Ryan Minor update

A little bit more from facebook. He's setting up a charity golf tournament in July.

I Am excited to announce the 1st annual Sooner Family reunion Golf tournament to support Ryan at Jimmy Austin Golf course. We will be using the Gofundme page. Please add name and number of golfers in your group as well with name on sponsor holes. please feel free to message me through Facebook or Twitter. Thank you for everyone’s support and donates!! Boomer Sooner! https://gofund.me/e519f548
There was a reunion yesterday that was used as a fund raising effort for Ryan Minor. And also the gofundme has crossed it's goal for 100k.
From his brother

Update on Ryan’s. Ryan meet with doctors at John Hopkins scans showed that cancer has not grown. chemo is working.. so good news.. 4 rounds of chemo to finish and will reassess...


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My dad had cancer in his stomach, liver and lymph nodes...after chemo it was almost non detectable...just a small spot in one lymph node. My heart and prayers go out to Ryan and his family.
Minor, Spangler, Najera, Goo Kennedy those were the warrior types for OU and what we have been lacking for several years.
I usually reserve this for good news on the court/field, but I'm gonna give a big ol BOOMER SOONER for this great news!
Thanks for sharing!