
Even sadder that there are OU fans that do not appreciate what she did for OU. And unfortunately there are more than a few.
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I guess my only point is that Lopez never excited me when I watched her. Juarez did, Lowery and Parker did too. I think I expected her to be a superstar All+American-future of our program type of ace and what she was was a solid number two. That's not too shabby considering the program we have. I'm just really freaking excited about Vestal and what she might bring. Especially after what Gasso has said about her. If she develops and comes in 100% next season along with Juarez, we will have an amazing staff. Even better than we had with the two Paige's. At least this is my hope. Now not exactly sure what to expect out of our bats for next season. We'll be younger and probably have some growing pains I expect. I'm intrigued.
I guess my only point is that Lopez never excited me when I watched her. Juarez did, Lowery and Parker did too. I think I expected her to be a superstar All+American-future of our program type of ace and what she was was a solid number two. That's not too shabby considering the program we have. I'm just really freaking excited about Vestal and what she might bring. Especially after what Gasso has said about her. If she develops and comes in 100% next season along with Juarez, we will have an amazing staff. Even better than we had with the two Paige's. At least this is my hope. Now not exactly sure what to expect out of our bats for next season. We'll be younger and probably have some growing pains I expect. I'm intrigued.

Don't set your expectations so high that superstar All American is the only thing that will allow you to be happy with her performance. I too have high expectations but SSAA might be a little more than she is able to provide while being an integral part of future team success. I hope you are right but my hope is not quite as high as yours.

But I do see Vestal as the key to how strong and how far our team goes in the tournament. I think she we have more key wins next year than Lopez did this year although she may go 19-1 like Lopez did this year. I do expect her to lesson somewhat the pressure Juarez had to play with this year.
I just hope Vestal can start where Lopez left off - then strengthen even more in future years as she gains experience in Div I ball. Jaurez and Lopez got us to the WCWS this year, along with some amazing teammates. I can imagine what kind of super pitcher Vestal will be when she is a senior. And I will be looking for another assassin type closer (for the future) like we have now in Shannon Saile.
Saile did a quality job as a closer but her control issues in the tournament gave me some concerns. Saile is definitely not on par with Lowary at this stage of her game. But she still has another year.
I'm hoping that SJ develops some movement on her curve ball and refines her repitoire. I just hope Vestal lives up to most of her reputation, but I doubt she lives up to it all. I'm hoping for someone like that Wisconsin pitcher who gave us so much trouble. I know we need a few hitters to step up.
I'm hoping that SJ develops some movement on her curve ball and refines her repitoire. I just hope Vestal lives up to most of her reputation, but I doubt she lives up to it all. I'm hoping for someone like that Wisconsin pitcher who gave us so much trouble. I know we need a few hitters to step up.

j2d2;632801[B said:
]I'm hoping that SJ develops some movement on her curve ball and refines her repitoire.[/B] I just hope Vestal lives up to most of her reputation, but I doubt she lives up to it all. I'm hoping for someone like that Wisconsin pitcher who gave us so much trouble. I know we need a few hitters to step up.

That lack of movement really appeared in the last two games of WCWS. SJ had a 1.39 era in her first 4 appearance in the WCWS and a 5.25 the last 2 games. Looking at the last 4 WCWS I came to 2 conclusions better pitching and better hitters mean more runs scored but dominant pitchers still prevail.

To win it yappearsou really need to average 5 runs a game and you ace needs to keep her era below 2.0 and be capable of throwing 65+% of the innings. You are still going to have your 1-0 an 2-1 games but you are also going to have the 7-5, 6-3 and 5-4 games that you must win.

I thought it was interesting that FSU needed 39 runs to win the 2018 series due to the performance of their secondary pitchers but their ace Megan King threw 34.1 innings and allowed 1 earned run for a 0.20 era while giving up 6 unearned runs. Garcia had a 1.75 era this year.
There are many pros and cons on the use of video replay in all sports. Personally I have become opposed to all video replay as I see the damage to the games as greater than the few errors they correct. I think this way because once we acquired the technology we kept expanding it until it has become massively abused. This article regarding how the Canadian Football League is going to use replay in 2019-20 season is definitely a step in the right direction.

Their new direction is video replay will focus on only overturning calls or non-calls made on the field where a clear and obvious mistake has been made. In other words, we do not want the game officiated from the Command Centre. The officials on the field have the best sense of the game and usually have a superior vantage point compared to a camera on the sidelines or in the stands. JMHO.
There are many pros and cons on the use of video replay in all sports. Personally I have become opposed to all video replay as I see the damage to the games as greater than the few errors they correct. I think this way because once we acquired the technology we kept expanding it until it has become massively abused. This article regarding how the Canadian Football League is going to use replay in 2019-20 season is definitely a step in the right direction.

Their new direction is video replay will focus on only overturning calls or non-calls made on the field where a clear and obvious mistake has been made. In other words, we do not want the game officiated from the Command Centre. The officials on the field have the best sense of the game and usually have a superior vantage point compared to a camera on the sidelines or in the stands. JMHO.

I understand your confusion on this. Many people are fooled the same way. But technology is not "the enemy of the people".

Do some reading and learn what is now known about the absolutely most unreliable evidence in a court room. It is what people "think" they saw. Many of the innocent folks getting released after years of what amounts to illegal incarceration (since they were actually innocent) were convicted on the basis of a person thinking they saw something that never happened. It is usually technology that proves that person was wrong about their perceptions of what they thought they saw..

The same can be true in sports. Getting the call right is far more important than letting an unreliable (or in some cases dishonest) person make the wrong call. Yes it takes a bit of time. But not nearly as much time as the endless and far too frequent commercials - that are the actual reason for games going too long.
There are many pros and cons on the use of video replay in all sports. Personally I have become opposed to all video replay as I see the damage to the games as greater than the few errors they correct. I think this way because once we acquired the technology we kept expanding it until it has become massively abused. This article regarding how the Canadian Football League is going to use replay in 2019-20 season is definitely a step in the right direction.

Their new direction is video replay will focus on only overturning calls or non-calls made on the field where a clear and obvious mistake has been made. In other words, we do not want the game officiated from the Command Centre. The officials on the field have the best sense of the game and usually have a superior vantage point compared to a camera on the sidelines or in the stands. JMHO.
100% in agreement.
There are many pros and cons on the use of video replay in all sports. Personally I have become opposed to all video replay as I see the damage to the games as greater than the few errors they correct. I think this way because once we acquired the technology we kept expanding it until it has become massively abused. This article regarding how the Canadian Football League is going to use replay in 2019-20 season is definitely a step in the right direction.

Their new direction is video replay will focus on only overturning calls or non-calls made on the field where a clear and obvious mistake has been made. In other words, we do not want the game officiated from the Command Centre. The officials on the field have the best sense of the game and usually have a superior vantage point compared to a camera on the sidelines or in the stands. JMHO.

Quite the opposite is happening. The most egregious call that I have ever seen was the non called pass interference on the Rams in the NFC Championship Game. The defender openly admitted that he interfered after the game. It was so bad that the NFL has expanded replay to include pass interference this season. It pure and simply cost a team a trip to the Super Bowl. Of course, the fact that the NFL had a crew with 4 people from the Los Angeles area and a pretty good need to have a new LA team in the Super Bowl didn't help credibility.

I for one am in favor of completely eliminating officials/referees/umpires if at all possible. The technology to call balls and strikes without umpires has been around for a while. I am amazed at the number of tennis line calls are overruled. Last week, Angel Hernandez called a ball on a pitch that was dead center on the plate at belt level. It hit the media because the call was so bad. I saw a pitch in the softball Super Regionals at OU that was 8 inches in the batters box and a foot away from the black on the plate that was called a strike. I saw the replay and my assessment was confirmed.

Maybe the other answer is to stop protecting these officials/referees/umpires and have them do a press conference after every game where they can be questioned about their calls. At least that way, we can have some accountability. Sports is too big today, to allow incompetence in calling games. Technology can certainly help keep the integrity.
;As far as Big XII officials go, I've yet to see any consequences by league officials for egregiously bad calls made. We're told that game films are reviewed. If so, it's just to laugh at the bad calls. Probably bonuses are awarded for the worst. It seems that women's game officials are the worst.
When Oregon made a mockery of replay officials by giving Oregon a win over OU in football, using a banned official in the replay booth, OU's Boren complained to the Big Twelve:

1. he was told essentially to shut up by the commissioner of the Big Twelve

2. It was the commissioner of the Pacific Twelve who apologized.
I will never, ever forget the photo of the OU player holding the football high over his head while the ref was digging through the scrum looking for the ball. The ref found a helmet under all the bodies and decided that was the football.
Sydney is 2 for 7 with the Pride. Shay is 2 of 4 with a double and a run scored. Good start..

No word on Caleigh. She signed with Chicago.
Shay is 2 of 4 with a double and a run scored. Good start.

I somehow had gotten the idea that Shay wouldn't be going pro because of all her injuries. I'm very glad to have been wrong about that.

I wish there was a pro softball team with striking distance of NYC.
I somehow had gotten the idea that Shay wouldn't be going pro because of all her injuries. I'm very glad to have been wrong about that.

I wish there was a pro softball team with striking distance of NYC.

She is a DP.