Just allow people to express their opinions, and don't get so upset or try to overanalyze it.
No one's asking anyone not to express their opinions, but it's how it's expressed that sometimes galls. I don't think anyone would object to complaints and critiques offered during and after a game like last night -- certainly no one would expect anyone to say "everything is great" during such a massacre -- but a little perspective and a modicum of civility is not so much to ask, even during a frustrating (to say the least) loss like that one.
I've long dreamed of a board that was divided in two (it applies more to the football boards than this one, but what the heck): A Glass Half Full board, and a Glass Half Empty one. Every member gets to pick which board they start in; it's totally their call. But enough down votes from other posters, and you automatically get moved to the other board.
So if a poster is pumping too much sunshine to suit the gloom-and-doomers, off he goes. And if someone is being too negative for the crimson-colored glasses crowd, he's banished to the other board.
Positive remarks would be allowed on the GHE board, but if one veers to far toward the sunshine and roses, they can send the poster packing. And negative comments and critiques would be allowed on the GHF board, too, but if one rails too harshly on the team or the number of complaining posts climbs too high, it's the GHE board for them for, say, three months. After three months, one can again choose to join the board one prefers, but one would still be subject to being booted.
I think it'd be an interesting experiment, if I do say myself, but I'm not nearly technical enough to implement it.