Tickets available for Texas Tech Saturday


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Feb 17, 2015
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I will not be able to make it down this weekend for the game. I have two good lower level seats, behind the OU bench. If anyone is interested, send me a private message and I'll be glad to accept any reasonable offer as long as I know they will go to a couple Sooner fans!
This isn't about you, Wichita, but is more meant as a general comment. No one should be expected to attend every game and, if I could make it, I'd gladly take you up on your generous offer.

With all the complaining some do here about the players and the coaches, I wonder why no one ever seems to complain about the fans not really showing up for a really important Big Monday game against Iowa St (for example). There were thousands of empty seats at Monday's game and the crowd seemed nearly silent on TV. Home games are worth 4-8 points for the home team and it's reasonable to wonder if OU would have won Monday night with an arena full of noisy Sooner fans. With this team's legacy, reputation, and ability, fans should get out and support them.
Completely agree. And it always is frustrating to see other schools where the fans and students show up and make a difference. Most recent example was Illinois. They are beyond terrible this season, but had a packed student section that was loud and absolutely impacted the game against Michigan St on Tuesday. We are far better than Illinois and probably didn't even have a hundred students there Monday. And yes, I know we are in a slump and played awful against Baylor and KSU, and that's on the players. But I absolutely had the same thought about whether the result would have been different had it not basically been a neutral floor Monday.
Well, Illinois is 4-8 in conference play and we are 3-7 so if they're beyond terrible, I don't wanna know what we are!

But I do agree. OU's crowds have looked and sounded very embarrassing all season, particularly the students who have been given free tickets for multiple games.

However, Illinois has mastered the art of hiding their arena's emptiness on TV. The arena is actually bigger than the LNC, but the camera angles are tight, the student section is small-ish and perfectly placed, the crowd is very close to the court, etc.

All of the problems with the LNC that we have discussed ad nauseam have been mastered by Illinois.
I have no idea what Illinois situation is re: arena location, but I would bet on the whole that there is a very strong correlation between student housing distance from the arena and student attendance.
If I lived in the area, I'd be at all or most of the games...
If I lived in the area, I'd be at all or most of the games...

Yep. Students who won't drive a mile to attend games obviously just don't give a crap about the team. Those people wouldn't go to the games if the arena was inside the dorma. Plus at most schools, the majority of students don't even live on campus after freshman year.
ksu's stadium isn't anywhere near campus..well, pretty far north. Not close to dorms or greek housing.

The student section is pretty full most of the time.

Yes, I realize it's the only gig in town and they are in 1st place...but they usually are middle of the pack type of team.
There’s no excuse for the pathetic turn out at ou games, especially for the students.
There’s no excuse for the pathetic turn out at ou games, especially for the students.

It's never been a big emphasis in the OU culture nor in the Oklahoma culture. We've had some stretches with good attendance but it's more of a bandwagon thing.

It's just a fact. It could be different but it's not and that is a growing trend in the game. We've been beating this horse since 95 on the internet. We're not gonna change it and arguing about it is pointless.
There’s no excuse for the pathetic turn out at ou games, especially for the students.

As of February 2019, there is a solid reason for poor attendance. Crappy basketball played by the home team. As I type this, the Sooners are down by 17 points with 4 minutes remaining in the 1st half. This is difficult to watch on TV. It must be like torture to be there in person.

Maybe the OU fans inside the LNC will be treated to a great exciting comeback. I hope so.

Most students and grads seem to agree. There are more fun things to do on a Saturday afternoon than to watch a once fine basketball program play poor uninspired basketball in February. In person or on TV; who wants to be disappointed, game after game after game.
As of February 2019, there is a solid reason for poor attendance. Crappy basketball played by the home team. As I type this, the Sooners are down by 17 points with 4 minutes remaining in the 1st half. This is difficult to watch on TV. It must be like torture to be there in person.

Maybe the OU fans inside the LNC will be treated to a great exciting comeback. I hope so.

Most students and grads seem to agree. There are more fun things to do on a Saturday afternoon than to watch a once fine basketball program play poor uninspired basketball in February. In person or on TV; who wants to be disappointed, game after game after game.

I think the point is there are fanbases with significantly worse teams and programs that support their team much better than our ****ty fans do.
As of February 2019, there is a solid reason for poor attendance. Crappy basketball played by the home team. As I type this, the Sooners are down by 17 points with 4 minutes remaining in the 1st half. This is difficult to watch on TV. It must be like torture to be there in person.

Maybe the OU fans inside the LNC will be treated to a great exciting comeback. I hope so.

Most students and grads seem to agree. There are more fun things to do on a Saturday afternoon than to watch a once fine basketball program play poor uninspired basketball in February. In person or on TV; who wants to be disappointed, game after game after game.

The quality of the team boosts attendance very minimally

It was empty each of the last 2 years at 12-1
Might help to have a coach that actually has a personality.

Look, Lon Kruger is a good man. He was the right coach for the job when Joe C. brought him to OU. But he isn't the coach we need going forward. We need somebody with some charisma. Somebody that can win games without a roster full of 4/5* talent. Somebody who knows how to build a roster over the long-term, and isn't always in panic mode.

Next year doesn't look much better. I know some of you are excited about the recruits coming in, but none of them are good enough to change this team's outlook materially.
I think the point is there are fanbases with significantly worse teams and programs that support their team much better than our ****ty fans do.

The quality of the team boosts attendance very minimally
It was empty each of the last 2 years at 12-1

Good points. I had season tickets for more than 30 years and complained endlessly on various OU basketball message boards about the lack of fan support. After decades of never missing a home game, I have fallen off the wagon in the past few years. My former seats now are empty. Looking at reality, the program is on the decline. My interest in college basketball is waning. Change is needed, but even that may not be enough for me. I'm losing enthusiasm for the game. OU basketball is becoming boring, even on TV.

Joe C. needs to earn his salary this off season, for the sake of men and women's basketball. He needs to light a fire under the arse of both head coaches, or start over with new coaches.
Much of the problem is lack of wisdom by Joe C. A friend tells me he bought season tickets a few years ago when they were offering upper corner seats for about $100 per season. He kept those a couple of years and enjoyed attending when possible. He figured if he could attend 6 or 7 games per year, he was getting a pretty good deal. He knew he could not attend every game due to weather, busy schedule, out of town business, etc.

After a couple of years they bumped his price to $160 or so as I recall him saying. He kept those that year, although he wondered if it was worth it at $50 or #60 per game he & his wife could attend. Then the next year they upped them to about $200 as I recall. He just said "enough is enough". Now he was paying as much as $70 for them to attend the ones he could get to. It wasn't as much the amount as the fact he could always find tickets cheaper for every game he could get to. So he dropped them.

He says the outcome was that it is far easier to think "well, I'm too busy this time" when you need to run down tickets. If they are sitting on your desk, it is much easier to decide to attend.

When you can't fill the place, keep the fans who are paying, attending the games. It just makes sense. If you get to where you can fill the arena, raise the price. Otherwise just accept that as the AD you decided "I like empty seats and a half empty arena." This is not rocket science. Once you get them in the arena, you are also going to get another 30 - 40 bucks on overpriced refreshments.
OU tickets are insanely cheap. Anyone who thinks otherwise should compare other programs.