Signs & Chants For The KU Game

When Tyrel Reed is at the FT line: "U-G-L-Y, You Ain't Got No Alibi, You Ugly, Hey Hey, You Ugly, Hey Hey!"
Don't let raef lefrenz rape your friends
Mario Little punchisized my other sign
Nick Collison's freckles can cure cancer
Bill, I want my rug back. It really tied the room together.
The Morris twins are thug nasty
Next on sportscenter: conference realignment
Hide your wives! Sherron is now a bellhop.
Selfs rug is made from endangered animals
Mangino could eat your football coach
I love the conference realignment sign. KU should be thanking us that they aren't in Conference USA right now

Someone make a poster of this, so Deej will feel welcomed.

"'88 was still a fluke"

"One sport school! One sport school!"

"Manning was a poor-man's Tisdale"
I hope you get punched if you come with that sign.

I hope some of the ex-OU wrestlers, who are now in the MMA, would be willing to confiscate said sign and "deal with it." I wouldn't feel a bit bad about having that kind of sign just demolished, and where people could even see it done.

Heck, if you brought a similar style sign like to a game in Stillwater (but it'd have to be from an OU fan, to gloat about 47-41 or 61-41), you'd get introducted to police brutality that would be applauded.
Chant: "Northern Iowa! Northern Iowa!"

Sign: "Yes, we still hate Carl Henry"
Pending the approval of Capelables president T_Neal's_Twitter, I will be printing off about 400 of these tomorrow morning (hey, I need to spend the $20 OU gave me for printing this semester somehow).
