? on the Thunder announcers...


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Apr 5, 2010
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I hardly ever watch any Thunder games as I am mostly interested in college. But I watched some of the Thunder / Clippers for Blake a few weeks ago and then some of the Thunder / Heat game and I can't stand the announcers for the Thunder. They seemed to be the biggest Homers in the world. Calling out refs and opposing players on the call and everything against the Thunder was wrong. It was very embarrasing. I wonder if the owners really want this type of call representing the organization?

Your thoughts? Am I seeing something wrong here?
They're not that bad. Every "home" team announcers are going to be homers to a certain extent.
Its definitely just like that for every team's broadcast crew. Some are worse than others. The OKC ones are middle of the road. The blazers and the hornets have some of the worst.
I don't like the Thunders announcers personally, just my opinion though. We have NBA League Pass at our house and will generally watch the Thunder games on the opposing team's channel just for something different.

My roommate is a die-hard Bulls fan and Stacey King is the best in the league. He is hilarious and yet not too over the top.
Matt Pinto on the radio broadcast is a lot worse than the TV guys. Where did they find this guy?
Personally, I absolutely love the fact my hometown announcer yells at Dwayne Wade, the officials and tells opposing coaches to sit down and shut up. Brian Davis is The Man.

Thunder Up!
OKC announcers are bad, they are usually hypocrits about things and I don't like it when they call out other team players. I know they are homers but it would be good to hear some objectivity when calling a game.

Stacey King is the man, there's a sound board on the bulls website that's worth hearing.
OKC announcers are bad, they are usually hypocrits about things and I don't like it when they call out other team players. I know they are homers but it would be good to hear some objectivity when calling a game.

Stacey King is the man, there's a sound board on the bulls website that's worth hearing.

where is the sound board? thanks in advance
I don't mind the homerism of sorts by the Thunder broadcasters. I know every team's broadcasters do that. But they(Pinto and Davis) both get on my nerves. It's hard for me to watch.
I can't stand the TV guys, but love the radio guy. The worst though is Craig Humphries doing the pregame on the radio. It's hard for me to believe that there's a pro team out there that has a worse pregame announcer than him.
I hate the Thunder announcers, and the radio pre and post game stuff too. That's an area they could get a lot better. I can actually stand Matt Pinto most of the time. I hate the TV announcers.
I can't stand the TV guys, but love the radio guy. The worst though is Craig Humphries doing the pregame on the radio. It's hard for me to believe that there's a pro team out there that has a worse pregame announcer than him.

All Craig knows is written on his lengthy legal pad. Take it away, and he'll be helpless...
I travel a lot and listen to sports talk and local shows in most cities I'm in. Craig Humphries is the worst. I used to think Pinto was one of the best until he got off on his Chris Paul hating. Not that I love Paul but I don't think that stuff has a place in the broadcast. Maybe that's just me, I know it's my home team he's announcing for, but I don't like ragging on opposing players. (albeit in Paul's case somewhat deserved) I still think Pinto is really good, that just took him down a notch imo.
Craig Humphries needs to stick to golf. I think Mark Rogers would should take his spot. He is a little arrogant, but he's great with his Thunder analysis. He handles the idiot callers perfectly. And the post game shows have a lot of idiot callers.
Craig Humphries needs to stick to golf. I think Mark Rogers would should take his spot. He is a little arrogant, but he's great with his Thunder analysis. He handles the idiot callers perfectly. And the post game shows have a lot of idiot callers.

Hadn't thought of that, but you're correct. Mark would be really good at that.
Team specific play-by-play announcers at the pro level are paid to be homers. They're not paid to win the journalistic award for objectivity. Ever listen to an NFL team radio broadcast? If you think the Thunder guys are bad that would make your head explode.
Team specific play-by-play announcers at the pro level are paid to be homers. They're not paid to win the journalistic award for objectivity. Ever listen to an NFL team radio broadcast? If you think the Thunder guys are bad that would make your head explode.

I've listened to a few. I get that they are paid by the teams etc. The ones I've heard don't seem to be as bad, but I'll admit I've only listened to them once or twice while out traveling. I listen to or watch most of the Thunder games. I'm sure that makes a difference.
NFL Live or Countdown or one of those shows used to do a "top calls of the week" segment. Most of the calls were hard to hear because it just consisted of them screaming "Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" or "Oh My God he caught it! He caught it!"
I don't mind a little homerism by pumping sunshin, because that's what they're paid to do. But when they say something that is blatantly wrong in order to favor their own team, that's where it goes to far.
i enjoy listening to them. They are obviously biased but they still point out the obvious calls whether it goes for or against the thunder.

Maybe its just b/c they are new voices and I grew tired of the same old same old on the animal.

The one thing that kills me is when they refer to the Thunder as a singular noun.