Some quick notes from Castiglione's press conference


Staff member
Oct 22, 2008
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Here's some quick stuff I typed up during Joe Castiglione's press conference. Feel free to correct anything wrong with this and add more notes you picked up on that I missed. I know I missed some stuff.

* He said there's no specific timetable for a hire.

* Has already met with the players to inform them of his decision. Did so via teleconference due to spring break.

* On firing someone he hired: "It's very difficult when you like the person a lot. But in a situation like this you have to separate the personal feelings."

* On what he's looking for in a new coach: "The best fit for the university of Oklahoma. The person that best represents our values and can lead this program in its pursuit of championships.

* On if he'll consider hiring an assistant coach: "If the person was the best fit, that would work."

* Hasn't made decision on whether to use a consulting firm to help with the hiring process.

* Says he felt he did his "dilligence" in his coaching search when he hired Jeff Capel. Thought it was the best choice, but regrets now that it didn't work out. The process "isn't an exact science."

* Said this decision was made looking at the entire program and ability to be successful going forward. Had nothing to do with this season. Not an easy decision to reach, but made it with conviction.

* Said a he's given a "small amount of thought" to his search for the new coach.

* Will work with several members of his staff to deliberate on the candidate pool, as he has in the past. Then he will work through that, narrow it down, talk to candidates then work with President Boren and board members for the final selection process.

* Was asked if he would consider hiring a women's coach, and he did not deny the possibility. Went back to his they'll hire the "best fit" line whether it's a head coach, assistant coach etc.
best fit, best fit!

Great notes OUHoops
Anybody expecting us to hire somebody tomorrow is going to be VERY disappointed.

It wouldn't shock me to not have a head coach 10 days from now. So pretty much no way on BCG and Tubby. I get the feeling there is somebody coaching in the NCAA's that he wants to talk to.
Was asked if he would consider hiring a women's coach, and he did not deny the possibility.

Who the heck asked that?
If he said anything of note in the 22 minutes he spoke I missed it.

I thought the most interesting response he gave was in relation to Jeff's severance package and if the NCAA issues would affect that. Joe said he didn't expect that it would; hopefully that means we're not about to get hammered.
Like I said feel free to add in anything I missed. I missed the last answer about his contract.
.[* On what he's looking for in a new coach: "The best fit for the university of Oklahoma. The person that best represents our values

this quote is what keeps BCG out of the OU job...
I'm sure he wouldnt come right out and say, "hey, i have a couple of guys lined up already"...but i sure wish he would, cause i dont like the idea that we dont have much of a clue who we are going after and entertaining a consulting firm...
No, it was because Joe offered the job to the UConn coach before Capel accepted it.

This has been widely discussed on this board...where have you been?

it. was. a. joke.

I would certainly expect you of all posters to be less of a ******* on today of all days.