Season tickets reward program


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Nov 8, 2008
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Buy them now. Do it.

Men's basketball season ticket holders will see a minimum of a 17 percent savings for seats in the lower level. Also, 400 seats have been added to the popular upper level sideline season tickets. Those seats average to just $10 per game, the same as last season.

"Our guys have been really working hard," said men's head coach Jeff Capel. "They've had a real sense of urgency about them as far as improving as players. It's a passionate group that will be fun to watch and one that I think our fans will be proud of."

Season ticket holders who have renewed their tickets by Sept. 29 deadline will be rewarded with the "Year of the Fan 30 Prizes in 30 Days" promotion. Starting Oct. 15, different men's and women's basketball season ticket holders will be awarded a prize for 30 consecutive days (one men's prize and one women's prize will be awarded each day).

Prizes will include 40" flat screen TVs, iPod Touches and iPads, $100 gas and grocery cards, restaurant gift cards, autographed items, airline gift certificates and much more. Prize winners will be announced on and Facebook.

Finally, Coaches Coale and Capel will reward fans who make sure "No Seat goes Unused!" Season ticket holders who attend and/or make sure their tickets are used by others will be rewarded as they hit attendance benchmarks of 75 percent, 85 percent and 100 percent this season.

From what I have heard season tickets renewals are way off and student ticket sales are pitiful. They need to do something.

They are losing the hoops crowd in a great way.
From what I have heard season tickets renewals are way off and student ticket sales are pitiful. They need to do something.

They are losing the hoops crowd in a great way.

Not much can be done right now. A lot of damage was done last season. The team is going to have to play well and earn the crowd back. It may not be fair, but that's just the way it is at nearly all schools not named Kansas, Duke, UNC etc...

Student ticket sales just started yesterday so perhaps they will pick up, but I don't think any of us that follow this program closely thought that ticket sales would be good this year.

My hope is that this team plays hard and surprises some folks (which I think will happen) and then the crowds come back for the back end of the conference season.
Got an update saying that the student ticket sales are coming along strong today now that they include freshmen. Not sold out by any means, but coming along strong. Hopefully we can sell 'em out before the season starts...

BTW, this year would have been perfect to make some radical changes with the donor seating and getting those that attend the most games on the camera side, but, of course it didn't happen. *sigh*
Win games, that will help solve some of the attendance problems. OU will never sell out consistently but having losing season two out of the last four has not helped.
Well, I put in a request to move to the lower level from the upper level this year. I figured this would be a good year to get some good lower level seats.

I can't say never but our seats hardly ever go vacant. My daughter and I hit every game. If there is a game we have to miss we have backups that will attend a game and use our seats.

I'm just ready for this season to start. Even though we're still in the beginning stages with basically a all new team it's starting to look promising.:capelspin
Win games, that will help solve some of the attendance problems. OU will never sell out consistently but having losing season two out of the last four has not helped.

ou basketball sold out for like 7 years in a row in the late 90's early 00's
Also, 400 seats have been added to the popular upper level sideline season tickets.

What does this mean? I know we haven't added any new seats at LNC.