Poor Hires?


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
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There's something wrong with this team that goes beyond the youth excuse. This team has more talent on it than most of the teams they've lost to with the exception of Baylor and Wisconsin. Regardless, I've never seen a team collapse like clock work at the end of every game.

It's early but how much of this is a result of replacing great assistants with not so great assistants, especially coach's son? Say what you want but Lon gave his son the job and it was pure nepotism. He did not have the resume to land the gig. Was cautiously optimistic about the hire then but not so much now.
We're 1/3 of the way through the season where we're asking everyone but Lattin simply to do things that they've never had to do before. To think we wouldn't struggle was foolish. What's most astounding to me is the number of people on this board now turning on Kruger.

I've said it before and I'll say it again -- those who expected James to be an all-Big 12 performer and score 18-20 ppg were asking far too much. Those were ridiculous expectations.

People can blame whoever they want to blame but I'll say with conviction that expecting freshmen, a Juco guy, and a bunch of players who never averaged even 10 minutes per college game to play in the Big 12 without struggling was unrealistic.
Couldn't begin to say if the issue is the assistants, but Joe C has got to get an anti-nepotism policy in place.
James settled into an easy role last season. This year's expectations are much more difficult for him to meet.

Not a single one of those people was brought back expecting to do the same thing they did before. none. zero. zilch. that is why they are termed youthful and inexperienced. and that is FAR from a cop-out. actually to say it is is in itself a cop-out.
I remember commenting on the women's board in the past that the posters on the men's board were more level headed. I was wrong. :facepalm
the talent that is quoted on this board is just that...just message board talent.

I don't see alot of talent out there and the guys we needed to step up, just haven't..probably because they aren't ready or just never will
What's most astounding to me is the number of people on this board now turning on Kruger.

Not turning on Kruger at all but I'm not surprised to see others begin to. Capel was turned on very quickly after Blake went pro, because we began to suck. Buddy et al went pro and now we are beginning to suck. Kruger is better than capel but how many sooner "fans" have turned on bob stoops?
Message board posters would turn on Tiny Tim. It is stunning how we turned on Kelvin Sampson for a few telephone calls as though he had raped someone like they do at Penn State or Baylor. We turned on Capel whose primary crime was that he tried to reach for the stars too quickly by taking some risky talent. We turn on a Hall of Fame coach because she hasn't won a national title, without considering that our men haven't either in a hundred years of trying.

When they said, "he stinketh," message board posters would criticize Jesus for raising him from the dead instead of giving him a bath. (Before you get into a religious war, I believe in neither).
Couldn't begin to say if the issue is the assistants, but Joe C has got to get an anti-nepotism policy in place.

Nepotism is alive and well at OU in both basketball programs, softball, and football and those are the only sports I follow. Any others?
Nepotism is alive and well at OU in both basketball programs, softball, and football and those are the only sports I follow. Any others?

Can't we give this nepotism business a rest? Why must we assume that an assistant can't coach just because he/she is a close relative of the head coach? Common sense should tell us that the opposite is true, more times than not.

I gotta wonder what heights the OU softball team would have reached last season if only Patty would have had sense enough to hire someone other than her son as hitting coach?
an anti-nepotism policy would be ill-advised. Continuity is crucial and hiring people who have grown up and around the coach is a sure-fire measure of doing that.