Tanner and EJ stay - Mo exploring his Pro options

A famous aggie coach once said he loved to get transfers on his team because they knew they were on their last chance so they had to straighten up and fly right.

Good for Williams if he got his act together at Wake Forest. It takes longer for the light to dawn for some players than for other players.

You aren't even a good troll.

How is this a troll when it's actual facts? The man transferred regardless and was a baller. Huge L for OU because the man was a beast for another school. Seriously guys? I mean, really? You guys can't be this obtuse.
Also if he didn't get held accountable all the other players would've seen that as long as you're one of the better players it doesn't matter what you do off the court or on the defensive side. If Williams would've stayed he would've been an impact player because of the lessons he learned.

This is all hearsay. No factual evidence about this what so ever.
Wake Forest did beat the eventual runner-up by 22 though. Can't say that for OU. Just saying.

That's because we play in the same conference with the champs, a far better team who had a far better season than the 8-seed Heels of the once-might ACC. Our win over Baylor is more impressive than a win over a team that was on the bubble until two weeks before the tournament.
How is this a troll when it's actual facts? The man transferred regardless and was a baller. Huge L for OU because the man was a beast for another school. Seriously guys? I mean, really? You guys can't be this obtuse.

No one is saying he didn't do well at WF.

What is your point? No one knows why he decided to leave, you included.
BSG/CSIAFF/TarheelstateSooner can no longer troll the TFB boards so he's got to troll others to spread his discontent with anything Sooner-related.

Has been on this board 36 days and already has 178 posts. Loves to hear himself talk and his opinion is the only one that matters.
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him having off the court issues is not hearsay .. it is a fact ..

It wasn't hearsay anyways if you want to be technical about it. Also i just figured out how to put someone on the ignore list for the first time on this board..
Just ban this clown. FACTUAL. First hand knowledge.

I put him on ignore at SoonerScoop, wish I could do the same here.
Not because he has different opinions, he wants to argue about every topic.
I put him on ignore at SoonerScoop, wish I could do the same here.
Not because he has different opinions, he wants to argue about every topic.

You can. I just dont remember how.

if you click on anyone's name select "view public profile" then click "user lists"

and you can add to ignore list

i will actually make this a post and pin it

or go your your "usercp" and edit your ignore list to add people
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if you click on anyone's name select "view public profile" then click "user lists"

and you can add to ignore list

i will actually make this a post and pin it

or go your your "usercp" and edit your ignore list to add people

Thanks Boulder!!