Post Game Celebration Slur


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2008
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SOmebody mentioned to me that two of our players let out an N word caught on camera while celebrating the win on Sunday. Anybody hear anything about this?
If it was Spangler and Fraschilla... we've got ourselves a dangerous situation. National media, suspensions, expulsion from school, etc.

If it was Cousins and Buddy.... nothin to see here, folks.
Heard it, and nearly went over to the SAE post and spoke my mind a little more, but decided I'd rather be happy about the Sweet 16 birth.

Can't have it both ways guys. If I find out it was Booker.....let's just say that would be pretty ironic.
Heard it, and nearly went over to the SAE post and spoke my mind a little more, but decided I'd rather be happy about the Sweet 16 birth.

Can't have it both ways guys. If I find out it was Booker.....let's just say that would be pretty ironic.

Let's just say it is an ironic situation....
If you want equality between races, act like it. If you want blacks to be treated the same as whites, then be ok with whites being treated as blacks.
Context is that one of the most vocal athletes on campus speaking out against racism was caught, allegedly, on camera using the same word he has been speaking out against....

The same thing? One is said in a celebratory sense by a black person. The other is in a song about excluding a lynching black people. Don't be so obtuse. You know there is a difference.
If you want equality between races, act like it. If you want blacks to be treated the same as whites, then be ok with whites being treated as blacks.

This is where you want to plant your flag and make your stand -- on white folks getting the OK to use the N word?
This is where you want to plant your flag and make your stand -- on white folks getting the OK to use the N word?

Not at all.

There is some hypcracy involved. If you truly want racial equality and everybody to be considered the same, don't put restrictions on what races can say certain words or phrases.

And don't have certain race only clubs,etc.
The quicker this shiz gets to the off topics board the better. I come here to talk OU basketball...
The same thing? One is said in a celebratory sense by a black person. The other is in a song about excluding a lynching black people. Don't be so obtuse. You know there is a difference.

I never said they were the same thing. I said the words used were the same....the N word. It is extremely ironic and hypcritical if these reports are true, and imo lowers the respect i have for the player involved

just my opinion though. Just trying to see everybody as equals
I see where this is going and I am moving it to the Smack Talk board.
Context is that one of the most vocal athletes on campus speaking out against racism was caught, allegedly, on camera using the same word he has been speaking out against....

So the thinking is it was Booker?

WOW! That is really all I can say. Just wow.