for that comes early in the SEC move. The LNC is gonna be celebrating it's 50th year in 2025 hopefully sometime that year funding for a new venue is announced.
Does it make sense to spend $10 million if you’re looking to build a new arena? Earmark the funds for basketball and save up to pay for new facilities, Or is that not possible. It seems a waste to pour more money into an outdated arena we’re looking to replace.
Travis seems to have it right here: If the new Norman arena is built, the teams will still practice at the LNC facilities. So it makes sense to go ahead and build the new locker rooms while the money is there.

[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No. If the city passes it, it will take years. They would still practice at LNC so the locker rooms would need to be done anyways.</p>— Travis J Davidson (@TravisSkol) <a href="https://twitter.com/TravisSkol/status/1632838866729160707?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 6, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]
Is the city/county going to build a new arena? What's the feeling on this? I am not connected to anyone and have no idea. It seems like we've been down this road before however.
Is the city/county going to build a new arena? What's the feeling on this? I am not connected to anyone and have no idea. It seems like we've been down this road before however.

still very alive and progressing

but even in the best case scenario it is 3-5 years away ..

new locker rooms are needed before then and as has been said OU will still use these even after that arena (if built ) opens
Is the city/county going to build a new arena? What's the feeling on this? I am not connected to anyone and have no idea. It seems like we've been down this road before however.

The best time to announce it would be 2025 but like anything that moves through a government it'll take year to get it done unless it's football related.
I read where porter wants new vision for basketball ball. Not sure what that means but would suggest to him winning games get would be a good start
The locker rooms are part of the practice facility and that's not going away, no matter what is decided about the LNC.
How does OU spend almost $100 million on baseball/softball and just $10 million on basketball?? Sheesh.. I get softball is winning and the best program in the nation, but you aren't making money off those sports, you don't get the same amount of people at games as you would if we fill up a 10k arena for basketball.
How does OU spend almost $100 million on baseball/softball and just $10 million on basketball?? Sheesh.. I get softball is winning and the best program in the nation, but you aren't making money off those sports, you don't get the same amount of people at games as you would if we fill up a 10k arena for basketball.

OU allocates the money but most of it comes from donors. That's why we had plans for the new softball complex for a few years before they were able to break ground. The Athletic Department is self-supporting and doesn't take any money from the University. If we want LNC gutted and renovated or a new facility, donors have to step up.
OU allocates the money but most of it comes from donors. That's why we had plans for the new softball complex for a few years before they were able to break ground. The Athletic Department is self-supporting and doesn't take any money from the University. If we want LNC gutted and renovated or a new facility, donors have to step up.

Exactly. Donors stepped up to support the new softball stadium, and there are reasons for that: the historic success of the program and the love that fans have for Coach Gasso and her players, past and present. I have to shake my head when people downplay the popularity of OU softball, and it happens often. It's a sport on the rise and so far in this century OU is the undisputed top program in the country. When the new stadium opens, the softball attendance just might rival the average attendance at men's basketball games.