
I seem to remember her pitching well in some big games. If you are going to bash Patty for her choice of pitchers you need to enlighten us as to how you would do a better job of picking who should have pitched yesterday.
I never "bashed" her. I just said it was her one weakness.
I would have pitched deal or Keeney likely.

I'm not even saying that May wasn't the best choice to I get it.
But I always expect a loss in a big game when she throws. She is really good against most of the big 12 and lower competition. But she gets hit HARD against talented lineups
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I believe using reserves yesterday in order to have their ace throw over 130 pitches and have our ace, Maxwell, available today in game 2 was smart. Of course I'm sure Gasso has hoping May would FINALLY prove herself in the WCWS (she's always given up big HRs in this semifinal game, which we've lost several times en route to a title). And our batters should be prepared for her today, as they were really making adjustments later in the game. We just made some really highly unusual errors that cumulated into a disaster at the absolute worst time. I think we will bounce back today and win.

Texas fans on X are already claiming a natty, from what i've seen of several posts. They believe if OU loses they're almost guaranteed a natty. I'd love for our girls to come back and prove them wrong, but if I'm being perfectly honest I don't think they will. Texas has just looked so much sharper than us this past week. Hope i'm proven wrong!
I believe using reserves yesterday in order to have their ace throw over 130 pitches and have our ace, Maxwell, available today in game 2 was smart. Of course I'm sure Gasso has hoping May would FINALLY prove herself in the WCWS (she's always given up big HRs in this semifinal game, which we've lost several times en route to a title). And our batters should be prepared for her today, as they were really making adjustments later in the game. We just made some really highly unusual errors that cumulated into a disaster at the absolute worst time. I think we will bounce back today and win.

Texas fans on X are already claiming a natty, from what i've seen of several posts. They believe if OU loses they're almost guaranteed a natty. I'd love for our girls to come back and prove them wrong, but if I'm being perfectly honest I don't think they will. Texas has just looked so much sharper than us this past week. Hope i'm proven wrong!
texass has indeed looked very good the past few days, but remember: they were very, very lucky to get out of super regionals.
texass has indeed looked very good the past few days, but remember: they were very, very lucky to get out of super regionals.
We split with Texas, 2 wins and 2 losses. In the two losses we had errors similar to yesterday and lost both games by 1 run. But we have to get past Florida today. first.
I think getting past Florida, who was HOT and coming back from a 2-5 deficit was a game-changer and momentum builder for us. I think our girls were nervous, as all of the seniors were practically hitless at the plate today, and our underclassmen like Ella Parker, Hodge and freakin' Sanders brought us through this one! Texas is the obvious favorite but maybe that will work to our advantage? They know we've owned them in the past, and we're so much more experienced in this setting. I wouldn't be shocked if we somehow pulled this one out, but we will see. Tomorrow might be ugly as there's just no chance Maxwell comes back and pitches again, is there??
I think getting past Florida, who was HOT and coming back from a 2-5 deficit was a game-changer and momentum builder for us. I think our girls were nervous, as all of the seniors were practically hitless at the plate today, and our underclassmen like Ella Parker, Hodge and freakin' Sanders brought us through this one! Texas is the obvious favorite but maybe that will work to our advantage? They know we've owned them in the past, and we're so much more experienced in this setting. I wouldn't be shocked if we somehow pulled this one out, but we will see. Tomorrow might be ugly as there's just no chance Maxwell comes back and pitches again, is there??
I think they pitch maxwell for sure ... go out with your best ... but I am not sure texas is the obvious favorite (or the favorite at all)

OU beat them in this stadium 5-1 less then a month ago to win the big 12 championship ..
UT has not hit well against maxwell. If she if feeling good, I think you pitch her game 1.
Patty probably has a pretty good grasp on how well she recovers. If she isn't at her best, you roll the dice with someone else game 1 and tell Maxwell she is going game 2 & 3
but would you pitch her in back to back games, hoping she's at her best? And in the off chance she's tired and not at her best and we lose, who do you put on the mound the next day hoping we can win and take it to a game 3? May has an ERA of over 7 at the WCWS for her career! 3 of her 6 career losses have been at the WCWS, so she's definitely not a mentally tough arm you can rely on at this point. Deal, IMO, just doesn't have the spin and/or velocity to compete against elite teams at this stage, she just doesn't. So Keeney is left. She's had some good outtings (game 3 vs. OSU) which have shown promise, but she's also a midmajor transfer who has never played at this Texas having SEVERAL very good arms gives them the advantage, I believe. I really wish I were wrong and May went out there tonight and redeemed herself, just this ONCE and we escaped with a W, but I won't get my hopes up. I say rest Maxwell one night so we can have her at 100% in game 2 and a better shot at winning that and forcing a game 3.
Maxwell is going to have to pitch back to back at some point.
Just have to decide if it is Last night and today or Game 2-3
I say our best chance is if we give her a day off and then go for games 2/3 with her. Man, Jordy Bahl transferring really, really put us in a horrible predicament. Yes, Maxwell was an amazing grab from the portal, but Gasso was seemingly unable to bring in a freshman arm as during that recruiting process she knew she already had Bahl, who was the #1 pitcher/player from the '22 class, and Deal who was the #1 pitcher/player from the '23 class. Already having them, plus May and i'm sure she never anticipated Bahl wanting to leave and when she did, was left having to seek portal arms, and unfortunately the only good one she seemed to get was Maxwell, the others just havent been at the level of the previous years' transfer-ins.
Maxwell is a stud! I hope May or whoever pitches tonight does well enough to give us a chance to sweep them! UT looked defeated after a couple innings and that's the way they need to stay looking!
man, part of me thinks that Patty might just ride maxwell until you can't.
But going by her track record, she seems to like to save our best pitcher for the do or die games so I would not be surprised at all if May gets the start tonight.
If we get an early lead, Maxwell may come in to save it
man, part of me thinks that Patty might just ride maxwell until you can't.
But going by her track record, she seems to like to save our best pitcher for the do or die games so I would not be surprised at all if May gets the start tonight.
If we get an early lead, Maxwell may come in to save it
these are my thoughts as well
I agree. Use May or Keeney and hope we can make it close and then if needed put Maxwell in to seal the deal, although she's not really a good closer and is better as a starter. May has just been SO freakin' shaky this season, so I don't put much hope in her to repeat her performance from our earlier series. Idk if it's nerves that get to her, or she's just not that good and our stellar defense has masked a lot over the years. I just know 3 of her 6 career losses are at the WCWS, and her ERA is over 6.0 at WCWS as well. It'd be great to see her come out and pitch the game of her career tonight!