The Sooner Nation demands an apology, sys.

sys is a good poster on here.

thank you.

i post regularly on two kstate boards as well as here. i would like to think that there are posters on each of those boards that would opine similarly, despite the fact that there is very little that i place on any of the three boards that i would also post on one of the other two.
Do you make quips about the departed at funerals and refuse to apologize for or explain them? Do you expect the mourners within earshot to figure out your tone and intended meaning?

The posters on that poor excuse for a board you were hanging out on were trashing Austin Box mere days after his death. You either took part in speaking ill of the dead or made a glib comment on what the others were saying. If the former, you deserve whatever you're getting here. If the latter, you display a special brand of arrogance in characterizing your remark as "clever" and refusing to either explain or apologize for the post.

If you haven't learned by now that tone and attitude in text-based electronic communications -- whether on web boards, in emails or via texts and IMs -- is very often misunderstood, then you must be brand new to the online world. Sarcasm online is a tricky thing, indeed, and when it is used in a comment that -- on its surface, at least -- celebrates the death of a 22-year-old young man who was much beloved by so many, then it exhibits sheer stubbornness and even gall to pretend that clarifications, if not apologies, are not in order.

It seems clear now that you're claiming -- if only indirectly -- that you were commenting on the other posters' sentiments. I feel safe in assuming, given the intelligence exhibited in their posts, that the vast majority of them didn't grasp your meaning, that your oh-so-clever dig at them sailed right over their heads.

So nice job all the way around. You've offended many here, and your intended barb at those in the other community was so artfully subtle that they had no idea they'd been insulted.

Seems you missed the target in just about every way possible.

good lord. this is ridiculous and you have to know that. you have to.
i would take issue with your analogy.

I agree it's not an ideal analogy, but it works on this level: You know now, if you didn't before, that virtually everyone on the internet is "within earshot." There is no safe haven, and the notion of maintaining separate identities, especially under a shared handle, is a pipe dream.
furthermore, it is a board that is accustomed to frank, even shocking, opinion. i do not believe that my comment offended anyone within its intended audience; an opinion supported by the comments following my own.

Seriously, "Basically, everyone here is a total asshole and I just wanted to fit in and be a total asshole also" is about the least compelling argument I have ever heard in my life. This is the stuff of freshman dorm rooms.

i acknowledge that many posters here likely felt some connection with box, through following ou football, and that some smaller percentage may have had a more personal connection. i agree that it would have been insensitive to post irreverently about his death here, due to those reasons. however, i did not do that.

Honestly the idea that the only reason anyone would take issue with someone making fun of the death of a 22-year-old is because they like football is possibly the most offensive thing about all of this. Are you a human being?
Seriously, "Basically, everyone here is a total asshole and I just wanted to fit in and be a total asshole also" is about the least compelling argument I have ever heard in my life. This is the stuff of freshman dorm rooms.

i did not mean to bring up the board mores there to excuse myself; rather, to place my comment in context. there are a number of kstate boards with very different board cultures. i chose goemaw, i like it. if you view everyone there as an asshole, then it is entirely logical to view me in the same light.

Honestly the idea that the only reason anyone would take issue with someone making fun of the death of a 22-year-old is because they like football is possibly the most offensive thing about all of this. Are you a human being?

i did not mean that any person's life was valued or not due to football, only that box having played football for ou was presumably the avenue through which most people here felt a connection to him.
i can assure you that i would have preferred for my board personas to have remained separate.

Chances are no one would've made the connection if you didn't use the same name in both places.

Seriously... the internet isn't hard.
That's the whole basis of their board - to try and "out shock" the post above theirs. Its about as fake as their five minutes of fame with the octagon of doom.

Its what ive come to expect from second rate schools like Tech, OSU, and KSU. The worst that i've ever read on the internet was from an osu fan named megapoke on the old rivals board. The stuff he wrote about OU fans, players and coaches was morbid.
Why did you leave out Missouri?
there was a thread here discussing box, and i did not comment in it. i commented in a thread on a different board.

says it all... legit thread to discuss box on this board... or a degrading thread to discus box on another board... you chose the other...
the context being: that it was not placed anywhere with an intent to offend, if that was not clear.

You can talk about context and audience all you want, but there is no way you can make a comment like that and expect people to not be offended.

It doesn't matter if you liked him, hated him, hate the Sooners, were trying to fit in with the emaw group, or were just trying to get attention, you just don't make comments like that about a recently deceased young man. Your parents should have taught you that.

If you don't think it's offensive, say it somewhere in public, an ass kicking will be handed to you immediately.
Was that for me abd? I didn't say I would kick his ass. I said somebody probably would. Wasn't trying to be a tough guy.
You can tell by his responses in this thread that the guy is so full of ****.
i will not apologize for my remark, nor explain it.

i respect this board enough to assume that most of you can figure out my tone & intended meaning for yourselves if you read the thread with that intent. if not, perhaps sam, or someone else familiar with goemaw and it's posters, will explain it; i don't believe that i should have to. i actually thought (still think) that it was a relatively clever comment, in it's brevity if nothing else.

as far as banning me, i've enjoyed this board very much, and would like to continue to have the opportunity to comment on ou, kstate and the big 12 in general at this site. but if having to censor myself on kstate boards is a condition of participating here, then i would obviously choose the kstate boards over ouhoops.

Let me explain to you what people infer from this comment. I don't care if I offended you. I am too stubborn and too immature to appologize. Quite frankly I am above being judged by all of you.

Perhaps you should have tried this:

My comments were meant to be clever and I think they have been taken out of context. With that said, to the extent I offended anyone I appologize. I certainly did not mean to disrespect the memory of Austin Box, his family or anyone else. I am truly sorry that I did offend people.

It really isn't hard and you would have come across as a much better person.
Listen, the things I said while I was at my KKK meeting were said in the presence of a bunch of Klan members, who I knew wouldn't take offense. Therefore, what I said should not be held against me.