MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

If you think any of those guys can match his strength or that he would somehow be intimidated by then, you are delusional. I can somewhat understand if people don’t like LeBron or any given player, but it’s comical how many people fail to acknowledge that he is a physical marvel and is doing things no one else has ever done
Exactly. Some of these comments are laughable. Can you picture Bill Laimbeer, Robert Parrish, etc trying to guard Lebron out on the floor? I don't know why people even debate which players from far different eras could make it in different eras. The game changes drastically from era to era. A big man in today's game is far different than a big man from yesteryear. I know many don't like Lebron, but trying to say a guy with his physical tools wouldn't be able to play in any era is laughable. I personally just enjoy all of the great players of the different eras without caring who could have should have played in an era they weren't around for....
If you think any of those guys can match his strength or that he would somehow be intimidated by then, you are delusional. I can somewhat understand if people don’t like LeBron or any given player, but it’s comical how many people fail to acknowledge that he is a physical marvel and is doing things no one else has ever done.

Malone would kick his ass….
LeBron is listed on the Lakers website at 250 lbs. Of those listed, that would only be heavier than Parrish, and equal or shorter than all those mentioned.

And Malone played at about 260 IIRC.
Brian Windhorst has been following Lebron's career since he entered the league. He reported Lebron played as heavy as 275-80lbs during his Miami days, and then he changed his fitness routine and cut out carbs because he felt like could do more later in his career if he got in better shape. He immediately got down to 250-60lbs and has stayed there since the change.

Wilt was amazing by all accounts. An argument could be made he's the real GOAT. The problem with that argument is that he lost nearly every year to a team whose backcourt was led by Bob Cousy. Do we think that Cousy, as great as he was for his time, is even remotely comparable to Lebron? I don't see a world where Bob Cousy is stacking up championships and winning MVP yet Lebron is struggling. That doesn't sound like reality.
That same team had the man who won more championships that anyone by the name of Bill Russell. Anybody who played with Russell was going to win championships.

Here you guys go. Please let this LeBron debate move out of the portal thread.
When Moser moves on, what prize will we give the poster who provided the most negativity? On a site that hasn't had any positivity since Selection Sunday, it takes a lot of work to stand out. If any positivity were to occur here, it might lead to disappointment, so it's important to pre-emptively stamp that out and never let this become a pleasant place to visit.
Negative message board posters aren’t making the program bad.
If anyone wants to watch the G League stuff.
