That's not tax dollars. Are you serious? You're the one being disingenuous.
That's dollars from the visitors and people in attendance. It's money, but it's not tax dollars. If you seriously think it is, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
I don't personally care if it's in KC or not except, as I mentioned, OU would probably benefit if it was in Dallas or OKC or, if it was in Houston, I could attend. But if you're going to rant on this topic 5 or 10 times you ought to at least base your rants on actual facts rather than whatever is guiding your mind when you post.
I also don't care if it's in Missouri since KC, Missouri is basically right across the street from Kansas. But stop saying this is about tax dollars when it isn't. It's about money, to be sure. What collegiate sports enterprise isn't? But those aren't tax dollars going to KC and it's absolutely false to say it is.
The Big 12 gets money from KC. KC gets money from tourists and visitors. I can't imagine anyone getting so bent out of shape about this as you are unless you financially benefit from the OKC or Dallas visitor's bureaus.