****The official ABD this team is terrible thread****

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He's waiting for the final buzzer to pounce like a cheetah.
what would you call this team then? right now they are terrible
Please. Someone point out a silver lining to what we are seeing from this OU basketball team. I am bummed out.

Now we will wait two days to watch OU play the local Alaska college team for last place. Oh boy.
I'm not saying they aren't terrible I. Just saying perhaps we should have 1 thread rather than ABD starting 10 different threads

I feel like I provide a plethora of interesting threads, but am willing to post everything in this one.
Please. Someone point out a silver lining to what we are seeing from this OU basketball team. I am bummed out.

Now we will wait two days to watch OU play the local Alaska college team for last place. Oh boy.
Pledger can shoot the ball and has a quick release.
That is it for silver lining.
Let this serveas the place for all stats, stories, etc.

Great Idea! He can put all his non logistical stats to say why OU is playing bad like Willie Warren being a volume shooter, Jeff Capel being a crappy coach without Blake, and Adrew Fitzgerald being a wasted scholarship in one thread!!!
Great Idea! He can put all his non logistical stats to say why OU is playing bad like Willie Warren being a volume shooter, Jeff Capel being a crappy coach without Blake, and Adrew Fitzgerald being a wasted scholarship in one thread!!!

And you can keep blindly pumping sunshine.

Perhaps I can start...Kelvin. Sampson would NOT be 2-3 with this team right now.
Please take down the rims for the next month during practice. PLEASE !
And you can keep blindly pumping sunshine.


I don't think I've ever predicted a win on any thread, kid. Be my guest and go find that post homie. Atleast do some research before you spot off.
Sad but true. This team would never start 2-3 under Kelvin. Kelvin's too good of a defensive coach for that.

We all can agree on that. Kelvin is as good as it gets with identifying personnel and making lemonade out of Lemons. Jameel Heywards, Selvys, Whites, and Johnnie Gilberts are guys who would be like Ray Willis and Hardrick on this team. Kelvin got good use out of those kids.
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