Pokes appeal denied

Eddie, I was backing you for awhile since I'm really trying to be objective here. However, you keep insisting OSU shouldn't be penalized at all, which I don't think is realistic. The coaches every school employs is representing that university and that same university is held accountable when that assistant cheats.

It happened at OU a decade back with Tiny Gallon's mom getting a nice benefit. Now, here is why OU escaped a postseason ban...and there is only one reason - Joe C hired Lon Kruger. Say what you want about Kruger, but he squeaks when he walks. If OU hired almost any other coach, they would have received a postseason ban. Joe C needed to show the NCAA that OU was serious about cleaning up their men's basketball program after multiple infractions over a five-year period. That hire was 100% why OU escaped the post-season ban, so there's no point in analyzing what OU did vs. OSU.

Exactly my point when saying OSU fans weren’t defending us when the NCAA put us on probation, where one rogue coach did something wrong. We had the same thing happen with OT under Capel, but we cleaned house, and IIRC, though not sure, may have self reported or self sanctioned as well. And I remember the presser with Lon and Joe C as being one of acceptance and moving forward, not complete grandstanding like the one today.

The logic OSU fans are using today has faults in three areas:
1. “It was one rogue coach. It wasn’t OSU”. Last I checked he was an OSU employee that represents the University as a part of his job. In that job, he did something against the rules.
2. “Not fair to punish the program or current players for one guy 3-4 years earlier”. If the NCAA doesn’t punish a program, how can punishment be applied to discourage noncompliance? If Evans was the only one punished, a University could just blame individuals and never have consequences for cheating. Additionally, every single recruit and coach knew of a pending investigation and enforcement and chose to be a part of the program, even with possible sanctions.
3. “OSU cooperated and still got punished”. This may be the most comical. Cooperation AFTER a crime does not negate consequences. The violation still occurred. Plus, the NCAA levied only half the penalty that a Level 1 violation warrants, so there was a leniency by the NCAA.

I will never stand up for the NCAA- they suck- but the reaction today that the NCAA is the one at fault is quite comical.
Now in fairness… other schools got probation for not cooperating. Pokes punish for telling the truth.

If you didn’t tell the truth then you should’ve got worse than OSU. That’s where the hypocrisy is to me.

Boyton statement was good stuff.
Definitely BS, but it's the NCAA, you expect it at this point.

Terrible organization. Completely corrupt and inept (in regards to this kind of stuff).
Now in fairness… other schools got probation for not cooperating. Pokes punish for telling the truth.

If you didn’t tell the truth then you should’ve got worse than OSU. That’s where the hypocrisy is to me.

Boyton statement was good stuff.

Facts. It serves as a lesson for any school that may find itself in trouble in the future, go the Kansas route. When in doubt, just follow what KU did.
Facts. It serves as a lesson for any school that may find itself in trouble in the future, go the Kansas route. When in doubt, just follow what KU did.

we will see if that works out for kansas this time.
If they get a slap on the wrist, i agree.
where can we actually read the ncaa statement on the penalties? I can't find it anywhere
Claraficaton of the facts:

OSU didn't know about that the assistant coach was out to benefit himself fiancially when he was brought in by the previous coach.

OSU didn't break the rules. Despite monitoring and safeguards, the assistant coach did everything he could to hide his actions from everyone.

OSU cooperated with the FBI and the NCAA in their investigations fully.

Blaming OSU for something that a rogue coach did to only benefit himself and not the school is tantamount to punishing a school if a coach went out and robbed a bank. The school had no control over his actions.

Lamont Evans did nothing to benefit OSU in breaking the rules. His intent was to only benefit Lamont Evans.

Please don't let rivalry get in the way of looking at the facts.

Eddie if a HS coach and ou fan like myself knew lamont evans was a cheater and paying players at his previous schools. So did Boyton and OSU.
That depends on what penalties KU and Arizona get. If KU and Arizona get a lesser penalty than OSU, I would agree with you.

Arizona actually self imposed a one year NCAA tournament ban last year. Though they may still get more infractions. Of course, if I remember right, didn't they pay Ayton over $100K.
Eddie if a HS coach and ou fan like myself knew lamont evans was a cheater and paying players at his previous schools. So did Boyton and OSU.


And Boynton singled out Lamont Evans, who had been named associate coach.

“He could just as easily be standing right here,” Boynton said that March day in Gallagher-Iba Arena. “He's a brother that I never had, a great friend and a tremendous coach and he will be standing here one day. I love him, and he knows that. That's my co-coach.”
any other narrative that Boyton didn't know anything is simply not true ..
Stick around, eddie. Opposing viewpoints are always welcomed, at least they used to be. Don't let the mouthbreathers get you down.


I like how Osu/fans taking no credit for hiring the great dude!
Osu deserves to get punished. They also deserved some leniency for cooperating. All this does is incentivize programs to stop cooperating. The NCAA is a completely dishonest, corrupt, outdated, bloated organization that should be abolished and replaced with something else.

Based on osu crimes and punishment, the others who did far worse should be punished far worse but we all know they won’t be. The hypocrisy is what angers everyone. It’s hypocrisy and dishonesty.
Osu deserves to get punished. They also deserved some leniency for cooperating. All this does is incentivize programs to stop cooperating. The NCAA is a completely dishonest, corrupt, outdated, bloated organization that should be abolished and replaced with something else.

Based on osu crimes and punishment, the others who did far worse should be punished far worse but we all know they won’t be. The hypocrisy is what angers everyone. It’s hypocrisy and dishonesty.

I think we need to wait until all the punishments are dealt out to determine this
we will see if that works out for kansas this time.
If they get a slap on the wrist, i agree.

If they get more than a slap on the wrist, this will be the biggest shock in NCAAB for the past decade. I'm not sure what #2 would be.
If they get more than a slap on the wrist, this will be the biggest shock in NCAAB for the past decade. I'm not sure what #2 would be.

Baylor having the best man defense with Scott Drew as the coach.
Osu deserves to get punished

They were very naughty.

Stick around, eddie. Opposing viewpoints are always welcomed, at least they used to be. Don't let the mouthbreathers get you down.

not funny

Here is what should happen related to this OSU situation, because the truth of the matter is it hurts the entire league.

1.) All Big 12 coaches, including the new members of the conference that have not officially joined, should protest and condemn the NCAA decision.

2.) If OSU would have clearly qualified for a bid into the NCAA Tournament, either At-Large or by winning the league, they should still hang a banner in GIA. That will still honor the kids for a successful season.

3.) OSU's mindset should be to treat the Big 12 Tournament as their NCAA Tournament, and go 100% all in to winning it to get another banner and make some noise. Keeping a conference champion out of the NCAA Tournament, under protest of all league coaches, sends a message.
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