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Nov 10, 2008
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In the exhibition game 9 players saw significant playing time with Hartman getting a few minutes in. Is OU down to 10 scholarship players available with Cloman done? Isn't that a thin roster and what is the scholly allotment for Women's BB?
In the exhibition game 9 players saw significant playing time with Hartman getting a few minutes in. Is OU down to 10 scholarship players available with Cloman done? Isn't that a thin roster and what is the scholly allotment for Women's BB?

Each team can have 15 players on ships.
Basically OU has lost 4 players in

Sherri only added 3 players in the current recruiting class, so OU is behind the numbers game.
To be fair, 3 of those losses occurred after Sherri could really do anything about it.

Unfortunately, 3 of them are post players. And it's hard to add meaningful post depth in the women's game.
OU has all 15 scholarships endowed. THey seldom (never?) use them all. We were down to 9 or 10 players a couple years ago and got Kodi Morrison out of the classroom to suit up. Something similiar might have to happen again.
Basically OU has lost 4 players in

The only one of those that mattered was Harden, and we seem to have replaced her with better quality in Manning.

As far as numbers go, most coaches only give meaningful roles to about 8 players anyway, and it seems like all of our 10 have the ability to contribute.

The loss that really hurts is Kay-Kay. I think she would have played a really significant role. However, I remember when we lost another key center, Jennifer Cunningham, in pre-season. Let's see - what year was that?
The only one of those that mattered was Harden, and we seem to have replaced her with better quality in Manning.

As far as numbers go, most coaches only give meaningful roles to about 8 players anyway, and it seems like all of our 10 have the ability to contribute.

The loss that really hurts is Kay-Kay. I think she would have played a really significant role. However, I remember when we lost another key center, Jennifer Cunningham, in pre-season. Let's see - what year was that?

I really like the way you think!!!!
However, I remember when we lost another key center, Jennifer Cunningham, in pre-season. Let's see - what year was that?
Umm, let me see---would that have been 2001-02? We "made do" with Jamie Talbert, as I recall.

I think that was the first year I remember hearing Sherri talk about "the whole being greater than the sum of the parts."
Well, Sherri should be able to load up on the recruiting trail next year. We've got plenty of room.

Gosh, if we could just get James and Moncrief or steal a 4 somewhere would we ever be set.

I am trying not to get too excited about what I saw the other night, but all 3 of the freshmen....that's some class. Maddie It's like a female Kevin Durant. Ok, hyperbole. Calm down.
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Well, Sherri should be able to load up on the recruiting trail next year. We've got plenty of room.

Gosh, if we could just get James and Moncrief or steal a 4 somewhere would we ever be set.

I am trying not to get too excited about what I saw the other night, but all 3 of the freshmen....that's some class. Maddie It's like a female Kevin Durant. Ok, hyperbole. Calm down.

It's okay, just take deep breaths. I keep a paper bag with me to keep from hyper-vetilating.:) After seeing her in the Iowa State championship I have been drooling all summer, then seeing her live, she is the real deal. Just need to get a little more seasoned.
I don't disagree about Harden.
Course adding Manning and Kornet has added more depth in the backcourt.

Still wish Sherri had signed a HS 4/5 along with Manning/Kornet.
I don't know if Maddie will be a better PG than Hardin or not. Time will tell. The best thing about Manning is her versatility. She is capabable of playing 4 positions on the court. If we still had Hardin, Sherri would have more flexibility as she could move Maddie around at various positions and create some mismatches against slower and/or shorter players. As it is, I suspect we will primarily see Maddie at the point. I would LOVE having Hardin here too!
I don't know if Maddie will be a better PG than Hardin or not. Time will tell.
Hardin was, at the beginning of her freshman year, regarded as OU's point guard of the future. They did a little video of Sherri instructing the point guards, and it was clear that the focus was on Hardin. Morgan's role seemed to be to get Hardin ready as quickly as possible. However, while Hardin possessed the physical skills, she lacked the ability to see the court and make decisions on the fly - to run the team. She would dribble endlessly around the perimeter while the offense stalled. So Sherri turned instead to Morgan, who developed beyond anyone's expectations.

I don't know if Maddie has all of Hardin's physical skills - she seems to have quite a few of them - but she definitely does not have Hardin's limitations!
Though, I too would love to still have Hardin on our team, what really makes our two freshmen special is there seems to be no hesitation when they play. They have the "basketball smarts and sense" about them, its just that they move at "supersonic" speed around the court and need to slow down a little. Hardin seemed lost yet showed a special gift. She just did not know how to use it yet. Given time I think she would have fit well into Sherri's system, maybe she didn't have the patience to do so. Maddie will fit well and there maybe some times she will be on the floor with Morgan or with Aaryn and she will take advantage of smaller guards and exploit her advantage. This is going to be an interesting season to see how Sherri uses the talent and combinations on the floor. I can see all ten kids getting good solid minutes on the floor, just have to wait and see how it all comes together.

I am equally excited about Kornet. With her big body, she will be dangerous against both guards and forwards.
I liked what I saw of Hardin, but I also saw a very undisciplined player who didn't have her head in the game at all times. Was she a true point guard? I question that. I think she had great physical attributes, but I don't know how well they were going to work out.

In Maddie, I see something that I've not yet seen in women's basketball. I'm fascinated to see how it develops. But, a part of what I see in Maddie is a team thing that Sherri mentioned. This team will play taller than it is due to its long limbs.

Was DRob any faster when she committed to driving to the rim? I'm not really sure. If she was quicker, it wasn't by much. I look at Maddie, and I see so many things that DRob did, but differently. I see a motor that DRob didn't really have. She could turn it on. I'm not sure that Maddie can turn it off.

It is quite possible that we may look back at this class of Maddie, Nicole, and Portia and compare it to the Courtney and Ashley class. How much can this team accomplish with Nicole and Maddie? I just want to see who we fit with them.
I liked what I saw of Hardin, but I also saw a very undisciplined player who didn't have her head in the game at all times. Was she a true point guard? I question that. I think she had great physical attributes, but I don't know how well they were going to work out.

In Maddie, I see something that I've not yet seen in women's basketball. I'm fascinated to see how it develops. But, a part of what I see in Maddie is a team thing that Sherri mentioned. This team will play taller than it is due to its long limbs.

Was DRob any faster when she committed to driving to the rim? I'm not really sure. If she was quicker, it wasn't by much. I look at Maddie, and I see so many things that DRob did, but differently. I see a motor that DRob didn't really have. She could turn it on. I'm not sure that Maddie can turn it off.

It is quite possible that we may look back at this class of Maddie, Nicole, and Portia and compare it to the Courtney and Ashley class. How much can this team accomplish with Nicole and Maddie? I just want to see who we fit with them.

SMH. Truthfully, I don't really understand it.
SMH. Truthfully, I don't really understand it.

DRob is playing in the WNBA for a reason. A lot of that reason has to do with the fact she is quicker than 90% of the other players in the WNBA. We don't have anyone who can match her first step and quickness getting to the rim.
SMH. Truthfully, I don't really understand it.

Stodgy old me, I had to look up "SMH". Having done so, I concur. The thing about DRob going to the rim, is that two defenders can know it's coming, and still can't do anything about it. I don't think Maddie's quite in that class yet.
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Yes. I was quite surprised to see how fast Maddie is with the ball, especially given her height. However, I don't think she is (or perhaps ever will be) to the level of quickness as DRob. When you have WNBA coaches raving and fawning over how quick she is, I think that's saying something. Better put, perhaps Maddie doesn't need to be as quick as DRob. Look at Morgan Hook, for example. She's turned into the consummate point guard without being speedy Gonzales.
Yes. I was quite surprised to see how fast Maddie is with the ball, especially given her height. However, I don't think she is (or perhaps ever will be) to the level of quickness as DRob. When you have WNBA coaches raving and fawning over how quick she is, I think that's saying something. Better put, perhaps Maddie doesn't need to be as quick as DRob. Look at Morgan Hook, for example. She's turned into the consummate point guard without being speedy Gonzales.

Totally agree. Maddie's strength is her grit and toughness. Gets whacked three times in the head, loses a contact, and keeps coming back for more. She does have a good first step, and finds the creases. She doesn't have Danielle's speed, but just as effective. She's going to be a good one regardless.
Totally agree. Maddie's strength is her grit and toughness. Gets whacked three times in the head, loses a contact, and keeps coming back for more. She does have a good first step, and finds the creases. She doesn't have Danielle's speed, but just as effective. She's going to be a good one regardless.

She looks like she will be VERY good! She's a good rebounding guard too. It's still way early but she looks very similar to Stacy! She, along with the other newcomers, need to learn to play defense better and I'm sure they will. Excited about all 3 newbies this year!