Portal Moser

I'm good with people sharing their opinion.....I actually welcome it. My point is EVERY thread turns into a complaint session for you two. Do either of you ever share a NON-negative opinon?

You are like the two old men in the balcony seats on the Muppets....but without the humor

If you would actually read, rather than just look for things in my posts to be angry about, you would see plenty of "non-negative opinions." But I get it -- you have so much dislike for me that you can't be objective. I can write a post with nine positive comments and one slightly critical/cautionary comment and you'll accuse me of "dousing flames."
15-17 is how I'm objectively disappointed. That's not a hindsight game, that's the point of the whole thing is to win games, not sign guys that look good on film. I'm hopeful PM is learning and improving at the portal game, because his current hit rate will have him on the hot seat soon if he doesn't pick it up.
I'm not trying to bag on PM, but if anyone sees what he's done do far as "winning" they have vastly different expectations than I do. Let's hope this year is an inflection point, because I would love to start winning the portal game... and basketball games!

You missed the point of the post completely.
Nobody is happy with the results.
I suggest rereading my post
Andy every thread you post in turns into a lecture about how you used to coach college basketball.

Nobody. Cares.

Debate the basketball points being made or move on. The personal attacks get old. I don't care if you like me. I don't like you. But I don't go searching out every post you make to tell you that I disagree with it.

and every thread you post shows your absolute lack of basketball knowledge.
You literally contribute ZERO to almost every thread.

I don't lecture anyone about coaching or having coached at the college level. As a matter of fact, I have definitively pointed out that I did not coach at the DI level but share my coaching experience to HOPEFULLY give a little insight to the board other than just being a armchair coach who knows everything in hindsight.

I don't look for every post you make to point out I don't agree....but you sure seem to show up in EVERY single thread to throw in your Debbie Downer posts. Just lighten up a little bit dude.

I'll gladly be civil with you and Wichita both.....I just wish you weren't so negative all the time. I'm like you....I was really unhappy this year with the results and I hope it all changes this coming year so EVERYONE is more positive.
If you would actually read, rather than just look for things in my posts to be angry about, you would see plenty of "non-negative opinions." But I get it -- you have so much dislike for me that you can't be objective. I can write a post with nine positive comments and one slightly critical/cautionary comment and you'll accuse me of "dousing flames."

I'll attempt to look for the more positive things you post. Deal?
I'll attempt to look for the more positive things you post. Deal?

Deal. Look, I can understand why people might not like my posts. But I have never once posted something just to be negative or just to stir people up. I believe everything I post. That used to get me criticized for being too optimistic. Now it’s the other way around. I don’t think I’ve changed. I just post based on the product I see. I will try not to be as repetitive in my posts.
Deal. Look, I can understand why people might not like my posts. But I have never once posted something just to be negative or just to stir people up. I believe everything I post. That used to get me criticized for being too optimistic. Now it’s the other way around. I don’t think I’ve changed. I just post based on the product I see. I will try not to be as repetitive in my posts.

You do stir up stuff, but that's OK.

Interested to see what forwards we get and how soares visit goes.
You missed the point of the post completely.
Nobody is happy with the results.
I suggest rereading my post

I read your post before I responded and directly addressed 2 points you made:

1. Recruits should be evaluated on hype not on court performance. I disagreed.
2. Nobody can objectively be dissappointed in his portal game. I offered an objective fact showing why I am dissappointed.

Seems pretty linear to me!
I read your post before I responded and directly addressed 2 points you made:

1. Recruits should be evaluated on hype not on court performance. I disagreed.
2. Nobody can objectively be dissappointed in his portal game. I offered an objective fact showing why I am dissappointed.

Seems pretty linear to me!

Obviously you didn’t get my point lol and are putting words in my mouth