Prediction for Trae Young Thread


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2009
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Lets hear your guys predictions.

I think he is going to.... Oklahoma
OU. What changed for you? I thought I remembered you shifted towards KU recently.
I want to say OU. My gut says OU. Most Kansas sites say OU.

Then I hear Al, Dean, and Mark Rodgers all say it's KU. And even though I know they could be wrong, they claim sources, and mine is purely off observation.

I don't know what to think.
OSU... my sources (a friend of a friend is an uncle of a guy on his team) :D

No. Seriously I think he chooses OU!
OU. What changed for you? I thought I remembered you shifted towards KU recently.

I did shift towards KU because of Dad. I just feel kid wins out and wants to stay home and right this ship. He wants to be The Man, not another man.
I want to say OU. My gut says OU. Most Kansas sites say OU.

Then I hear Al, Dean, and Mark Rodgers all say it's KU. And even though I know they could be wrong, they claim sources, and mine is purely off observation.

I don't know what to think.

OU - There is zero substance to any of Al, Dean or Marks opinons or sources.
I did shift towards KU because of Dad. I just feel kid wins out and wants to stay home and right this ship. He wants to be The Man, not another man.

Have any inside information on it? Or is this just your gut?
Have any inside information on it? Or is this just your gut?

Maybe a little inside but this has been up and down recruitment, any inside info is still questionable at best.

If he picks OU, Ill share a tidbit. Not a secret but odd story.
I really hope you're right.

They want to be right and say they called it, and KU is the smart bet given it's history. If he goes to KU they'll say they new it all along, if he goes to OU they'll say they had a hunch he was going OU.
I have very little sources anymore, and if I did I'm not sure I'd believe them these days with the way kids and their family are handling these things and the troll factor.

But the people I know, who claim to have sources, are split between predicting OU or Kansas. It's crazy.

I'll say this for Al, and laugh if you want, but he knows EVERYONE in Norman. Hope he's wrong. Glad this will be over this week.
Predictions where there is no money riding on the outcome are a dime a dozen thus those who profess to be in the know have no problem rolling the proverbial dice. Al and Dean and so on come from this mold.
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Head KU
Heart OU

I always go with my heart, lol. Especially since it's Valentine's week, lol.
Kansas. And why not?

Better basketball program
Better basketball coaches
Better basketball atmosphere
Better basketball fans
Top 5 team nationally pretty much every year

Why wouldn't I go to Kansas? Unless I was just a huge OU fan or wanted to be "the man".
Kansas. And why not?

Better basketball program
Better basketball coaches
Better basketball atmosphere
Better basketball fans
Top 5 team nationally pretty much every year

Why wouldn't I go to Kansas? Unless I was just a huge OU fan or wanted to be "the man".

Based on his recruiting, I think there's a good possibility he wants to be "the man".

And I don't say that as a bad thing. In fact, I think that's just the type of personality this team needs.
I'm predicting OSU.

The more I hear the more I think he needs OU. I think he would struggle with the coaching style of Self or Underwood.