The Beat Texas for Wayman Roll Call Thread

Went ahead and bought two more off stubhub. So me +3 now
Unable to attend, but made ABSOLUTELY sure that the corporate fat cats seats in the blue hair zone went to solid Sooners.

Best I could do!
A friend of mine and I will be arriving in Norman, Saturday
Me and the guy that sits in my section and yells "OU OU OU OU!" every game will be there.
Just bought and printed my ticket...gonna change my work schedule tomorrow for Saturday so that I am guaranteed to be there...
Me and the guy that sits in my section and yells "OU OU OU OU!" every game will be there.

I sit over in section S3 and everytime i hear that guy and try to glance fast enough over there and spot him. I have failed everytime
Be there in spirit, but got to be at Bedlam and support the Gals.

Boomer Sooner.
Be there in spirit, but got to be at Bedlam and support the Gals.

Boomer Sooner.

No offense, but I hope you are one of only a handful that do this. I think all big fans of OU (the school and its athletic department) should be at the LNC on Saturday if at all possible.
A friend of mine just texted me and said she'd be behind the shorthorn bench with her 3 sons and husband.
I suggested that spitwads and straws are sometimes acceptable gifts for your kids.
I will be there +1, we have to win this game for Wayman, I will be yelling like crazy.
No offense, but I hope you are one of only a handful that do this. I think all big fans of OU (the school and its athletic department) should be at the LNC on Saturday if at all possible.

Big Time, absolutely no offense taken, trust me I am as big a Wayman fan as anyone and I hope the LNC is standing room only and rockin in his honor. Saw him for the last time at the USC game last year.

Just have to support my girls. Will definitely be thinking about the Tis and everyone back at the LNC.
Leaving Dallas for Norman in about 2 hours.
I'll be there +1.