MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

He couldn’t qualify for sec schools I don’t think.
I don’t know the answer to this question, but can conferences dictate the admission process of individual schools? The ncaa can determine if someone is eligible to play sports, but schools control their own admission standards, no?
Just for curiosity sake, wasn't/isn't there an NCAA rule for a minimum GPA to be maintained that factored/factors into the NCAA tournament eligibility qualifications?
I honestly don't know.

I know kids have to maintain a 2 point something (2.3?).

There's some kind of APR thing for bowl games? Like if there aren't enough .500+ teams, they then take a losing team with the highest APR?

I guess I need to research NCAA tournament GPA requirements.
I, unfortunately, had to work today.

But I plan on putting together a 4 year look at the Sooners over time with portal considerations.

That Achor Achor news is extremely upsetting. Will Wade would have made it happen?

Anywho, more analysis to come tomorrow. Most likely a Google sheet
I don’t know the answer to this question, but can conferences dictate the admission process of individual schools? The ncaa can determine if someone is eligible to play sports, but schools control their own admission standards, no?
Yes, but if you accept an athlete at a certain education level, you have to accept non athletes at same level. There are some ways around that, but it can limit the transferability. For example student OCCC and takes remedial classes, those remedial will not transfer to OU, but could say UCO due to different accept level.

Also, hearing not accepted in yet, he has classes to take this summer to qualify.
I don’t know the answer to this question, but can conferences dictate the admission process of individual schools? The ncaa can determine if someone is eligible to play sports, but schools control their own admission standards, no?
I've heard, mostly when discussing football, that they have some "challenging" requirements at times. It's mostly when discussing transfers (not out of HS), and even more specifically, I've heard it's tough for JUCO's to get/be eligible.

I don't know the specifics, just that I've heard/read that over the years.
Every bit of it. There may 2-3 teams that struggle, but the rest will be playing for the tourney.
Without seeing the schedule or doing a final once-over on the roster, I'm predicting we'll be 2-4 games worse OOC, and maybe 1-2 games better in conference.
Without seeing the schedule or doing a final once-over on the roster, I'm predicting we'll be 2-4 games worse OOC, and maybe 1-2 games better in conference.
My initial thought is that we will very likely be in the bottom half of the league, so I think it’s unlikely we finish .500.
I've heard, mostly when discussing football, that they have some "challenging" requirements at times. It's mostly when discussing transfers (not out of HS), and even more specifically, I've heard it's tough for JUCO's to get/be eligible.

I don't know the specifics, just that I've heard/read that over the years.
I think the SEC requirement is interesting. It’s also interesting that, at one time, the SEC lost recruits to this eligibility rule. Then, all of a sudden, prep schools started popping up all over the place, especially in the south.

Now, prep schools existed long before this became an issue but at some point everything shifted to prep school and it all but wiped out juco talent in basketball and football. Was that due to this? IDK, but it is interesting.
Here's a reply I gave to a poster on Soonerscoop. Would love to hear some other thoughts and opinions on comparing the newcomers to last year's team.

I think Miles will be better than McCollum.
I was not a fan of Uzan and think it was best that he move on, but I don't think Elvis will be better.
I lean slightly to Soares and Oweh over Jones and Nwankwo. Nwankwo is a wildcard coming from juco that could push his group over. We shall see.
Wague and Hugley are different styles. Wague scores around the bucket and Hugley can score from outside. Wague's defense is probably better. Not sure where I lean on this one. Not a fan of either.
Forysythe will be better than Klanjcek at some point, but will it be this year? Can't say until we see him against D1 competition. I hope he's better this year, just not sure.
Cooper vs Atak. Don't expect anything from Atak this year and we didn't get much from Cooper. Probably a push for me.
I agree on Goodine on O and Darthard on D. I'll take the better shooting off the bench.