Stats (OU 85; ND 80)

What surprised me more than anything is that the officials didn’t review that play on the monitor. The cut and the blood over Brady’s eye proved he received a blow to the head. I don’t believe a flagrant foul should have been called, but it’s clear the officials didn’t know that.

I thought they’d review the play Freeman got him in the back of the head, no whistle
Nope. Nor should they have. It was an accidental elbow. That happens in basketball.

Sorry, but I can't buy that. Lots of accidental blows get whistled in basketball. And many accidental blows above the head get called fragrant fouls; OU's been on the wrong end (meaning we drew the whistle) on many of the latter.
I thought they’d review the play Freeman got him in the back of the head, no whistle

Makes me wonder if the player in one or both of those incidents had been in dressed in Irish green, would a monitor review be mandated by the officials?

As a former high school official for many years, I appreciate the challenge officials face, which is why I try not to be too critical. But, this crew did not do themselves or the profession proud in the way they called last night’s game.
None of us here gonna change anything. If these so called bad calls were really as bad as some say on here..then why didn't Lon protest more? Heck we won the game even with the "bad officials" Not going to see me say much about how any game is called..players, coaches have to adjust.
None of us here gonna change anything. If these so called bad calls were really as bad as some say on here..then why didn't Lon protest more? Heck we won the game even with the "bad officials" Not going to see me say much about how any game is called..players, coaches have to adjust.

yep. agreed. thats why I normally dont say anything either. I was really impressed that those kids were more mature about it than I and made their complaints with defense and made baskets.
Absolutely -- the kids have to buckle down and persevere and try to work through it.

But we're not players, we're fans, and there's nothing wrong with calling out officials on an egregiously bad call/non-call or even a game where they are inconsistent throughout.

Basketball officials have more impact on the game than in other sport, in my opinion, and telling the players, "Hey, just adjust!" is a bit naive. If the calls are truly one-sided, there's little the players can do but back off on defense, which is obviously not a viable solution.

And yes, it's great when they hit their shots, of course. But every player and every team will have an off night. You can win on such a night if you bust your butt on defense, but throw in whistle-happy officials who won't let you play hard-nosed D and you're pretty much out of options.

And claiming that the officiating must have been fine because Coach Kruger wasn't throwing a hissy fit presupposes that he wasn't saying plenty to the officials in his more reserved fashion. Any college basketball fan knows Lon's almost never going to throw a fit, so the absence of histrionics on his part means absolutely nothing.
None of us here gonna change anything. If these so called bad calls were really as bad as some say on here..then why didn't Lon protest more? Heck we won the game even with the "bad officials" Not going to see me say much about how any game is called..players, coaches have to adjust.

You’re right, complaining about the officiating will not change a thing. I don’t usually have anything to say if OU loses. Looks too much like sour grapes. But, since we won the game, I decided to add my two cents to the discussion regarding what I saw as a less-than well called game.

Missed calls and bad calls are fairly common in most games. Calls that appear to favor one team are not. Let’s just say OU was very fortunate to win last night’s game.
You’re right, complaining about the officiating will not change a thing. I don’t usually have anything to say if OU loses. Looks too much like sour grapes. But, since we won the game, I decided to add my two cents to the discussion regarding what I saw as a less-than well called game.

Missed calls and bad calls are fairly common in most games. Calls that appear to favor one team are not. Let’s just say OU was very fortunate to win last night’s game.

Notre Dame had 3 fouls to give when they stated fouling with under a min to play. That's a problem in any game
None of us here gonna change anything. If these so called bad calls were really as bad as some say on here..then why didn't Lon protest more? Heck we won the game even with the "bad officials" Not going to see me say much about how any game is called..players, coaches have to adjust.

He definitely got on them some, but not Lon’s style

Jay Bilas noticed it, that was enough for me
According to the stat sheet, the game officials were Joe DeRosa, Kipp Kissinger, and Bert Smith.

Kipp Kissinger worked his first Final-4 last season:

Kipp Kissinger Photos:

Bert Smith has been a concern in the Big-12 in the past:

Bert Smith Photos:

Joe DeRosa Photos:

Joseph M. "Joe" DeRosa (born April 11, 1957, in North Canton, Ohio) is an NCAA Division 1 men's basketball referee. DeRosa and Joe Forte are the only persons to have officiated both in the NBA Finals and the NCAA Men's Final Four. He was one of three officials selected to work the first of the two 2012 National Semi-Final games of the 2012 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. He officiated both the 2014 National Championship game between Kentucky and Connecticut and the 2015 National Championship game between Duke and Wisconsin. He has officiated in the Southeastern and Big 12 Conferences since 2010. He started his referee career as a high school official in Western Kentucky Region 1 while he owned a liquor store in Paducah, Kentucky.

Previously, he spent 22 seasons officiating in the National Basketball Association. During his time working as an NBA official he officiated over 1,500 regular-season games, 150 playoff games and 11 NBA Finals games. DeRosa has also conducted officiating clinics in Venezuela and France.

During game two of 2010 Eastern Conference Finals, DeRosa was involved in an altercation with an Orlando Magic fan. The fan, Wyndham Vacation Ownership CEO Franz Hanning, was heckling him when DeRosa threw the game ball across the scorers' table at Hanning. The fan then threw the ball back at DeRosa, who had NBA security eject Hanning. The NBA suspended him one game for the situation.