Remember the 10 — Bill Teegins


Staff member
Oct 22, 2008
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So today is the 10-year anniversary of the Oklahoma State plane crash. I was reading some of the articles in The Oklahoman this morning and the first one I went to was about Bill Teegins, who was the OSU radio play-by-play guy and Channel 9 Sportscaster. You can click here to read it, but don't do so if you don't want to get choked up this morning.

Anyway, this part of the article triggered a memory from me.

He was funny and engaging, qualities that television viewers saw and radio listeners heard, but he was also humble and God-fearing and grateful and loving, characteristics that his daughter admired.

I only met Bill Teegins one time, but this is exactly how I remember him. Back when I got out of college I was in and out of the media covering different events. One of those events was the Big 12 Baseball tournament.

There was a suite for the media with food and access to get online to file your stories etc. Outside the suite were about two rows of seats. I love baseball so on one particular night I was out there watching one of the games that was in extra innings before OU was to play that night. I was the only one out sitting out there in the media section.

Well, here comes Bill Teegins out the door with a coke and hot dog in hand and sits right next to me. Again, I was the only one out there and sitting in the far back corner of the seat section. If I were him, I would've sat on the other end of the section of seats from me across the isle. But not this guy.

He introduced himself, shook my hand and proceeded to ask who I was working for and was genuinely interested in me. I was shocked at how incredibly humble and genuine he was. Most media types aren't like that, but that wasn't Bill Teegins.

After we got the introductions out of the way, we just sat there and talked baseball for about an hour. That was the only time I met him or spoke with him, but I still remember that to this day. From that day on, I was a fan and always will be.
Teegins was ALL CLASS. Probably my favorite sportscaster. I LOVED to turn over to the OSU games to see what he had in store. You could listen to about 20 seconds of his broadcast and tell how OSU was playing. He didn't sugarcoat anything.

I particularly LOVED his "oh, brother" (in a monotone voice) line whenever OSU would screw something up (which was a regular occurrence).

He is sorely missed at my house.
I did not realize it had been ten years. What a sad day that was.
I can't believe it has been that long. Rick Barns is the only active coach to be coaching in the Big 12 at that time. I couldn't believe that when I heard it.
Bill Teegins was the best news man in my lifetime as far as the OKC stations are concerned.
So today is the 10-year anniversary of the Oklahoma State plane crash. I was reading some of the articles in The Oklahoman this morning and the first one I went to was about Bill Teegins, who was the OSU radio play-by-play guy and Channel 9 Sportscaster. You can click here to read it, but don't do so if you don't want to get choked up this morning.

Anyway, this part of the article triggered a memory from me.

I only met Bill Teegins one time, but this is exactly how I remember him. Back when I got out of college I was in and out of the media covering different events. One of those events was the Big 12 Baseball tournament.

There was a suite for the media with food and access to get online to file your stories etc. Outside the suite were about two rows of seats. I love baseball so on one particular night I was out there watching one of the games that was in extra innings before OU was to play that night. I was the only one out sitting out there in the media section.

Well, here comes Bill Teegins out the door with a coke and hot dog in hand and sits right next to me. Again, I was the only one out there and sitting in the far back corner of the seat section. If I were him, I would've sat on the other end of the section of seats from me across the isle. But not this guy.

He introduced himself, shook my hand and proceeded to ask who I was working for and was genuinely interested in me. I was shocked at how incredibly humble and genuine he was. Most media types aren't like that, but that wasn't Bill Teegins.

After we got the introductions out of the way, we just sat there and talked baseball for about an hour. That was the only time I met him or spoke with him, but I still remember that to this day. From that day on, I was a fan and always will be.

Great story.
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say a bad word about Bill Teegins.
Teegins was one of my favorites, too. I'll echo what Klegg said, I also loved listening to his broadcasts even though I wasn't an OSU fan.

I'll never forget his signature "TOUCHDOWN COWBOYS", and I, too, loved the "oh, brother". I'm trying to think of what he said when they hit a 3, can anybody refresh my memory? For some reason, I keep hearing Bob Sr. "SWISH HE HIT IT".
Teegins was one of my favorites, too. I'll echo what Klegg said, I also loved listening to his broadcasts even though I wasn't an OSU fan.

I'll never forget his signature "TOUCHDOWN COWBOYS", and I, too, loved the "oh, brother". I'm trying to think of what he said when they hit a 3, can anybody refresh my memory? For some reason, I keep hearing Bob Sr. "SWISH HE HIT IT".

"(HE) GOT IT!!!!" I think.
"(HE) GOT IT!!!!" I think.

Yep, that's it. Thanks.

I'll also add, when the plane crash happened, I was very sad for all the families of those involved, but Teegins is the only one I had an attachment too because of watching and listening to him on the radio. His death was hard to stomach and still is.
If you ever watched an OSU game on TV and listened to Teegins call it on the radio he was always about 1 second ahead of the video so you'd hear "He got it!" when the shot was only halfway to the rim. I played against him a church softball league in the early '90's but you wouldn't have known him from any other guy out there unless the guys on your team pointed it out. He was just a friendly, unassuming guy.

The crash actually was on the 27th.
We're doing a tribute/memorial at halftime tomorrow night.

Rumored that Rick Barnes is going to have his players wearing commemorative shirts before the game, much like Kelvin did with his OU team a week or two after the event. I've always had a lot of respect for Sampson, and really enjoyed the way his teams played, and wish circumstances would have been different for both he and Eddie at the end of their careers with the respective schools.

OU fans have been and continue to be tremendous with regard to this tragedy... so, thanks.
i liked Bill Teegins as well. i live in Boulder and lived here when it happened. i listened to the CU-OSU game on the radio while doing some work at home (was in grad school at CU then). i remember hearing the report on the radio....just a couple hours after the game ended.

sad. best to all the families.
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I for one am sick of this morbid love fest they have every year. It's 10 years for gods sake.
I for one am sick of this morbid love fest they have every year. It's 10 years for gods sake.

Agreed! Get over it, people! It's just lives we're talking about!
I for one am sick of this morbid love fest they have every year. It's 10 years for gods sake.

If you're not interested in the subject, might I suggest not clicking on the link and reading the thread... instead of your strategy of posting something that makes you look like a complete and utter douche bag.

Just my .02.
I for one am sick of this morbid love fest they have every year. It's 10 years for gods sake.

Have you informed the people at the OKC Bombing Memorial that they shouldn't be commemorating those deaths every year? After all, it's been 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!
Never met Teegins personally, but parents knew him through mutual friends, and always had good things to say about him. Said he was a very classy person.