Lon on with Toby Rowland

hey 6'11" SFs aren't unheard of...theres one playing just down the road

Yes, and he is one of the best players in the world, and had better offensive skills probably by the age of 14, than Lattin has today.

I don't doubt that Lattin could become a decent enough spot up shooter to play the 3 on occasion, but a) why would you want to waste his shot blocking and rebounding by putting him on the perimeter, and b) he'll never have the ball handling to play outside and be more than just a shooter.

Not trying to dog or bash the kid, I like his upside, but I like it as a stretch 4.

Every year or two we go thru this with fans thinking somebody is going to play the 3, and they rarely ever do (Taylor Griffin, Osby) or they play much better from the 4 (Cam).
Lattin could probably guard 3s down the line, but he'll never be able to play the position offensively. If he's ever going to be more than a dunks and layups guy on offense, he is going to have to do a complete rebuild of his shot. I just don't see how a guy with his basketball bloodlines has such a broken shot. It looks like what you'd expect out of one of those kids who played a different sport their whole lives, had an 8 inch growth spurt and are in their third year of playing hoops or something.
I would be ecstatic if our program becomes good enough that we had enough good big guys that Khadeem could ever be spared to be on the wing no matter what his skills are. As for judging talent I'll stick with LK over me and you guys. I also don't see a 3 man game but he has said it now on radio and in private.
Lattin could probably guard 3s down the line, but he'll never be able to play the position offensively. If he's ever going to be more than a dunks and layups guy on offense, he is going to have to do a complete rebuild of his shot. I just don't see how a guy with his basketball bloodlines has such a broken shot. It looks like what you'd expect out of one of those kids who played a different sport their whole lives, had an 8 inch growth spurt and are in their third year of playing hoops or something.

go watch a practice .. he makes lots and lots of jumpers