Strength and Conditioning


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2009
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For anyone in the know..Question. The OU BBall twitter account often shows guys in their weight room lifting, which is great. My question is, do they have dedicated coaches in there pushing them, advising them, helping them? It's one thing to get a printout and rely on your own "mood' and intensity level to complete a workout. Gains are made when you have a coach or trainer in there telling you exactly how to do a lift, yelling, pushing you to get more reps than you thought you could. I only ever seen guys in there by themselves. I know Daub is the guy, and I hope he's doing his job....

Team needs to get much more physical.
Next level awesome digging up an over two year old post to reply to, to announce the strength coach is gone. I'm so flattered!
Seems like a decent chance at an upgrade