Some quick notes from Castiglione's press conference

good move on your part to head off any backhanded comments from WaynePayne and she has made plenty of them toward me.

Bob I would like to offer my apologies. I will be honest, your posts come off as overwhelmingly negative to most of the times and it has rubbed me wrong but like others have said its time to put aside the past and look towards the future of OU BB.

Bob I would like to offer my apologies. I will be honest, your posts come off as overwhelmingly negative to most of the times and it has rubbed me wrong but like others have said its time to put aside the past and look towards the future of OU BB.


Sounds good. My reply was a little harsh because I thought it was a question that had to be asked given all we've heard from Auriemma about almost accepting the job.
I'm well aware I'm in the extreme minority... but Geno would be a very exciting hire imo.
I'm well aware I'm in the extreme minority... but Geno would be a very exciting hire imo.

From a coaching perspective, yes, and it would bring the program lots of publicity mostly all positive. However, can he recruit?

In Capel we hired a young african-american, who was a star at the highest level of programs when he played the game however he couldn't recruit worth a plugged nickle. Recruiting is an inexact science but it's very necessary.
No, it was because Joe offered the job to the UConn coach before Capel accepted it.

This has been widely discussed on this board...where have you been?

She must have missed that day because she had to deliver a paper on "Tactful Responses to Message Board Questions".
Anybody expecting us to hire somebody tomorrow is going to be VERY disappointed.

It wouldn't shock me to not have a head coach 10 days from now. So pretty much no way on BCG and Tubby. I get the feeling there is somebody coaching in the NCAA's that he wants to talk to.

i agree that we may not have a coach in 10 days .. but there was always 0% chance the BCG was getting the OU job

this quote is what keeps BCG out of the OU job...

no he is not getting the OU job because he is a drunk
If he said anything of note in the 22 minutes he spoke I missed it.

I thought the most interesting response he gave was in relation to Jeff's severance package and if the NCAA issues would affect that. Joe said he didn't expect that it would; hopefully that means we're not about to get hammered.
That was how I took it too FWIW
Well, FWIW season ticket sales just increased by two for next year, because if Capel was still there mine were not going to be purchased-after 20+years I might add.