@TEvans4Three what is your takeaway from all the recent BG follows? Like the ones over the last few days. Is there any sort of takeaway you have?
@StoopsBros feel free to answer this as well. I don’t do follow tracking like you guys.
When it comes to his OU visit, he didn't hit follow like he has with Texas.
This is the list I have when it comes to semi-OU/OU-related follows:
Jacobe Jo = Jacobe Johnson. That's an old follow. Forsythe, Pedulla, Jacobe Jo(hnson), Cooper, and Nickens are all due to being in-state kids and older follows. Moore and Cole came during/after his OU visit. No coaches as you can see. Some of that could be due to the fact OU coaches don't use IG by and large (Custer is the most active on there, Glibert would be 2nd). Moser, Hump, Gates...lolololol, nah.
he did follow two OU "hot" girls (hot is in the eye of the beholder, lol)...
But one of them is 50/50 lol...both a poke and a sooner.
Listed for pre/post visit follows only:
Jalon Moore (OU player)
Jacolb Cole (OU player)
Indigo Koch (seen above)
Kaitlyn Wood (seen above)
Pre/post Texas visit...Texas follows:
Preston Clark (UT walk-on player)
Brandon Chappell (UT asst coach)
Dylan Disu (UT player)
Devin Llietz (UT sorority girl)
Devon Pryor (UT player)
Jourdann Cauthro (UT hot girl)
Antonette Lopez (UT WSoccer)
Vanessa Quiroga (UT Softball)
Horn News (this was pre-UT visit...Horn News is an aggregator type of account for daily UT sports news)
Furthermore, he posted his OU visit pics several days after his OU visit (posted them yesterday, his OU visit started on 4/12). Zero live stories.
During his UT visit, he's posted three live stories and visit pics on the same day (as his visit - today).
Is that enough to put an (unofficial) crystal ball in for Texas? No, but what it does show me is he is/was excited heading into his UT visit (plane/hotel stories = indicators), is having a good time, and he's getting to know people there (potential teammates). By now, we've all read that staying in-state, for "reasons", is what people think he'll do....but I don't know, there's a chance that Texas could knock their pitch out of the ballpark and change that line of thinking (I don't know, obviously). OU is trying to match Texas dollar for dollar (unless Texas increased their initial offer) but OU can't match the momentum Texas has right now (landing Kobe Elvis isn't in the same damn stratosphere).
Contrary to what people likely think of the TPT/myself tracking, very seldom have I predicted kids somewhere based solely on follows. It's a collective; follows (and what kind of follows they are), reading whatever I can, who's recruiting said kid, and a variety of other things (sometimes sparse sourced info). But certainly, I wasn't joking about the girl follows. They can be a strong as* indicator. Notable examples: Marcus Major followed a bunch of Minnesota sorority girls, he ends up at Minny. Walter Rouse followed Nebraska sorority girls, softball players, and maybe, IIRC, a volleyball girl or two. He ended up committing to Nebraska (and then OU flipped him, obviously).
I'm not at a point where I'd call it one way or the other on BG but my lean right now is...not OU. I'm hoping that changes, for sure, or that I'm wrong.
Speaking of follows, I need to weed through more football players post-Spring game. Fun. Here's one...
(these follows were pre-Spring game and Hicks played well)